On our website (http://www.kingdombaptist.org), there is detailed information concerning hotels, etc. in Mansfield. Also, we have some people that are willing to host some individuals or families, if you would like to stay with someone.
We are planning on providing some great physical food, and there will be a lot of great spiritual food! We have a great line-up of speakers. And we are still working on the exact schedule.
We hope you will plan on attending! This will be a good time to ask questions and grow in this important subject of Kingdom prizes and warnings. We are commanded to seek the Kingdom of God FIRST in our lives (Matthew 6:33). God tells us that when we seek His wisdom more than money, etc., we will then understand the FEAR OF THE LORD (Proverbs 2:4-5)! Jesus also tells us that some will understand "the word of the Kingdom," (Matthew 13:19), yet they will lose it when they are persecuted or afflicted for the truth's sake (Mark 4:17). Others will simply have the truth choked by the cares or riches of this world (Matthew 13:22). Therefore, be encouraged in the Lord, and plan today to meet with us in March - unless the Lord comes beforehand!
On our website (http://www.kingdombaptist.org), there is detailed information concerning hotels, etc. in Mansfield. Also, we have some people that are willing to host some individuals or families, if you would like to stay with someone.
We are planning on providing some great physical food, and there will be a lot of great spiritual food! We have a great line-up of speakers. And we are still working on the exact schedule.
We hope you will plan on attending! This will be a good time to ask questions and grow in this important subject of Kingdom prizes and warnings. We are commanded to seek the Kingdom of God FIRST in our lives (Matthew 6:33). God tells us that when we seek His wisdom more than money, etc., we will then understand the FEAR OF THE LORD (Proverbs 2:4-5)! Jesus also tells us that some will understand "the word of the Kingdom," (Matthew 13:19), yet they will lose it when they are persecuted or afflicted for the truth's sake (Mark 4:17). Others will simply have the truth choked by the cares or riches of this world (Matthew 13:22). Therefore, be encouraged in the Lord, and plan today to meet with us in March - unless the Lord comes beforehand!
Kingdom Baptist Church 700 Cordes Dr Venus, TX 76084
If you are a pastor, missionary, or evangelist, etc., and you believe in Millennial exclusion/chastisement for unfaithful Christians at the Judgment Seat, please contact Joey Faust if you are interested in speaking.