Covenant Presbyterian Church |
Peder Kling | Amsterdam, New York
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: covpresamsterdam | Set MyChurch Code#: 25995 |
NEWEST Peder Kling | Genesis
|  | Peder Kling | First Corinthians | 
SUN 03/09/2025 |
| |  | Peder Kling | Genesis | 
SUN 03/09/2025 |
| |  | Peder Kling | Galatians | 
SUN 03/02/2025 |
| |  | Peder Kling | Sunday - PM | 
SUN 02/23/2025 |
| |  | Peder Kling | Galatians | 
SUN 02/23/2025 |
 | Covenant Presbyterian Church is an Orthodox Presbyterian Church holding to The Westminster Confession of Faith. ( more.. )
Sunday School: 9:00 Worship Service: 10:15 Fellowship Hour: 11:45 |
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Covenant Presbyterian Church
9 Trinity Place
Amsterdam, NY 12010

