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Sermon Applying Purity for God's Glory | Paul Washer
Conner from Taylors, SC
"Great Sermon!"
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News Item7/11/09 11:23 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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Mike: Total depravity does not mean that every man is as evil as he could possibly be; rather, that every aspect of our being is marred by sin. This is why even our "good" (in our estimation) actions are as filthy rags before God: they are tainted by sin, offensive to a holy God.
Biblicist: (1) see above (2) You didn't understand my question: If man determines his own volition, what inclines him to determine his volition a certain way and not another; and what determined THAT infinitum? (3) Things don't "work out" God's way; they infallibly happen in precisely the way He has decreed. A limited god depends on his superior power and knowledge to "outwit" man "in the end," as if in some cosmic chess match. The sovereign God does ALL His pleasure. (4) You confuse His sovereign will (decree) with His moral will (command).

News Item7/11/09 6:06 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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Biblicist: (1) Yes. (2) What then determines man's volition? And his volition to HAVE a certain volition? What then determines THAT inclination toward this certain volition?, etc., etc., ad infinitum. God's decree is the ultimate cause behind all reality; else how does it come to be? This is an inescapable fact both Scripturally and logically, unless one claims that the attribute of self-existence does not belong solely to God, which would be ludicrous. (3) Yes, it makes sense when one lays aside the myth of "free will" and sees all reality as predetermined by God for the purpose of showing forth His unfathomable, infinite, multi-faceted glory. And "logic" is irrelevant as to responsibility; we are responsible because He says so, and we know He is just. Remember what I said to Mike about vessels for different purposes. 4) a) Spiritually dead, not bodily. b) Who are you, O man?

News Item7/11/09 2:44 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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Mike/NY: "God gives the will; he does not make you use it in a particular way. Augustine: 'Free will, naturally assigned by the Creator to our rational soul, is such a neutral power, as can either incline toward faith, or turn toward unbelief.'" Hardly biblical or even logical, Mike. You are discounting sin-nature and man's state as DEAD in trespasses and sins, being ENSLAVED to sin (helplessly inclined to choose evil). Further, if the will were truly neutral, what but God's decree would account for a decision in EITHER direction? You're right, however, that God doesn't "make" us exercise our wills in a particular way; He has determined what we shall do of our own accord, hence "reasonable self-determination" (willingly exercising our volition, whether or not we realize we are carrying out God's sovereign purposes). "Looks like the spiritually dead must therefore become more dead upon hardening. Else what is the purpose of said hardening? How do these dead harden themselves against God, since it is said they are totally dead to any matters of Spirit?" They don't become "more dead" but continue in deadness as they further disregard God's general revelation and common grace, multiplying their sins and slipping deeper into depravity. The purpose is judgment.

News Item7/10/09 2:00 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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It's called "reasonable self-determination" in Reformed circles: Man has "free will" in that he DOES as he truly DESIRES. The catch is that GOD determines in eternity those desires, which ones will be acted out and which suppressed, and the times and means by which man will carry them out or not. God does not force anyone to act against his "free will," but He certainly determines sovereignly what that "free" will SHALL be, and providentially carries all things to their decreed ends, ALL of which are for His glory and honor alone. In other words, when the spiritually dead harden themselves against God, they are doing precisely as they DESIRE to do; God is not overruling their desperate inward pleas to know Him and be saved (no such desire exists in the natural man!). Some vessels are made for common use, and others for noble use. ALL vessels are made precisely by God as He wishes them to be, and ALL for His glory.

News Item7/4/09 5:16 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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Thanks for sharing the Newton letter, Jim Lincoln.

News Item5/5/09 9:28 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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Mene. Mene. Tekel. Peres.

News Item3/26/09 5:16 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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News Item12/1/08 3:17 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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The last thing we needed was someone to make disregard for the Lord an even i sweeter /i proposition to this apostate world, but such things are inevitible in these times. Hans and Lars here have a good thing going here with this smooth, creamy, foil-wrapped sacrilege.

