I believe we will go through tribulation. Every born again Bible believing saved by grace human being confessing Jesus Christ both in their hearts and with their mouth making a truth full statement abiding in the Word should be encouraged what lies ahead not trying to escape or run away. Jesus Christ is the Head of his body we are the reminding parts if the head suffers the rest of the body suffers. Many will die in faith when that time comes. HOW MANY not many by the looks of it most so called Christians are to busy trying to run away waiting for a false secret rapture.There will be a catching up but that wont happen before the seventh trumpet sounds and Jesus Christ returns. Before then much tribulation. There is a difference between the wrath of God and satans wrath.satans wrath is directed against Gods elect so Gods elect (not temple worshiping Jews or others in carnal worshiping but those born of the spirit Jesus Christ followers will be persecuted.But if your not truly born I wouldn't worry about satan being wroth I would concentrate on the wrath of God for not abiding in his word and believing a lie. Jay Jorgen