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Sermon3/9/2022 11:25 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good evening Itā€™s late but can you guide me to how you would start with the ā€œ read with me ā€œ and what spiral are you using ? Thank you Prentiss Yeates

Sermon12/19/2021 3:53 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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God's Stupendous Covenant Love
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Great Sermon! ”
An absolute blessing to hear from Dr. Beeke . I have stood at the gate looking for my prodigal since 2018, and have handed him to the Lord, I will continue to pray as have I have idea how one could cast off a salvation for the world, unless it was not taken when offered .

News Item1/9/2021 1:13 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I have vented a great deal against Mr. Trump,out of anger , grief and frustration. But I am also aware that multiple conservatives are being censored by google, Twitter , Instagram , Facebook etc. Weā€™ve entered a very dark period- censorship is very evident in totalitarian regimes. Iā€™d like to ask the moderator from SA-how safe are the IP addresses from individuals posting on this opinion site? It probably is a good idea to put in place safeguards for the individuals posting to comment section- or to no longer provide the option to comment- to keep people safe. Good night and God bless.

News Item1/8/2021 6:37 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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That why we need church based scholarships for bible colleges- probably will not work at liberty or southeastern theological seminary

News Item1/8/2021 10:39 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Cv- you donā€™t know me anymore tan I know you- And Iā€™m very much aware of the judgement thatā€™s coming
but if we all unlatched had our lips from Trumps back end we might have seen that putting Trump ahead of God was a absolute sin.

News Item1/7/2021 6:37 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I concur- Godā€™s judgment has been here for quite some time. Abortion, the sexual revolution corruption loss of wars, men and women maimed or killed. Weā€™re a nation of more laws than sense and still we think we can continue to legislate morality. Abortion is a judicial form of legislating morality. Suing a bakery by demanding make a cake celebrating sodomy is legislating morality, having insurance companies and insured pay for
Transgender surgery or demanding 17 year old boys in dresses shower with 17 year old girls is legislating morality. But truthfully, most the people who I work for voted for Biden and up till 11:45 pm on November 6, 2020 , Biden was ahead in Texas. If you canā€™t seriously prove voter fraud, and I mean everyone knows that on this date, voter ballots were fraudulent. And Iā€™m on the Drudge Report and havenā€™t seen anything that screams , here is voter fraud. If there were loopholes in Blue states, then why didnā€™t Trump stop tweeting for one week to address this? He had 4 years. When we suffer from this debacle, then itā€™s on Trump. He let us down He cared more about Qnon than the United States citizens. He just is an old man who in 1988- 8 years of Reagan, thought we were being shafted. 8 years of Reagan, and Trump thought Reagan had shafted the American citi

News Item1/7/2021 10:50 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Is there a possibility that both Trump and his followers are wrong. The RNC got beat by tamping down their own RNC voters with the idea that their votes didnā€™t matter. Thus, RNC voters didnā€™t show up. Also, what in Lazarusā€™s name was to be end game for all this.
Iā€™m a teacher, if I told all the students at lunch time that the principal was against all students and they needed to head to his office and voice their complaints- the students will follow my instructions and break in his office and fists will fly. Understanding how mobs work is quite incredible. As Himmler said you can repeat a lie enough times till it becomes the truth.
If you get enough daylight between this political era and more into the Bible- you might see that thereā€™s a very good reason to become separate from the world weā€™re involved in. Is this our home, have we not had a gracious God bless us, and if all you tulip types talk about God being sovereign, then whoā€™s in charge- the MAGA wearing knuckle draggers or foul smelling dope infused ANTIFA- or our Lord in heaven.

News Item1/6/2021 9:51 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Will do- and for our country . Like I said a sobering passage in the Bible is Proverbs 29.

News Item1/6/2021 9:02 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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How about we concentrate on presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our neighbors, mine sells dope out of their house and uses foul language every Friday night. If it werenā€™t for the fact they vandalized my house and I could go on.. I have a lot of work ahead of me if I really believe in what I just said.

News Item1/6/2021 7:31 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I ordered and received a copy of the 1948 Broadman Baptist hymnal. No NIV, no Darlene Zcscech, no CCM, just as it was before , even before the Gaithers.

