Grace Baptist Church of Leavenworth
Gordon Champion | Leavenworth, Indiana
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Gordon Champion | Pastoral Mentoring Class
Gordon Champion | Pastoral Mentoring Class SUN 11/20/2016
Gordon Champion | The Gospel of John SAT 11/19/2016
Creston Thomas | Matthew 5:4 SAT 11/19/2016
Creston Thomas | Matthew 5:3 TUE 11/08/2016
James Grant | Pastoral Mentoring Class SUN 10/30/2016
Interesting Sermon, in other version of the bible the word used as an exception is Fiornication and not Sexual immortality which...
Gordon Champion
| The Gospel of Matthew
By God's grace we are a new church planted to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. We are reformed, baptistic and confessional, holding to the doctrines of grace, the regulative principle of worship, and the 1689 London Baptist Confession of faith. ( more.. )
Lord's Days: Prayer Meeting 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Fellowship Meal 11:45 AM Bible Study 1:00 PM
Grace Baptist Church of Leavenworth Meeting at Leavenworth Community Center 529 Old State Hwy 62 Leavenworth, IN 47137
Grace Baptist Church of Leavenworth PO Box 263 Leavenworth, IN 47137-0263