Sovereign Grace URC is looking forward to hosting a Young Adult Hymn sing Sunday October 10 at 8:00pm. Please join us for a night of singing and fellowship! You are more than welcome to attend the Sovereign Grace evening service which begins at 5:30pm. We will have a meal after the service starting at 7:15pm. If you plan to stay for the meal, please bring a snack or side to pass. We pray that God would be glorified throughout the evening. Feel free to invite friends!
Sovereign Grace URC is looking forward to hosting a Young Adult Hymn sing Sunday October 10 at 8:00pm. Please join us for a night of singing and fellowship! You are more than welcome to attend the Sovereign Grace evening service which begins at 5:30pm. We will have a meal after the service starting at 7:15pm. If you plan to stay for the meal, please bring a snack or side to pass. We pray that God would be glorified throughout the evening. Feel free to invite friends!