Do you suppose they'll bring the RCC on board by suggesting their jesus-treats replace the wafer for this holiday season? After all, if the mighty priests have the power to command *their* "saviour" to inhabit a wafer immediately prior to consumption, why couldn't they command him into a little chocolate idol? I think that is just the kind of festive imagery the mariolaters live for, and someone should suggest it to the pope, being sure to make him believe it was all his idea.

News Item11/25/08 2:03 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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"...the South, with its Hispanics;...central states with their large Native American populations;..."

This russkie has vodka on the brain.

News Item10/21/08 7:44 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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[URL=]]]Has the Pope Peter's Keys or Character?[/URL]

[URL=]]]The New Pope: Ultimate Usurper![/URL]

Sermon9/14/08 1:31 AM
Z White | Dallas, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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“ Thanks, Rev. Brown... ”
...for this excellent and encouraging message, and for highlighting what is now my new "favorite" Bible verse.

News Item8/12/08 3:43 AM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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The Osteens are accursed apostates, and soon to set sail on the Lake of a long and luxurious yacht, no doubt.

Survey8/4/08 10:14 PM
Z White | Dallas  Find all comments by Z White
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"And when they say to you, 'Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,' should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living? To the teaching and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no dawn. They will pass through the land, greatly distressed and hungry. And when they are hungry, they will be enraged and will speak contemptuously against their king and their God, and turn their faces upward. And they will look to the earth, but behold, distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish. And they will be thrust into thick darkness." Isaiah 8:19-22 (ESV)

News Item7/27/08 10:59 PM
Z White | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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Jodie writes: "The bible says God is Light and in him is no darkness at all and we are children of what bible do you read?..."

Jodie, your biblical illiteracy is astonishing, but quite common among Pentecostals/Charismatics. The fact you cannot discern between what the Scripture is addressing and actual, physical LIGHT proves my point on how profoundly without understanding you are.

With that, I'm going to leave you to God. He will either have mercy on you and open your eyes, or He will continue to harden you to Truth.

News Item7/27/08 10:50 PM
Z White | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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FR, the "light" you refer to is not the "physical light" I spoke of (as I'm sure you're aware); we're not talking photons and E=MC2 here. Just wanted to clarify.

You're right about the shameful failure of many to study, believe and rely upon Scripture. This is PRECISELY what opens the door to ravening wolves like Bentley.

News Item7/27/08 10:34 PM
Z White | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item7/27/08 6:47 PM
Z White | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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Jodie, the taste of heresy is indeed bitter, but my pointing this out does not make ME bitter.

Would you more readily accept what we "who oppose what God is doing" are trying to convey if we were to type our objections in "tongues"? What if I told you that I have a pair of live, venomous snakes draped around my neck at this very moment, and that "God" appeared to me in a "vision" this morning (cooked me eggs and bacon; even brewed me a mean pot of joe) and commanded me to rebuke and denounce this fraud Bentley? Would you then accept my sentiments?

Need verification, you say? Fine: I attest that these things are true. Hallelujah!

News Item7/27/08 5:40 PM
Z White | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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No, Jodie. I'm no brother of unregenerate apostates who make a public mockery of the worship of God, and who ooze blasphemy from every pore.

News Item7/27/08 5:27 PM
Z White | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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Most assuredly, this puke's condemnation is just. Enjoy your "success" while it lasts, Bentley.

Side note: Will someone please tell the writers who cover the 'false prophet/teacher/healer - heretic' beat to avoid using Hank Hanegraaff as a source?!? Ol' Hanky is quite the fraud himself; he's got about as much credibility in my book as Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland.

News Item5/12/08 2:15 PM
Z White | Dallas, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Z White
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Disgusting. Won't be long before these (leftist) "Christians" will join hands with the RCC and "progressive" Muslims to save the planet from certain destruction at the hands of mankind. Once Al Gore is coronated "Cardinal of the Office of the Green Inquisition," he will use his socially-conscious foot soldiers in CAIR, Hamas and Hesbollah to rid the world of us Earth-hating heretics. Then the path to planetary salvation will be made straight, and utopia will at last be realized.

Good thing these powerful greenies are around to keep the world turning and free from unwanted "climate change," since God is obviously not sufficiently powerful to see to these pressing matters.

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