The Gadsden Primitive Baptist Church invites you to attend our 2008 Singing School. We will learn to sing the dear old hymns a cappella by using shape notes (Do, Re, Mi…). Our dynamic and engaging teacher, Elder Tim Cannon of Burnsville, MS, has taught numerous singing schools around the country. He is also an accomplished musician and composer. His desire to worship God in music is very contagious. The classes are profitable for all ages and experience levels: pre-school, elementary, high school/adult.
The Gadsden Primitive Baptist Church invites you to attend our 2008 Singing School. We will learn to sing the dear old hymns a cappella by using shape notes (Do, Re, Mi…). Our dynamic and engaging teacher, Elder Tim Cannon of Burnsville, MS, has taught numerous singing schools around the country. He is also an accomplished musician and composer. His desire to worship God in music is very contagious. The classes are profitable for all ages and experience levels: pre-school, elementary, high school/adult.
Gadsden Primitive Baptist Church 432 Broad Street, Suite A Gadsden, AL 35901
We look forward to your attendance. Please invite anyone you feel would enjoy this school. See the "Click here for more info" web link above for specific times. We do ask that you let us know if you plan to attend. There is no fee for the school, but donations to help defray the costs will be greatly appreciated.