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Sermon11/3/19 7:14 PM
Tommy | Point Loma CA  Find all comments by Tommy
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The Sinner
Scott Hill
“ Sin! Don’t hear that much. ”
This Proverbs series has been good.

Sermon12/17/10 6:01 AM
Tommy | USA  Find all comments by Tommy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Having your sermons typed out is a wonderful idea. It should be done for every sermon. What a great way to share God's Word preached.

News Item1/20/10 8:08 AM
Tommy | N.Ireland  Find all comments by Tommy
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Surely the Church is called to unity, not division. The youth claim to be dissatisfied with the style of worship and would like to do their own thing. The problem is that many of our young people dont know when youth ends and adulthood begins. Therefore if a division is created then it tends to be permenant. We all want to be in a group of people we feel comfortable with, the trouble is that relationships in the Church become limited and favouritism occurs.This should not be in the Christian Church. Division in the Church
is denounced all through Scripture.

Blog8/17/07 3:03 PM
Tommy | Alabama  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tommy
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I am always blessed by your your articles. Thanks for sending me your church bulletins as well. I thank God for you, my brother.


Sermon7/25/07 1:35 AM
Tommy  Find all comments by Tommy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Any practicing homosexual or anyone struggling with this issue should listen to this. Dr. Phil was so Scriptual, so common sensical, and loving re: this extremely sinful practice. How anyone can contradict him in any way, plainly shows much ignorance of the Bible, much ignorance of human anatomy, and is sad to say, blinded by Satan. Let's call a spade a spade. Listen for yourself !!!! I wish this message could be heard worldwide for the benefit of those caught in this sin/struggle and for the rest of humanity. Yes, indeed, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!!!

News Item7/22/07 1:55 AM
Tommy | USA  Find all comments by Tommy
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Abigail and Bravo,

Are you related? Thanks soooooooo much for your encouragement. I've recommended this room to some of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Then, all of a sudden, I read horrible things describing people in this room. I thought to myself, is this a Christian room? I feel bad that there is no one watching/reading what's going on in this room. How great it would be if someone was overseeing what's going on here!!!!

News Item7/22/07 12:11 AM
Tommy | USA  Find all comments by Tommy
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Let me thank 4 people in this room who really "came to the rescue" re: my struggle with / bisexuallity. Jessica !! Bravo !! KK !! and Abigail !!. You 4 in particular sound like you know {and practice !!] what the Bible says " bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ". Let's pray that backbiting may stop in this room and that we may be "an arm and a hand" to one another!! Isn't that really what the Christian life is all about ???????????

News Item7/20/07 11:27 PM
Tommy | USA  Find all comments by Tommy
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As I read the various opinions, etc. of people here in this room, I find it a puzzle that some people here call themselves Christians. I'm not the judge, but I believe very few people are Christians in this room only going by what is said. A "tree is known by its fruits". I reached out ot other men who are struggling with what I am struugling with...bisexual felings. I'm baffled that there is absolutley no monitoring of these rooms. If there were, obviously we wouldn. t read the things people write. It's wonderful and amazing that there are "Christians" out there who do not struggle with " besetting sins"! Are we sure this is a Christian room??

News Item7/20/07 9:53 PM
Tommy | USA  Find all comments by Tommy
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I struggle with bisexuality. I'm married and have kids. I wish I was different. I believe I am a Christian but struggle with this sin daily. I certainly did not choose this lifestyle. I do not practice with anyone. My wife knows that I'm this way and she and I have different rooms. I pray to God daily for a hatred of this sin but so far this prayer has not been answered for some reason. Anyone struggling with this gay/bisexual lifestyle like myself? Let's share in this room because I think there are alot more men who struggle with this but will not tell a soul. I'm one just speaking out.

News Item6/28/07 3:04 PM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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John Dynes
The reason I have stopped posting is because the point has become somewhat belaboured.
As to "opinion expressing" I think that mine is suitably recorded below in sufficient "prose."

As to "right or wrong" - Good grief man are you actually suggesting we could be wrong over here in mainland Britain.

I have no doubts we will cross "keys" again on the site.

Cheers John.
God be with you.

News Item6/27/07 9:01 AM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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"If those same people had only allowed the Ulster people to settle the matter without their interference and insistance upon their way and their way alone, we would all have come to this day a lot earlier.

I remember well the night the Belfast Agreement was signed, I was wrongfully arrested and locked up on the orders of the then secretary of state for Northern Ireland. It was only after the assistant chief of police intervened that I was released. On my release I was kicked and cursed by certain loyalists who supported the Belfast Agreement.

But that was yesterday, this is today, and tomorrow is tomorrow.

Today at long last we are starting upon the road - I emphasise starting - which I believe will take us to lasting peace in our province. I have not changed my unionism, the union of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom, which I believe is today stronger than ever.

We are making this declaration, we are all aiming to build a Northern Ireland in which all can live together in peace, being equal under the law and equally subject to the law."

(Speech at Stormont)

By Grace he is what he is. (1Cor 15:10)

God be with you brother!

Goodbye from Tommy to y'all.

News Item6/24/07 11:48 AM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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Christopher Ashfield

“That depends how well the leaders and elders rule there churches. If ruled well there would be less sinners.”
I believe that NO Christian could ever come to such a naive conclusion as this?
Can’t you see to what extent you have excluded God and Grace? Mortal Elders, themselves sinners, can reduce sin in the world.? Either you don’t know what sin really is in the human condition (try reading Rom 7.14-25) or you don’t understand grace, the crucifiction and sanctification.

Your constant return to situation ethics precludes the reality of sin and its power in creation. You also underestimate Satan; – Do you honestly believe that he is not a part of every church and his false professors are active in the pew and pulpit?

