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1/8/09 12:37 AM |
Molly | |  |  |
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Here's what I do in my housewifery: I wash and dry all the clothes, but I don't fold them. I buy $1000 worth of food every month, at least, shop, bag, bring home, unload, put it away, cook. Vaccuum, steam clean, mend, pay all the bills, do the taxes, make and keep the family appointments, fill up the car with gas, help with homework, cook, clean up, clean up, clean up, did I mention I clean up? Scrub toilets. Vaccuum the van. Pick weeds. ETC. If a lady wants to add homeschooling into this mix, more power to her. I'm already overworked, but, happily, not underappreciated or underloved!!! Praise God for a good Husband who has learned how to live with this weak, fallen woman in understanding. And, who works hard enough to put the kiddos in Christian school so I can be happy. Blessings to all ladies who can do it all AND homeschool. More power to you. And if you can do it in a dress and high heels, even better. I wear jeans. |
1/6/09 12:03 AM |
Molly | | home bored | |  |  |
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I'll bet you're right about the "desperate housewives" show. Alas, I have not seen tv in a very long time, but I have heard about this show. Housewifery has been put up as a new form of Legalism for women. It's not enough to be Born Again, you know, especially in "our circles," you must also homeschool your eight children, bake bread,and all sorts of other things to reach true Spirituality. It's nonsense. I speak with many women often and when I ask, "How is your homeschooling going?" very, very often tears slide down faces of overwhelmed, underappreciated mothers whose Manly-Dominion husbands are guilting them into a job no one could do. (which neither you nor your fathers were able to bear....) and then wonder why the wives are too tired.... |
11/5/08 2:43 PM |
Molly | | California | |  |  |
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A Democratic Conservative wrote: Rumor has it that New York will be Struck AGAIN with another Disaster like 9-11. . . . . . Only WORSE ! ALPHA MODERATOR: Please note that this poster (who is really Tony Lopes-Cisneros of Chicago) is very threatening in a frightening way. Can all his posts be blocked, or at least reported to the FBI? The post partially quoted above is not something that should be overlooked. Thank you, Steven. Molly |
9/30/08 11:15 PM |
Molly | | California | |  |  |
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on the question of whether a Catholic girl could be come queen of England...does anyone care about this? Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, is Catholic, I think, but she won't be queen, only Princess Consort. As for Kate Middleton, I do not know if she has a church affiliation. Not that it would matter, as she (assuming she marries Prince William, assuming he ascends the Throne) won't be a reigning queen, but queen consort. And even assuming a reigning queen, the British monarch doesn't "rule," but reigns, with the duties to Parliament to warn, advise, and consent. A strong nationalism, loyalty to country and people, would seem to be most important here, since we're past the days of drawing and quartering, public hangings, and tying people up to posts until the tides come in, a la previous British sovereigns in their religious fervors. I am not British, but I know this: Americans would revolt en masse before allowing the POTUS to lead a national church. |
9/17/08 9:12 PM |
Molly | | California | |  |  |
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I hope I am not insincere, but I appreciate the counsel to look inside my heart to see for sure. I do want people to have a Bible they can understand, and I do wish T would stop capitalizing.Jim, I read that article on Dr. Morris. It seemed reasonable. Thanks for the heads-up on that. I have nostalgic feelings for Dr. Morris on a personal level and have not studied all his writings. I would lend out easy-to-understand Bibles, probably whatever I had handy. We have a lot of versions around the house. English itself has developed over the centuries. Things don't mean what they once did and there is something to be said for changing certain words, such as in the Abigail case. I have the same problem with hymns that are constantly referring to the "breast" as if 21st century Americans use that word in ordinary language to indicate deeply felt emotions. In our culture, the word almost exclusively references female anatomy and I WISH THEY WOULD CHANGE THE HYMNS TO SAY "HEART." I am sure people will say I have a perverted mind here, but actually I don't. It's just an example of how language changes over time. When people come to church off the streets and hear songs about us "lisping our praise" and "leaning on thy loving breast" it's got to make them go, "HUH?" |
9/6/08 3:05 AM |
Molly | |  |  |
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Churchill a Christian, that's funny. My point was he almost singlehandedly (voicedly) saved the world (don't parse that statement up, Boys; I'm speaking in general terms) while being an unbeliever. Rogerant and Christiana, you have to take all these boys with tons of salt. Listen, if a woman shouldn't hold political office (drum roll, here comes the inflammatory question....) should she participate in choosing those who should lead? (It's bait, girls, to see if the boys'll bite.) You can hardly find a place more full of bizarre, vitriolic, angry, silly, and just-plain weird comments than on sermonaudio. Check any of the comment threads if you don't believe me. Steven must be up late every night with his Alpha Moderator hat on! Loving my Savior, Serving my husband, Teaching my children, Baking my bread, (currently) doing endless laundry, and VOTING MCCAIN/PALIN!!!!! Molly |
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