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3/12/14 3:23 PM |
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The reason why the Baptists don't like circumcision is because it demonstrates the heresy of their Tradition. If the Baptists were to accept circumcision for exactly and Biblically what it really is - Then they would have to give up their Anabaptist man made invention of Baptist ideology go back to the Bible and join a Presbyterian Church."There is now no difficulty in seeing wherein the two signs (Circumcision/Baptism) agree, and wherein they differ. The promise, in which we have shown that the power of the signs consists, is one in both, viz., the promise of the paternal favour of God, of forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. And the thing figured is one and the same, viz., regeneration. The foundation on which the completion of these things depends is one in both. Wherefore, there is no difference in the internal meaning, from which the whole power and peculiar nature of the sacrament is to be estimated. The only difference which remains is in the external ceremony, which is the least part of it, the chief part consisting in the promise and the thing signified. Hence we may conclude, that every thing applicable to circumcision applies also to baptism, excepting always the difference in the visible ceremony." (J.Calvin) |
3/2/14 11:50 AM |
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The two signs of the Covenant, circumcision and baptism."There is now no difficulty in seeing wherein the two signs agree, and wherein they differ. The promise, in which we have shown that the power of the signs consists, is one in both, viz., the promise of the paternal favour of God, of forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. And the thing figured is one and the same, viz., regeneration. The foundation on which the completion of these things depends is one in both. Wherefore, there is no difference in the internal meaning, from which the whole power and peculiar nature of the sacrament is to be estimated. The only difference which remains is in the external ceremony, which is the least part of it, the chief part consisting in the promise and the thing signified. Hence we may conclude, that every thing applicable to circumcision applies also to baptism, excepting always the difference in the visible ceremony. To this analogy and comparison we are led by that rule of the apostle, in which he enjoins us to bring every interpretation of Scripture to the analogy of faith, (Rom. 12: 3, 6.) And certainly in this matter the truth may almost be felt." (J.Calvin) (Inst. Bk.4 Ch.16) |
2/27/11 3:31 PM |
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Weire wrote: It is you who has inveighed into the discussion with the false claim that "Communism" in its true form does not accept homosexuality. Claims about true forms of communism? |

