Dispensationalism is based upon C.I.Scofield`s Theology.C.I.Scofield applied DR DD to himself he sure did not earn it in a Seminary.C.I.Scofield was not qualified to be a pastor according to God`s book the Bible.
Read the incredible scofield and his book by Joseph Canfield and read Swarms of locust`s The Jesuit attack on the Faith by Michael Bunker.
Dispensationalism is nothing but Roman Catholic Jesuit Futurism that has deceived Christianity.
C.I.Scofield`s Bible was financed by the Jesuit order.Christians are supporting so-called Jews who are not biblical Jews but Khazars.Read Henry Fords the International Jew and how they are controlling Christians and America through un-biblical Satanic Talmud Zionism.
The Jesuit order has created the curse word Anti-Semitism to keep Christians in bondage.If anyone was Anti-Semite it was John the Baptist-Jesus and Paul.
True Anti-Seminism is rejecting and mocking Christ.{Gal 3:1}not seeds of many.{Romans 9:8}Israel according to the flesh are not the Children of God.{Ethnic Jews does not automatic qualify one to be of Israel-Rom 9:6}
Read Hebrews chapter 11 Abraham was looking for a new heaven and earth not an earthly one as Satanic Talmudic Zionism teaches.Hebrews 11:10,16.
Scofield was a Jesuit Gun.
God bless.