Cleansing for Me
Author: Herbert H. Booth, 1862-1926
Musician: H. T. Bayly

Lord, thro' the Blood of the Lamb that was slain
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
From all the guilt of my sins now I claim
Cleansing from Thee, cleansing from Thee.
Sinful and black tho' the past may have been,
Many the crushing defeats I have seen,
Yet on Thy promise, O Lord, now I lean:
Cleansing for me, for me!

From all the sins over which I have wept
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
Far, far away, by the Blood— current swept;
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
Jesus, Thy promise I dare to believe,
And as I come Thou dost now me receive,
That over sin I may never more grieve:
Cleansing for me, for me!

From all the doubts that have filled me with gloom
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
From all the fears that would point me to doom
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
Jesus, altho' I may not understand,
In child-like faith now I put forth my hand,
And thro' Thy Word and Thy grace I shall stand,
Cleansed by Thee, by Thee.

From all the care of what men think or say
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
From ever fearing to speak, sing, or pray
Cleansing for me, cleansing for me!
Lord, in Thy love and Thy pow'r make me strong,
That all may know that to Thee I belong;
When I am tempted, let this be my song:
Cleansing for me, for me!