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News Item6/21/09 11:13 PM
John811 | Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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DW wrote:
Wishing judgment and wrath on God's enemies is righteous and good. At the same time, wishing forgiveness and grace upon God's elect, whom He has forknown from the foundation of the world is also righteous and good. The problem is, we don't know the eternal decree of God upon any one man. Obama is a wicked sinner who deserves an eternal hell of wrath. So am I, and yet I have been shown grace upon grace.
Perhaps a more Biblical prayer would be: If Obama is not one of your sheep, bring destruction on him swiftly and may he be forever damned! But if he is one of your chosen ones, called to be a vessel of your mercy, may he be granted repentence to the glory of your boundless grace. May you receive glory from him, whether by fierce justice or by unending grace. Amen.

News Item8/15/08 7:15 AM
John811 | Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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KJV lover,

My, my, such anger! I hope you would agree that the bible, in any version, cannot save. Only the Holy Spirit (Ghost for you) by his regeneration of the elect can save.

FYI, I prefer KJV, not because of its English, but because of the texts from which the English was translated. Only the original is the word of God. Everything else is a translation, only as good as the translator's ability allows and only as good as the text (subject to copying errors) can provide.

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Ephesians 4:2 (KJV)

BTW, I would be pleased to see modern scholars, using the texts that produced the KJV, create the same poetic, beautiful, but modern version for us today.

I used to say that I didn't like the KJV because I preferred an English version. Now I use the KJV because I see it as the truest translation from the most reliable texts.

Would that I had the ability to learn the original languages and translate those texts myself. For now I will content myself to read KJV and translate the (KJV)English to English as best I can.

News Item8/7/08 10:53 PM
John811 | Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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I have long been a fan of Chic-fil-a since I discovered that, in addition to good chicken sandwiches, they had accomplished a coup in the big mall world by refusing to be open on Sundays. Malls insist that every store be open when the mall is open. Chic-fil-a was closed on Sundays. If only other "christian" business owners had the conviction to stick to their guns and press the issue like Truett did.

News Item8/2/08 4:26 PM
John811 | Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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"and those who use religion as a tool of division and exclusion do not dominate public discourse."

Let's see, Cain vs Abel, Lot vs Abraham, Jacob vs Esau, et al., et al., et al. ...

So, what's the problem with division? I guess we could say that God started it with the elect and non-elect and blame it on Him. ;-)

News Item7/26/08 10:01 AM
John811 | Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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Dobson had expressed a dissatisfaction with McCain so deep that he had decided to forsake the Republican candidate because he was not worthy of a christian's support. McCain has not changed. What has changed is Dobson's fear of Obama. Dobson seems not to understand that he has not been given a spirit of fear..., so he should not act out of a spirit of fear.

God is still sovereign. Therefore Dobson need not fear the outcome of a political race between two unworthy candidates. Instead he should seek to find, endorse and vote for a worthy candidate where ever that candidate may be found. If there is no one who is worthy in his opinion, he should declare such and publicly and loudly sit this one out!

Dobson's obligation is to his conscience before God, not some egotistical idea that he is responsible for determining which unworthy person will become POTUS.

FYI, I am seeking a "worthy" candidate elsewhere even though I recognize that I will likely be voting for someone who has little chance of winning the election. I fear God, not McCain or Obama. I will not offend Him by voting for one whom I see as morally deficient and unworthy of the office. After all, the POTUS is not in charge, God is!

News Item7/26/08 9:26 AM
John811 | Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
With all the Web sites that have Bibles on them, e.g.,,or,, just the thing for K. J. V. types, there's no need for people to worry about not getting the Bible on the Internet, if they want it. There is always,
[URL=]]]The SWORD Project[/URL]
Or the regular website,
[URL=]]]the CrossWire Bible Society[/URL]
What, pray tell, is a K. J. V. type? I know what the words mean. What do they signify to you?

News Item4/18/08 10:54 AM
John811 | Northern Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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As we look with critical eye upon the depressingly sad choices we face in our presidential candidates, we need to remember that God is sovereign and that He knows and superintends the affairs of this nation. I have no doubt that He will give us the leaders we deserve, even if their role will be to continue to make America a godless nation so that we may repent and turn back to Him. Our inadequate presidential candidates are not an affront to God's church. They are the result of the dereliction of duty by His church. We will get the government we deserve. As we judge the candidates, remember that they are a judgment upon us.

News Item4/4/08 9:35 AM
John811 | Northern Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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I have looked again but did not find the verse that says, " Go preach the gospel to all nations unless you might be persecuted."

"Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world... I hope" say those who submit to anti biblical laws. It may be a good business decision, and after all FOTF is a business, but it is a repulsive moral decision for a ministry to bow to any other god but God. Shame, shame, shame.

Survey4/4/08 9:26 AM
John811 | Northern Illinois  Find all comments by John811
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It is Iraq. I am not a citizen of Iraq. Therefore I have no say in what they do. The Iraqis must choose, not me. They may do as they wish.

My only obligation would be to inform Iraqis, as I may be able, about Christ and salvation so as to help them know the truth that they may be set free. God will judge.

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