Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther’s 95 theses ignited a refining fire under the Church.
This document challenged the Roman Catholic practice of promoting self-righteousness and the sale of indulgences to secure salvation – a practice which had developed as men moved away from the true teaching of Scripture and instead embraced their own traditions. The biblical concept of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) was needed to burn away the dross that had infiltrated church doctrine. Is this principle of the Protestant Reformation just a relic of history, or does the modern church still need the refining influence of Sola Scriptura?
Five hundred years later, modern Christianity has all the remnants of ancient corruption: mysticism, legalism, Gnosticism, statism, etc. These ideas still shape the patterns of daily living and worship for many professing believers rather than the truths of Scripture. It is our confession that: “Holy Scripture is our only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.” (2nd London Baptist Confession, Chapter 1).
**Join us October 20-21, 2017**, as we fan the flame of our faith by reminding ourselves of the importance of the Word of God. Semper Reformanda 2017 will be focused on the topic of “Holy Scripture”. Guest speakers **Rich Barcellos, Voddie Baucham, and Guy Waters** will discuss topics this topic.
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther’s 95 theses ignited a refining fire under the Church.
This document challenged the Roman Catholic practice of promoting self-righteousness and the sale of indulgences to secure salvation – a practice which had developed as men moved away from the true teaching of Scripture and instead embraced their own traditions. The biblical concept of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) was needed to burn away the dross that had infiltrated church doctrine. Is this principle of the Protestant Reformation just a relic of history, or does the modern church still need the refining influence of Sola Scriptura?
Five hundred years later, modern Christianity has all the remnants of ancient corruption: mysticism, legalism, Gnosticism, statism, etc. These ideas still shape the patterns of daily living and worship for many professing believers rather than the truths of Scripture. It is our confession that: “Holy Scripture is our only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.” (2nd London Baptist Confession, Chapter 1).
**Join us October 20-21, 2017**, as we fan the flame of our faith by reminding ourselves of the importance of the Word of God. Semper Reformanda 2017 will be focused on the topic of “Holy Scripture”. Guest speakers **Rich Barcellos, Voddie Baucham, and Guy Waters** will discuss topics this topic.