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News Item7/3/07 1:44 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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I personally would rather see Christians pay their tithe apart from the worship service. I don't know why the sermon can't just be a little longer instead of having a 2 minute tithing session right after. It's no one's business that someone is or isn't putting anything in the plate on a certain Sunday. Many churches just have a little box near or outside the door. I like that much better.

News Item6/14/07 6:55 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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The RCUS is probably reformed people's best bet at this point. They're the only reformed denomination adamantly attacking Auburnism and all its variant theologies. It also demands that its elders be fully confessional and theonomic. Theonomy or autonomy, folks! The URC is way too High Liturgy IMO, not helped by the Auburn/New Perspective theology that's infiltrated that and other reformed denominations. I've been to URC's and it's like going to mass except for a Calvinistic sermon and psalm/hymn singing - not to mention lots of public professors doing the churchianity thing with no life in them. I was a member of one a long time ago, and I'd sooner become a member of a reformed baptist church than join another URC.

News Item6/14/07 2:57 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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Many churches that are called reformed today should be called deformed. They're so worldly with pansy preachers who don't want to offend anyone.

News Item6/14/07 2:50 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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Well, if this hate crimes bill passes the House, churches won't have a choice but to let sodomites be members and clergy. Most churches are already in debt up to their eyeballs and need to attract more people as it is now in order to pay for their new buildings, secretaries, musicians, groundskeeping, programs, etc. And as it is, most don't preach on repentance and hell, much less mention the evils of fornication from the pulpit for fear of offending people. They are slaves to 501 c-3 tax exemption and are ripe for gays to storm their churches, demanding their libertine rights.

News Item6/14/07 2:42 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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Good heavens. If this is what the teachers are like, what are the students like?

News Item5/27/07 1:39 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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That would make some good barbeque for Memorial Day!

News Item5/8/07 12:36 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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Men can make anything legal, but they'll never make anything lawful.

Lex Rex

News Item5/8/07 7:53 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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Hey, there's an idea! Yamil should sleep on a Calvinist spider who taps on his eardrums with its little doctrines of grace legs!

News Item5/7/07 6:17 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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This kid is all over the news. He's even taking the spiders to school for Show and Tell.

They must have entered his ear canal while he was sleeping. They say that everyone swallows at least one spider during sleep in their lifetime.

Poor kid. That must have been an annoying feeling with all that popping. Glad he's okay though.

News Item5/6/07 4:58 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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I agree, Publican. Too bad so many people are misled by evidentialism and don't understand that the Bible speaks for itself. What freedom it gave me to not have to worry about all of Hank Hanegraaf's evidentialist mnemonics for Biblical inspiration, the resurrection, and for creation! God's Word says that the fool says in his heart there is no God. That's what we stand on - those inspired words inside that inspired Book.

God does not prove his existence in His Word. He says I AM and he commands us to follow and obey Him.

Once we start debating evidentially, we've already put heretical views on the same level as scripture.

News Item5/6/07 12:09 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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News Item5/3/07 8:12 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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It pays for a Christian woman to be career-oriented, doesn't it?

News Item5/2/07 8:43 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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Great. I'm looking forward to Kentucky Fried Tofu and Shiitake Mushroom Enchiritos.

Survey4/2/07 6:57 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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There's no sight more disgusting than a woman in fatigues or utilities. Just get an operation and be done with it. Sheesh.

News Item3/26/07 9:35 PM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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The University of Nevada: Where men are men and the sheep are even more nervous.

News Item2/14/07 11:13 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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I find it appropriate that the school is named after poet, Kahlil Gibran who said in one of his poems, "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself." If there were one idiotic phrase to describe the Department of Education's motto toward children, that's it.

News Item2/12/07 11:46 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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What a rotten mom, all warm in her tanning booth while her children froze in the car and risked being kidnapped, not to mention other horrid things that could have happened to them.

I've sat in a car for five minutes in 20 degree weather (I know it was colder than that for those kids in WI) and it was awful. I can only imagine how uncomfortable those babies were.

Lousy, selfish mom.

News Item2/12/07 10:19 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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For people who don't want to live in a Christian country, there are plenty of Muslim countries to choose from. India is Hindu in the South and Muslim in the North; and Israel is Jewish. Latin America is largely Roman Catholic. Japan is Shinto and Zen Buddhist. Not enough variety? Many countries, especially in Asia practice a blend of all these faiths. Plenty of other countries to choose from, folks! Enjoy. Don't forget to write. More room for those of us in these United States who want to live lives governed by Scripture in every area of life!

News Item2/10/07 9:33 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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We need to get out of Israel and out of the U.N. so this insanity will stop.

Survey2/4/07 8:39 AM
Old School Presbyterian  Find all comments by Old School Presbyterian
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It's interesting how the votes fall along the nursery option and the family integrated option.

1 year old children who are entertained with toys and books in a nursery will become used to this and demand the same when they turn 3 and 4. Why shouldn't they? Are these youngsters really going to sit in the pew with mom and dad and pencil in a sketch of Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant or Paul being in prison (or whatever the preacher's preaching on) when they can play with legos, watch a video, jump on a trampoline, or read My Friend the Fireman in the nursery? What would you rather have done as a 4 year old? Uh huh, me too.

I understand parents needing to take their babies or young children out of the sanctuary 'temporarily' in order to change a particularly messy diaper or administer the rod, however a room with toys, books, Jay Jay the Jet plane videos and bouncy toys is not right. And people will say, well new people who aren't used to orthodox, Christian worship need these nurseries because they're used to them and we want them to feel comfortable. Well, that's just seeker-friendly nonsense. The book of Joel is clear that people of all ages are to be brought into the sanctuary - even nursing babes.

Get rid of the nurseries and bring the babes in!

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