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Sermon12/6/2021 3:36 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon! Pastor does a great job of explaining why people find it so distasteful and negative to hear teaching on sin and hell.

Sermon11/12/2021 1:03 PM
Sunnyday | USA  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen Pastor! I have seen two KJV churches slide right down that slippery slope. Both started out with adding just a chorus of a CCM song to a hymn. Before you know it they are completely into CCM in their worship. Now they are literally using two different Bible versions in their pulpit. Elevation worship is about mysticism. The enemy knows exactly what he is doing.

Sermon6/1/2021 1:31 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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When you Don't Understand God
Pastor DeWayne Nichols
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this uplifting sermon.

News Item1/7/2021 12:10 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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G. Bird wrote:
To CV:
I appreciate your replying, but you offer nothing concrete beyond opinion. I am interested in hard facts - something that I could go and read and study perhaps?
And for the record, although I have right wing leanings I am no fan of Boris (though I do pray for him, of course) and I am well aware of the sorry state of the media on this side of the pond (BBC news is an absolute joke now).
So is the Guardian. They can say they are honest and fair and balanced all they want. They aren't. However, their food and some other lifestyle articles are good.

News Item1/4/2021 8:00 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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We can pray that this woman repents and turns to the Lord. If "Jane Roe" became a born again, there's hope that this twisted woman gets saved too.

News Item1/4/2021 7:48 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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1% of the cars in my state are electric. But my "progressive and forward thinking" governor said that people won't be using gasoline for much longer. He raised the gas tax and is trying to install tolls to make up for this lack of gasoline cars. All these "do gooders" conveniently turn a blind eye to the health risks people in third world countries are encountering so they can drive around in their Teslas and Prius cars.

News Item1/3/2021 4:03 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Uncle Sam wrote:
Makes birth certificates a waste.
Actually NYC, Oregon, Washington, California and 10 countries have three choices for the sex of a baby on a birth certificate. Many parents opt to let the child choose their sex. How far we have fallen (well some anyways).

News Item1/2/2021 1:04 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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I never ever in all my days thought that Catholics would be called humanists. I urge everyone to read this link and let me know if I'm somehow misunderstanding what it is saying. Humanists are atheists. They worship the creation. How in the world is it good news that Biden has the Pope's ear? Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

News Item12/31/2020 1:49 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Many people will buy the KJV Bible and they'll find that it is in a foreign language, Elizabethan English â—Now, I personally don't recommend this version of the Bible for many reasons, but if people are going to buy it, I would like to see it end up something more than just a coffee table decoration â—👎
Now you don't have to buy it from this particular source, certainly Amazon has it also, but you should definitely get a good KJV study Bible such as the Ryrie and this YouTube, a little over half an hour long, will tell you how to use it and probably would be helpful with some other study Bibles as well.
A foreign language? I guess we better throw out all of Shakespeare's works.

News Item12/31/2020 1:44 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Carl in Asheville wrote:
"The ROE Act lowers the age for young girls to get abortions without the consent of a parent or a judge from 18 to 16, according to NBC Boston."
Hypothetical: A man in his thirties seduces your 16 year old daughter and the state gives her the operation that kills your grandchild without your current knowledge nor consent.
What do you do if you find out before your minor daughter has the abortion and the state stops you from communicating with her until its done?
Do you just roll over and give up all of your liberties?
Is the life of the grandchild you know worth more to God than the life of the grandchild you do not know? Is that life not of the same worth to God who created them and knows them both? Will God hold YOU responsible for not trying to rescue your innocent grandchild from being murdered by the state?
No Carl God will not hold you accountable for another person's choices. Did God hold the prodigal son's father accountable for his kid's stupid choices? My Bible version says no.

News Item12/30/2020 12:55 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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And the Lord in his wisdom will rapture his bride out before this is completely put in place. I hope all these "lofty" thinkers enjoy their 3 1/2 years of being deceived before they are hiding in caves trying to escape. Because they are still too proud to ask the Lord to save them.

News Item12/29/2020 7:55 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Another shining example of the left/liberals contradicting themselves.

