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News Item6/6/17 11:07 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Mike wrote:
The hypnotized ones are those who see Putin under their beds, sending out brainwaves to coal miners and factory workers to make them Trump supporters.
we have videos of them admitting to stealing votes, we have Obama persuading illegals to vote, we have evidence of pay to play, illegally unmasking citizens, child trafficking in Haiti, embezzling of hurricane relief money in the millions and stand down orders in Benghazi, besides flagrant use of secret information on personal computers to what?? evade detection of illegal activity? to pass off information for money?? -- both??

they have to lie and cheat, their dirt is thick and not enough oceans in the world to clean it off.

News Item6/6/17 10:59 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the FED, is consortium of bankers who took over monetary system after Jekyll Island meeting, 1913.

not Constitutional.

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild boasted:
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

Rothchild's Balfour Declaration, 1917 and Scofield Reference Bible, Oxford Press, 1917

...and here we are a century later.

News Item1/25/16 9:51 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Allie, I agree with you and call it Pietism. They call it piety to not love their neighbor, and it just happens to also keep them on the happy end of the 501c3 status. many that do step up just happen to purposely keep themselves a free fellowship.

however, as long as they remain in this very cloistered view of the Christian life, the state church just develops right around them and they have no defenses by which to hold it off.

the day that the girl boy comes in demanding the rhgt to be hired to take care of the nursery is the day that our foolish philosophies are being judged.

yet they just wait for it, as if it is the lawyers and their corporate law that will intercede for King Jesus.

News Item1/24/16 3:31 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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for anyone interested, here's a link....

Movie Documentary: Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World

"And the other 10% is so-called Methyl Ester, which as soon as it’s swallowed becomes free methyl alcohol. Methanol. Wood alcohol, which is a poison. A real poison."

News Item1/17/16 11:18 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Moses wrote:
A deceiver is a liar; Satan is the father of lies.
Satan is also a false accuser of the brethren, trying to pull them back into the miry clay that Christ delivered them from, unto a righteous life as HE DEFINES.

News Item1/17/16 9:28 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK wrote:
One thing, is that Paul's incarceration was not in a prison, but in his own rented house in Rome.
they were wasting tax money back then too, I see.

but I wanted some vegemite.

News Item1/15/16 10:47 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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yeast is leaven wrote:
Brewer’s yeast,
well, aren't you the alter-link ons providing links that actually pertain to the question? the links that are nausea-free?

Christopher, most things sweet I find highly suspect.

News Item1/13/16 11:42 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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perceptions wrote:
Is this the Word of God?
"Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts
SC, I'm impressed! You've acknowledged a use for alcohol, for medicinal and sanitation. (you've forgotten my vanilla cookies and tomato sauce and then there's resveratrol) That's honestly dealing with text and backgrounds. I like it!

Now if we compared an occasional glass of wine for an elderly patient compared to highly addictive pain killers, ah, and the work of the Holy Spirit to help those who endure high levels of pain all day, and other, non harmful means we have at our disposal, then we can begin to get a full picture of biblical health...

News Item1/12/16 11:11 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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a generation that cannot rule themselves (under God) will be ruled. they have no foundations in which to resist islm.

News Item1/12/16 11:05 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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s c wrote:
The wine issue is well covered by Mike Hoggard (as I had pointed out),and a few others.
is gemetria also a legitimate form of reading the scriptures?

He certainly knows the evil corruptions of our day, but biblical scholarship? uh uh.

I'd say wise as serpents without good biblical foundations is as concerning as one filled with theology but divorced from an understanding of the wiles of the day.

which is why I believe God made a diversity of giftings. when teachers proclaim that they are too smart to hear out the other giftings, time to turn them off.

another contradiction is that he often interprets according to what the Lord has shown him, not what the text says. I say contradiction, because he's probably in cessationist circles.

so a humble man of God who is a Biblicist and reads the original bible in Greek is his heretic and the man who shares the gospel in Africa and sees a man healed of blindness which causes the tribe to follow Christ, just "conjecture" while he reads kabbalist gemetria and "the LOrd showed me" on the text, which the text did not say.

Come out of it SC! works based!

So easy for him to condemn so many learned men yet he has not been a berean to study it. and then is a divisive voice

News Item1/9/16 6:10 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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There is a kind of holiness that goes so far as to be a fleshly holiness, that is of stoicism or worse, some forms you see in islm or the RCC of self harm... where one puts their own definition of holiness above God's.

So His confinements are meant to set us free, for His yoke is light.

Whereas the Pharasees bound the people with rules and superstitions.

