Dear Chuck, Thank you, but all praise goes to God who alone is "creative" with His "physics." I'm certain that as a man of God you don't really believe that His Word is limited by the "laws" of physics. Jesus tells us, "Abide in me, and I in you." (John 15:4) He also tells us how this is accomplished, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him." (John 6:56). The Bible tells us that many of the disciples said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" (John 6:60) We can only believe it and come to a personal relationship with Jesus by faith through the grace of our Father.
Dear Chuck, In regards to transubstantiation, Catholics believe that God is eternal, therefore He can act not only inside, but also outside of time. In the Eucharist Jesus Christ is re-presented to us, in that His once and only sacrifice is brought into the present. His sacrifice is not limited by history, it is "ever-present."
Dear Steve S, Please explain how Acts 17:11 supports your statements. If an analogy can be made, the Bereans had a "Catholic" understanding of Scripture, while the Thessalonians approached Scripture from a "Sola Scriptura" view point. Thank you.
Chuck, " . . .all material things which are worshiped, are so much filth upon the face of the earth."
So, are you saying that Jesus Christ only becomes incarnate through the "false miracle of transubstantiation" and that he wasn't a "material thing" before He instituted the Eucharist (Matthew 26:26)? Thank you for taking the time to clarify your statement.
Aidan, Thank you for your thoughtful answer. I have a few comments and questions. God is the source of divine revelation and we are saved by His grace. Do you believe that He reveals himself only through Holy Scripture? Are your comments regarding sola fide infallible?
Chuck, I'm sorry, but I cannot find any mention of "Scripture Alone" or of "Faith Alone" in the Holy Bible. James 2:24 does mention "that a man is justified by works and not by faith only." 2 Timothy 3:15, while it does describe the importance of Scripture, does not prove the doctrine of "Scripture Alone."
Chuck, Nevertheless, Paul is using an extra-Biblical tradition to instruct Timothy. When Paul says to Timothy, "And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures . . .", to what books of the Bible is he referring? Thank you for your thoughtful answers.
Chuck, In 2 Tim 3:8 Paul uses Jannes and Jambres defiance of Moses as an example when teaching Timothy about men who defy truth. I cannot find a reference to either of these men in the Old Testament. Is Paul using a Jewish tradition to teach Timothy? Thank you for your comment. edl
Chuck, And Happy Independence day to you! I appreciate your quick response, but please don't feel that you need to answer my next question today, you've been busy, so enjoy the day. I'm wondering, what does a Christian say to a Jehovah's Witness who claims that the Bible does not explicitly teach the doctrine of the Trinity and that their New World Translation is the correct interpretation of the Bible? Thanks! edl
Where in the Bible can I find support for the Reformation, the authority of its leaders, the authority of "Scripture Alone", and salvation by "Faith Alone?"
Where in the Bible can I find support for the Reformation and it's principles - for example, the authority of "Scripture Alone" and salvation by "Faith Alone"?