News Item12/29/2020 1:09 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Mike wrote:
Notice the inclusion of the unrelated. Abortion is indeed the killing of a person; miscarriage is not.
Mike when I read that sentence I stopped reading the article. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

News Item12/27/2020 2:28 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Ladybug the story of the person having a reaction to the vaccine is flat out hyperbole. As a person who carries an EPI pen, I can state without a doubt that she had an extreme reaction to something in the vaccine. The hospital will always keep you for a few hours to monitor your heart (EPI is a stimulant) and to make sure you don't have another reaction to the whatever is causing you to be so allergic to it. She outright lied saying they kept her to monitor her heart rate. They kept her to also monitor for another reaction. I get the same reaction she had to the vaccine when I eat peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, and a host of drugs. As a matter of fact, I'm so allergic to peanuts that if they are in the air or on someone's breath I exhibit symptoms of anaphylaxis. Shame on this alleged healthcare worker churning out a story like that.

News Item12/27/2020 2:08 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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DXD wrote:
Just curious about Chinese folks wearing masks for many years and somehow the virus (not a disease) not only spread but found its way out of China...? Now that’s science.
The mask wearing has a lot to do with their religious beliefs. Some of it has to do with not offending someone with bad breath or germs or breathing their highly polluted air. But it's mostly to do with their religion.

News Item12/25/2020 9:56 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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ladybug wrote:
I haven't listened yet, I don't have the time right now...
There just is NOT enough evidence to prove this MRNA vaccine is 'safe', not to mention there is safe treatments available. Call it conspiracy, or what have you, I am not a guinea pig for them to test their vaccine on. My body, my choice- that seems to work for women who opt to murder their children.
I have talked to friends who recently entered a business w/o a mask. On their way in, a masked person mutters under their breath as they pass them by, 'die, die, die'. What is wrong with people? I cannot fathom why their mask does not work if I don't have one on as well, I suppose critical thinking skills are no longer engaged and so we've come to this, 'die, die, die'
I'm not sure where you live, but in my crazy state you have to wear a mask or you get arrested. My apartment complex is trying to make everyone wear a mask in the hall. My son and I will not comply to wearing a mask in the halls. Neither one of us will get the vaccine either. This world is so pathetic. I keep repeating "Even so, come Lord Jesus".

News Item12/25/2020 4:27 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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ladybug wrote:
Of course it's nonsense to you Jim, you gnash your teeth when your 'gods' are exposed for the fakes they are. Your deep state mindset cannot comprehend the wrongdoing going on, you are in step with lying to the masses, threatening 'death' through a lab created virus that is treatable and survivable. Destroying the livelihood of many, using mind control to continually push the narrative, causing mental stress for many which has led to higher suicides, an increase in addiction and abuse...and YOU delight in all this? What a sick, evil, twisted mindset. Depravity knows no bounds in your world...evil cannot detect its own vileness. You love darkness, you love the culture that breeds death.
This is an interesting article from the Guardian. The comments are worth reading. As far as Jim goes, do what I did when my kids were little and pitching a fit for no reason, and ignore him. Works a charm

News Item12/24/2020 5:49 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Rand Paul should think about not submitting to the wrong people. as this was said a couple of days ago.
excerpt from, "Retiring House Republican rebukes party for 'mindless sort of obedience' to Trump following election loss"
Not too bad an article from the Washingtonexaminer.
Rand Paul because he was asymptomatic--fortunately for him-- had quite a fun time running around without a mask spreading the virus around, but I would supposed to be credit him he stopped doing that when he did learn he had covid-19 earlier this year.
Sunny day, keep your sunny side up, if you're having problems you should call a doctor, because in most cases people do not have reactions even to the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine. Only eight out of thousands of shots, and none died from it either.
Jim I'd never get the vaccine.

News Item12/24/2020 2:14 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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My state is running PSA for the CDC Covid Vaccine tracker. I'm not being a jerk, just need a real answer here. Being an ancient I've had the usual MMR and other vaccines and I've never had so much as a call from a doctor checking in on how I was feeling. Has anyone else had a doctor call to see how you were feeling after getting a shot?

News Item12/23/2020 3:14 PM
Sunnyday | northeast  Find all comments by Sunnyday
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Kenny wrote:
Links Lincoln said: "Soon there will be a new Secretary of Education who is pro-public school, and there just not enough people think they can keep up a passable lifestyle without both parents working."
Well the fact that so many parents are, in fact, teaching their kids at home now blows that theory right out of the water, doesn't it? It's not that they think they can't. It's that their covetousness means they won't.
Government schools are no place under ANY circumstances for a child from a Christian home. Ever.
That's a little harsh in my book. The state I live in is so expensive it's not funny. If you have a $20/hour job you're just making ends meet to support one person. Our utilities are the highest in the country. There's a huge difference between being covetous versus trying to keep your head above water.
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