News Item1/6/16 11:02 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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looks like wrote:
nuts are out
you know, its a funny thing, I didn't have the tv on for years, so wasn't being programmed and there was some movie on I never heard of with Jane Fonda. Remember her? Must've been in the 60's and there she is investigating a nuclear facility when they have an accident and try to cover it up. and she's a liberal journalist, and she and the other actor are talking about how there is a conspiracy to cover up the truth.

it was apparently "cool" in the 60's to be a liberal investigating conservatives for "conspiracy" -- ah yes, the liberal with such freedom to break from the "system" to ask tough questions of Nixon for a break in at an office.

today we have whole nations falling to funded ISIS and we dare not ask a question.

no, I admit it is baffling that we still have a window of time for our lamentations, even for commentary along the way, but God has ordained this moment I believe. I've learned that in a lie God has given us a way out. When we choose deception it was because of the flesh that wanted to believe it. and so it goes.

social pressure has been quite effective. keep it coming. I'm watching Europe fall to ISIS, 80 rapes in one night at the Cologne Germany train depot.... Europe needs us, we

News Item1/6/16 10:29 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Christians don't get what a false flag is or how it is used. been made such fools, course they'll be blamed. how's the "innocent as doves" without "wise as serpents" working out? Romans 13 pastors, right?

look up sandy hook facts folks, look em up. study it. look up the underwear bohmber guy, look up the facts, look up the three towers that came down and read a physics book, look at other structures made of steel with a fire, they don't combust into dust.

look up Waco, find out facts on Oklahoma city, go back to JFK and Gulf of Tonkin, get your heads out of theology for awhile. yes, theology is essential, now you know Christ, the world needs a voice of reason.

the military historian wrote the TRUTH about the Gulf of Tonkin. it was released a few years ago, or do you like the "official" stories better? how's getting blamed for evil men working out for ya church? how long is "silence" and "avoidance" gonna work?

News Item1/4/16 5:07 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Here's reality:

Title: REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve

News Item1/4/16 10:41 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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The American Indian tribes were treated no differently, as we see a repeat.

can you imagine the media spin today?

ya, we gotta kill off all the buffalo to "save the prairies" (killing off the buffalo destroyed the prairie lands)

and those evil meat eating tribes that roam the land and move with the herds, taking up all that space and having all those children, they are loose with bows and arrows!

what's happening right now is the same and some tribal leaders have even sent out warnings to city americans as such.

Many tribes and ranchers have a vested interest in keeping the land with the people, what goes the rancher and free range farmer also goes the tribal lands..... once the few elitists have the land under UN, it will be traded with China, stripped out for resources and unavailable to the public.

agenda 21 is the new trail of tears, move them to the cities, gm grain (used to be the white flour and blankets with small pox in it) -- no doubt we are seeing a repeat of history.

there are maps that show where these cities will be and where humans will be allowed to travel (within those cities) -- the wildlands not available to them.

anyone see stories of the diamond wores? what happens when a people no longer own their land but the rich come in and a

News Item1/4/16 10:32 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Christian" terrorists are at it again.
probably best Jim, that all those Christians be pushed off their land, their guns taken away and their awful "free range" children dealt with as well......

.... what was that folks about a cmmunist sweep?

News Item1/3/16 2:57 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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futurists, preterists need not care too deeply about news and the challenges to their faith, because it won't happen to them. personal exemption makes this verse of no consequence.

as an amill-er, I see the beheadings in Iq as a fulfillment of prophecy and the fact that it is open knowledge that us backed isis to put the American church on the wrong side of prophetic history.

yet the church here thinks its in one big party, and sees no connection between what their representatives do and themselves, an absolute disconnect like a circus act floating into town.

must we understand the times, what are the beastly systems today set to deceive believers? so many absorbed in the lies of the day, this is enough to make one shudder, to think how far one can spiritually align themselves with the world.

take for instance mac, who publicly called out the church in 2001 to support the iq invasion. other pastor there illuded to it being God's will.

have they even bothered to visit there once? those that would lead millions of evanglicals astray, bothered to go to a Christian refugee camp in the region, pray with the believers in their tents that put the cross on their tents to be "marked"?

convinced those who will not take the "mark" of suffering are beast fodder.

News Item1/3/16 9:57 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
I'm probably just not seeing the point correctly, but I don't understand why a digital bible would be any different
because you only see a small portion at a time. when I read ebooks, I lose my place in relation to the rest of it. people will disagree with me but I see it as part of the dumbing down process.

many people today hear the bible in soundbites, but few are wrestling through entire books, asking for the guidance of the HOly SPiirt and remaining there until it is understood. and this is where it is taken to heart and applied.

I'm seeing a lot of Churchianity that mimics the Christian life, says the right things, but is quite superficial.

News Item1/2/16 10:31 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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its a commnst sweep. and its coming.

News Item1/1/16 10:49 AM
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brilliant, now a rapist can hide out in the stalls and the woman can't defend herself because he's "supposed" to be there.
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