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News Item7/2/19 10:16 PM
Stranger  Find all comments by Stranger
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Christopher000 wrote:
James Wrote:
"I've read through most of the posts but I haven't seen anyone mention that Cornelius
possibly was a "stranger"?"
Hi James, I don't understand...a stranger in the land? A stranger to those who were with him?
A stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. Not of the seed of Jacob.

News Item8/17/17 3:36 PM
Stranger | Earth  Find all comments by Stranger
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Perhaps someone needs to paint a huge mural or build a huge monument to all those who fought in the Civil War. Somewhat on the scale of the 911 Memorial listing the names of those who died at the hands of those who think they can murder with impunity.

Or make even a humongous jigsaw puzzle, with the faces of the deceased loved ones, where we all can participate in putting the pieces together. Have protesters of all sorts participate so they can feel a great sense of loss experienced by all.

If we got just a glimpse of how many lives died and die even now needlessly, perhaps our conscience will be pricked again into reality.

And lets all stop participating in accentuating negativity. There are those of us who are willing to talk with anyone willing to solve issues our children will otherwise face.

Sermon8/15/17 12:15 PM
Stranger | USA  Find all comments by Stranger
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Friendship with the World (Pt.1)
Dr. Steve Hereford
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks Cathy for the post. Imagine Christians aligning themselves with those causing dissention and devisiveness. Always seeking to rob his fellow man; in and out of the church. The world loves Christmas as well as Christians. They will celebrate together. Both love Sunday football. Both love parades that have all kinds of people mixed in. Both love statues and monuments.

News Item8/15/17 12:05 PM
Stranger | USA  Find all comments by Stranger
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Ignominious Emirakan wrote:
2Cor5:12Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Ps91:5"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
1Pet3:14"But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;"
Scale of terror- Islam scary
--apostasy and corruption more so.
Ignominious Emirakan | Error terror

And the KKK, etc understand terror. They use the same tactics. At its inception they terrorized immigrants and if you didn't agree with them then you were maimed, or killed. Your house or business was burned to the ground.

Racists understand terror as well as Islamist.

News Item8/15/17 11:59 AM
Stranger | USA  Find all comments by Stranger
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Ignominious Emirakan | Error terror

SO Ignominious, WHAT should we do now! Give this land back to the Indians and let them become leaders is the only reasonable solution.

News Item8/14/17 7:06 PM
Stranger | Earth  Find all comments by Stranger
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I wonder just how many of those gathered in Charlottesville, VA protesting the removal of a statue of a hate-filled racist, Robert E. Lee, protested the removal of Saddam Hussein and other hate-filled murderers?

Also, during the campaign many said that Trump was a racist while others denied or either could not see this truth. Well, David Duke confirmed that Trump is racist.

This wimp occupying the presidency will probably be the cause of many of our loved ones being murdered in the streets. There just might be the loss of businesses and homes. Think of what we are doing not openly addressing this evil confronting us.

We sit before out TVs like a frog in a slow heating pot.

For those opposing Trump supporters, they should have stayed home in order that the deeds of even some of our neighbors would become manifest. Let haters be exposed for who they are.

Blog6/23/17 2:24 PM
Stranger | Haltom City  Find all comments by Stranger
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I have met the "ex-wife" / victim of one of these God Men. For mercy's sake PLEASE find the recently "exed" wife and truly help her. Save her from the viciously cruel and hopeless "future" this "God Man" has dealt to this little wife and mother of over two decades.

News Item10/12/16 10:41 PM
Stranger | Another Kingdom  Find all comments by Stranger
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by Mark Heard.
Some say that God has approved of their mob
Esteeming their purposes alone
Choosing sides with a definite pride
And taking their cause for His own
Everybody loves a holy war
Draw the line and claim divine assistance
Slay the ones who show the most resistance
Everybody loves a holy war

Many's the man with the iron hand
Supposing his own thoughts to be Divine
He will break any bond-
'cause the other man's always wrong
It's a handy excuse for his crimes

Everybody loves a holy war
Draw the line and claim divine protection
Kill the ones who show the most objection
Everybody loves a holy war

Dissident cries are met with cold eyes
And treatment the devil would get
Righteousness and truth
can be weapons in the hands of fools
While innocents go to their deaths

Everybody loves a holy war
Draw the line and claim divine assistance
Slay the ones who show the most resistance
Everybody loves a holy war

News Item10/11/16 11:14 PM
Stranger | Another Kingdom  Find all comments by Stranger
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Ok penned, show us your scriptures.

No one said "sin."

News Item10/11/16 11:12 PM
Stranger | Another Kingdom  Find all comments by Stranger
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Point made, you can't show beyond the first chapters...

News Item10/11/16 9:40 PM
Stranger | Another Kingdom  Find all comments by Stranger
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Our family went through this hurricane... 17 miles from the coast and it was relentless for 6 hours straight. It is only by the mercy of God that it wasn't worse. It changed us and we will no longer water down or fluff the truth of God's Holy Word. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God!

News Item10/11/16 9:33 PM
Stranger | Another Kingdom  Find all comments by Stranger
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Show me in scripture where ANYONE ever celebrated the birth of Jesus, after it was told. Was it commanded? Did the disciples? Paul? The church at Corinth?

No, you won't find it...

News Item10/11/16 9:27 PM
Stranger | Another Kingdom  Find all comments by Stranger
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Do not kid yourselves. Regardless of whom is chosen to head this country, nothing will change. Wickedness and depravity will continue unabated. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. True Christians have no place in politics. It goes completely against what Jesus taught us. Consider for once... what if Jesus really meant what He said?

News Item1/2/15 4:22 PM
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Frank wrote:
Well I, like many others, have family members who are living in homosexual relationships.
Frank. As Jesus declares HE did not come to bring peace - But division. Which is something as Christians we all experience and find out sooner or later.
I suppose the reality is that we Christians do learn the hard way that we live in a fallen world and will suffer persecution. We are strangers in a strange land.

Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

News Item3/30/12 10:04 AM
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Grapple wrote:
Then put the Bible in prison for 6 years.
What planet are you from?

Satan, sin and society has had the Bible in prison for thousands of years!

13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

News Item10/14/11 12:00 PM
stranger  Find all comments by stranger
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PLE wrote:
1. How does a denomination know when to stop handing out too much grace

2. the most conservative of Reformed churches

1. Grace can only come from God!! - NOT from a church. (Not even from your papal antichrist).

2. The CofS is not conservative - not Reformed and therefore definitely NOT Christian.

Ministers and other Christians leaving the CofS is a small 'Reformation' in a way. As you know the 16th century Reformation ordained by God, removed the Christians from the Roman Catholic false religion. Today we see a similar action in that Bible Christians, who know that Sola Scriptura is a divine gift, and remove themselves from the abomination promoters. That which is left will be like the RCC, - The blind leading the blind.

Thus does God continue to work amongst His Remnant.

The Disruption in 1843 saw the Biblical Christians leave the CofS and become the "Free Church" - But even they are succumbing to the Liberal agenda. This is a sign of the times which we live in. The Protestant Church is under attack and as we have observed in previous generations the true Church will come under Satan's attack and the trial of faith continues unabated.

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