Some women in your Church dress very immodestly. If you are truly 100% KJV then the ladies should be advised that God hates rebellion. Disobeying God's command and dressing immodestly is like the sin of witchcraft. That is what the what God says in the KJV Bible. If we are going to make an issue of the KJV then we need to obey God's Word in the KJV Bible. Otherwise we are hypocrites.
Great Sermon! We need a whole lot more preaching like this. God bless you brother Kelly. God says there will be a "great falling away" and the Independent Baptist Churches are falling like a long row of dominoes. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.
Great Sermon! Hi brother Harris
I listened to all of your 40 minute presentation about Judge Scalia's article. I am very amazed at how things are going in the U.S. and around the whole world of course. Yes, it seems like America is doomed, but we must not despair. God is still on the throne and always will be PTL.
We also know all this is in God's timetable and nothing takes God by surprise. PTL Jesus is coming soon and then all will be well for us as God's children. What a day that will be, when our Jesus we shall see.
Thanks for your message and keep on serving Jesus.
Sarah Palin would be a nice Godly POTUS. She would be the best 'man' for the job!! I say to her, "Sarah, YOU BE DA MAN!!" Yes sir. Unfortunately at this time, the Republicans do not have even one man who qualifies as a Leadership type of a MAN. Sad, very sad indeed!!