Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dale Smith | Rockford, Illinois
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Dale Smith | Acts 19:1 - 19:2
Dale Smith | Acts 19:1 - 19:2 SUN 03/09/2025
Allen Huber | Proverbs 14:33 - 14:33 THU 03/06/2025
Dale Smith | Luke 15:11 - 15:24 MON 03/03/2025
Dale Smith | Luke 15:11 - 15:24 SUN 03/02/2025
Allen Huber | Proverbs 14:32 - 14:32 THU 02/27/2025
K Cubine from Seattle, WA
I really liked your sermon called Behave in the Cave. I appreciated the cultural aspect of the story which I would have not...
Steve Tigner
| Life Of David
MARCH 2025 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Sun Mar 9
// 6:57 PM - 7:36 PM
5 viewers
Sun Mar 9
// 11:36 AM - 1:08 PM
8 viewers
Sun Mar 9
// 10:29 AM - 11:12 AM
2 viewers
Wed Mar 5
// 7:37 PM - 8:44 PM
5 viewers
Sun Mar 2
// 6:55 PM - 7:55 PM
2 viewers
Sun Mar 2
// 11:37 AM - 12:53 PM
4 viewers
If you are looking for a church that affirms the sole authority of the Holy Scriptures for all of faith and practice, the pre-eminence of the preaching of the Word of God, the glorious truths of salvation called the Doctrines of Grace, the necessity and responsibility of evangelism and a serious... ( more.. )
Sunday 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sunday (and 4th, if 5 Sundays in the month) 9:30 AM Sunday School (No Sunday School during summer) 10:40 AM Morning Worship 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting 4th Sunday (or 5th, if 5 Sundays in the month) 10:40 AM Morning Worship Corporate Lunch and Fellowship 1:40 PM Prayer Meeting Wednesdays 1st, 2nd, 4th Wednesdays 7:00 PM Bible study 3rd Wednesday 7:00 PM Hymn Sing The Lord's Supper 1st Sunday Morning Monthly
Grace Reformed Baptist Church 6310 Guilford Rd Rockford, IL 61107
Grace Reformed Baptist Church PO Box 2246 Rockford, IL 61131-0246