News Item1/6/2021 7:23 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Umm on second thought.., after the Trump thugs took over the capital, this ainā€™t going to end well for the Trump family, the RNC or us.
Everyone, please, tonight need to read Proverbs 29. Thereā€™s a good chance this book has been prophetic-
ā€And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up , and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nighā€
Luke 21:28.

News Item1/6/2021 7:11 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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After the takeover by the thugs today at the capital, donā€™t be surprised if weā€™re all on a railroad car to a Christian reservation.

News Item1/3/2021 2:40 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The second story noted that thousands of pastors and laymen are going into hiding and how in Chinese schools textbooks they are discrediting Lord Jesus by using John 8:3-11, to state Jesus was a murderer of the women found in adutrery . Of interest is how pastors have smashed their phones, pulled SIM cards from computers or identification cards.
Years ago I bought a bible book of maps. In the binding of the book was a tightly rolled peace of paper with a hand written note in Chinese. How I wished I could have found out the meaning of that note. American Christians best become very wise on how to live in a perverse world. With Pete Buttijeg as transportation secretary, whoā€™s to say how one can travel or how commerce can travel ( food), without federal approval? Buttegig is a lost soul in power, much like the pedophila tendencies of the Nazi party.

News Item1/1/2021 6:58 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Public schools in large metropolitan areas are basically a tramway to prison. If Covid taught us anything is.. - you too , can homeschool

News Item1/1/2021 12:04 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Most abortion clinic have a crematorium- that way the larger babies are either sold off piece by piece or cremated to stem the the crime scene.

News Item12/31/2020 11:59 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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New Mexico was locked down in March 2020. And has not been unlocked since. People will rebe., especially in a state thatā€™s seen more demoncratic Governors, legislators and judges than the election of FDR. The state of New Mexico has become a prison- no one getting out and no one coming in either. My wife and I wanted to go to the mountains this past summer to NM. But The Governor ordered visiting tourists to self quarantine for 2 weeks or be fined and escorted out of state by their version of the highway patrol. But in NM any chance of seeing a highway patrol on the highway outside of any city from Santa Fe, Albuquerque or even Roswell is slim to none. We didnā€™t go , had friends say they were thinking of taping over the Texas license plate , the Governor set up road blocks outside of Gallup, to keep Arizonans out . Nothing welcome at the land of enchantment. Lockdowns havenā€™t stemmed the out break or death rates. But, boy, she must have hopes for higher office- the citizens can only hope.

News Item12/31/2020 11:36 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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LifeWay has also noted that the Bible most Americans reach for is ... the authorized version of the Bible. Yes, the NIV is the most sold, but apparently the most reached for is the KJV. Itā€™s not a sect, itā€™s just what people have around at the home. Iā€™ve always looked at the KJV as a translation and everything else a paraphrase.

News Item12/30/2020 8:29 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Reagan called the Soviet Union an evil Empire in the 1980ā€™s, thus delegitimizing the nationā€™s state. Trump tried to go after China on trade and China released a virus that has killed 310,000 people and in turn, shell shocked Americans voted in a pro Chinese communist demoncratic president.
But all is well, the Biden and Harris presendentcy will be a failure. And the smartest son of a president will end up in prison- just not a USA prison.

News Item12/25/2020 11:03 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The WHO trusted China that Covid was transmitted human to human, then scolded the sceptical that we needed to trust the science-Science says trust cloth masks that will shield people from a virus that measures (1 microns.). Please, and 81 million people voted to put Biden in office so Kamela Harris can be president in 18 months. Meh!

News Item12/25/2020 3:53 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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We do have a president elect who warned that dark days were ahead. Old Biden ran a campaign saying he was the hope and light. Goes to Mass each week. That said- there isnā€™t any leader put in place that God hasnā€™t ordained. And thatā€™s how Iā€™ve gotten through this monstrosity of an election. Because God sovereign, we of all men should have hope. Chasing after the burnt oil light of our country and all the deceit and deception should never be a substitute for the loving arms of a good and gracious Lord God. Biden loves China, but we will serve the Lord.
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