Jesus Is Our Shepherd
Author: | |
Hugh Stowell, 1799-1865, alt. |
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Bible Class Magazine, 1860 |
Jesus is our Shepherd, His the voice we hear; Folded in His bosom, What have we to fear? Only let us follow Whither He doth lead, To the thirsty desert, Or the dewy mead.
Jesus is our Shepherd: Well we know His voice; How its gentlest whisper Makes our hearts rejoice! Even when He chideth, Tender is His tone: None but He shall guide us; We are His alone.
Jesus is our Shepherd: For the sheep He bled; Ev'ry lamb is sprinkled With the blood He shed; Then on each He setteth His own sacred sign: "They that have My Spirit, These," saith He, "are Mine."
Jesus is our Shepherd: Guarded by His arm, Though the wolves may threaten, None can do us harm; When we tread death's valley, Dark with fearful gloom, We will fear no evil, Victors o'er the tomb.