My ref. to Luke 6.45 and the sinners heart is precisely the point in the churches, – it would appear that you cant perceive this fact. “Cause and Effect” the sinful heart of every mortal, whether church goer or otherwise, is the source of the unbiblical practices and leadership in all churches.
You alluded to what people are taught. You appear to be an Arminian whose religion is based on human education – ie salvation by works. The church “reverence” you advocate is directly from the Roman popish religion of works.

News Item6/23/07 7:17 AM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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"Situation ethics"


The visible church is full of sinners.
Decisions and judgements made by many in the churches are pure unadulterated iniquity. Nothing [R] Nothing to do with the situation, - all to do with grace and the obvious lack of it.
Luke 6:45
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."

In the churches some people can read the Bible many cannot. Yes they scan the words but NO, they do not receive the truth. eg. Matt 7:21-23, 2Pet 2.1/2 etc.

2] As for Canada - Didn't get as many blessings as Ireland.

Ooohh come on????????

Religion, Christian teaching and doctrine is geographically limited is it????
Does that mean Canadians can complain on judgment day that they didn't receive as much teaching and incentive as other countries???

Canada is - people who came from other lands, - your religious continuity is THERE!! Not just in the time of your existance as a nation.
An example of which is that some of my family (Mothers side, 1930's) live in Moose Jaw south of you. Thus from a line of Scottish Presbyterians.

News Item6/22/07 3:23 PM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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"God would not support his people to help the rise of sodomites in N.Ireland."

Considering this has been sent from one of the most LIBERAL countries on the planet - I'm very surprised???

Of course we do observe that the reason why folks from other nations are joining in the bandwagon of Paisley hate. It's because they have PERFECT government and REAL Christians in their political administrations.
Mind you these were the very ones who used to praise him in days gone by.
Their judgment OF COURSE comes from their perfect hearts???
Whats the definition of hypocrite again?

But then there are some of us who are well aware that theocracy is only a temporal fairy tale, - but you can always get some to believe it can happen here on earth today ???

News Item6/22/07 2:19 PM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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1 O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.
2 Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud.
3 LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?
4 How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?
5 They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage.
Psalm 94.

News Item6/22/07 7:29 AM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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I suppose I can only expect mockery from people who reject God's servants, and belligerence from those who don't really want to give up the gun and bomb.

These Paisley haters clearly are just as hostile as the various gun toting terrorists in Northern Ireland. I guess now that it is so deeply esconced within their hearts, it will take more than words and common sense to bring real peace to this community.

How very sad it is that these hypocrites call themselves Christians.

May God have mercy on their souls, and the community which they are supposed to serve.

News Item6/21/07 2:32 PM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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John Dynes from North Belfast

Oh c'mon John stop trying to gain sympathy with your family history. I'm a Scot with a family tradition in one Highland Regiment which goes back centuries. Grandfather, his brothers, WWI. Father, his brothers WWII. With all the usual round of injuries and deaths. Some came home, some did not.
I also was in the military. My brother in Ulster too. But were not doing a tear jerker here are we? The Jocks and the Irish have always fought histories battles and n'er did they flinch.

As for military history - I was brought up on doses of it. My father was at Dunkirk, not as one of those who came home, but as part of the rear guard keeping Gerry off the beach, then being half blinded in Stalag 33. He spent 10 years getting over that little fracas.

The point here is pre the restart of Stormont Ian P was everybodies hero over there. Now he's the big bad wolf in the pack. The scrap had to stop somewhere and Sinn Fein wasn't going to go away with tail between it's legs. Now the game of politics begins in earnest with Loyalists and Repubs - Prots and Popish fighting over the bone. You would be more hacked off if you didn't have your team represented in Stormont. So it is time to get over it and back your own side - not kick it!

News Item6/21/07 6:27 AM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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John Dynes from North Belfast

There were *MORE PEOPLE* in London than other parts of the UK, therefore statistically speaking there would be more of various ilks, creeds, ideologies and persuasions.

BTW your "tommy gun" - why level that at me, I thought you were the people who applied the gun to politics, - not us?

But don't worry about your people rejecting the call-up, during WWII, the Scots, English and Welsh went over in their place.

Also, did you vote for DUP?

News Item6/20/07 2:47 PM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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Hey Mr. Dynes

Lets add all the facts about Ulstermen greetin about going to war, before you complain about Britain.

"September 1939
anti-war protests in west Belfast"

"27 May 1941
After mass protests, Britain decides again not to conscript in Northern Ireland"

Even after the war started we had to let you off!!! "Loyal" to Westminster until the going got tough eh???

Don't throw bricks in glass houses.

Whilst were at it stop greetin about Ian Paisley too. Get on with what you've got like the rest of us have to.
No doubt you won't be fighting politically when your aged 81???

News Item6/19/07 3:26 PM
Tommy | Britain  Find all comments by Tommy
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"In October 1939 the British government announced that all men aged between 18 and 41 who were not working in 'reserved occupations' could be called to join the armed services if required. Conscription was by age and in October 1939 men aged between 20 and 23 were required to register to serve"

# So friend, if your country had been truly loyal to Britain as you maintain, - then YOU would have come under that legislation.


"As a part of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland participated fully as a belligerent. The particular contributions were manpower (about 37,000 Northern Ireland residents volunteered for the British Armed forces), food, industry and geographical position.

# Despite urgings from the Stormont government, conscription was never implemented in the region. The British Government *HAD DECIDED NOT TO* conscript in Northern Ireland following mass protests in 1941."

Get YOUR facts right!!!

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