Benny Hinn is a fraud and in the Old Testament he would have been stoned for being a false prophet. It is easy to blame a "lack of faith" for death or other problems in someones life, but you can't defend your position without doing injustice to the word of God. Jesus never promised that we would be healthy, wealthy and wise if we just had faith. Faith is given to us by the Father, it is not something we manifest in our selves-He is the author and finisher of our faith. So I suppose that since Benny Hinn has such great faith he will never die! And was it the apostle Paul's lack of faith that resulted in his thorn in the flesh not being removed? Just defend your Benny Hinn style take on faith with the Word! This poor man went to Hinn with much faith and Hinn scammed him and then the blame goes on the dead man-how incredibly Christ like of you Hinnities.