Redeeming Love
Author: | |
Reginald C. Kimbro, b. 1962 |
Musician: | |
Mac Lynch, b. 1953 |
Men speak of love, an earthly love, it's mentioned more each day; Yet many spurn the greatest love and go in their own way. The greatest love is this, that God spared not so great a cost, And sent His Son to buy us back, to save us who were lost.
Refrain: Redeeming love, a greater love no man can e'er impart; Redeeming love, one never knows till Christ is in his heart.
No man can see a greater love, no book can e'er record, No sacrifice can be compared to that of our dear Lord. Christ died for us and rose again; the debt of sin was paid. To trust in Him, a step of faith is all that must be made.