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News Item3/14/07 12:08 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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I will check things out CBC. Thanks

News Item3/13/07 7:58 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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News Item3/12/07 8:30 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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I've heard of predestination before.

News Item3/12/07 3:06 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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So why bother preaching? What is an evangelist? Maybe we should just forget it and let God get them all saved. I think it's more of the fact that He knew who would choose Him ahead of time.

News Item3/12/07 12:18 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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Hey Guys:

The bible also says that God is not willing that any should perish. I'm hearing a lot of this "foreknowledge" stuff and I think we need to see that they don't get saved unless they hear the gospel. Great Commission etc.

News Item3/11/07 12:21 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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For starters CBC,he's referring to Paul's verse saying that whether in pretense or in truth the gospel is preached. Like positive and negative advertising. Incidentally, we're not supposed to spend our lives developing consistent arguments. Do you want to know what sin is? Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Period. The law is referred to as the law of sin and death. Christ is made of no effect to you, whosoever of you are justified by the law, ye are fallen from grace. Gal. 1. Do you know whom hell is made for? The fearful and unbelieving. Not for those who are sin free.

News Item3/10/07 1:52 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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Judging by your response, you have an excellent spirit and the Lord has done a great deal of work in you. I do apologize to anyone on this page that I might not have treated as a brother. I tend to react more and I should actually be responding to the Holy Spirit from within. Chris: I did chuckle at your humour but these people are coming from such an extreme viewpoint that we need to extend to them just a little grace. Still chuckling. If it's sin to them, then of course we are going to offend them. I'm not sure how to deal with this because where do we draw this line?

News Item3/9/07 3:45 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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I don't know who this CBC is, but he's pretty quick to condemn everyone to hell. He says he's a preacher and so I'm not sure as to what to make of him. Maybe the only one going to heaven is him??

News Item3/8/07 11:52 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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The truth that needs to be stood for is faith and not your silly sin definitions.

News Item3/8/07 1:01 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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Blessings Brother. We have much to learn from you. Although you stood at a level of disagreement with our church, you went and found something that we could agree with and blessed us with it. Now that's Christianity. I hope we can somehow agree in more areas as time goes by. I know it looks like we're extremely liberal, but really, we're not. We are quite on fire for the Lord. I'm finding out how hard it is to talk from my heart in these matters. It's not that your concerns don't matter to me, but it's just that we have such a different perspective in some areas. Thanks for starting with the areas we can agree with.

News Item3/7/07 10:57 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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Faith calls those things that be not as though they were. The faith once delivered to the saints is not how holy they thought they were. The faith once delivered to the saints was to walk on water. To raise the dead. To heal the sick. To deliver the posessed. All these things take faith. It doesn't take faith to be obedient to the law. That is the natural result of being saved. We are the ones to whom it is written that the law would be on the fleshly tables of our hearts. It's in us to hate sin and walk with God. We have the new nature of Christ. The greatest sin according to the bible is the sin of unbelief. It's unbelief that provoked God in the wilderness. Jesus scolded his disciples because of unbelief. Abraham's faith was imputed to him for righteousness before the law was ever given. Oh yes, thanks for the apology. You might be human after all.

News Item3/7/07 8:25 AM
John [Katy's husband] | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by John [Katy's husband]
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I'm not sure where this CBC preaches but anyone who thinks he is in God's place to judge his brother is to be avoided. Anyone who doesn't agree with him or knows the bible a little better is a threat to him and he's all over them with curses and condemnation. I found him wrong on a couple of scriptures and he said that the Lord will say to me "depart from me I never knew you". Now, I have to say that since I am a born again christian and blood washed by Christ, he has set himself up for judgment according to Rom. 2:1. and according to Gal. chapter 6. BTW the point of that scripture "there will be many who say did we not this in thy name or that in thy name and I will say "depart from.." It's talking about those who will say I did this or that and therefore I qualify for heaven. It's talking about legalism and it's ironic that he used that scripture. I have not condemned him at all but he has me. Avoid this man

News Item3/5/07 5:46 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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CBC: Wrong again. Jacob wanted the blessing from the time he was a child. In fact the name Jacob means "grabber". He stuck his hand out of the womb and a red thread was placed on it by the midwife. This is a picture of Christ's blood. Even though Esau was born first, Jacob was grabbing his ankle. Jacob later grabbed his birthright and in so doing,then grabbed the blessings of God. I'm not bragging as you say. I'm testifying of God's ability to heal. I've also been saved more than 30 years. I've got 2 children in the ministry today. You sir, are downright cruel. I don't know where you preach, but I'd rather have the world cuss me out than to be involved with the likes of you. There is no one that I know of having a beer in Hooters any time soon. Your cursing of my body parts is pure witchcraft born again or not. You should go back to the Pentecostals you came from and learn a few things. I agree that the glory of God is much higher than saving souls, but the Glory of God is not attained by good works or law keeping, it is attained by faith. Please leave me alone, I'm only here to speak with those who love the Lord. No one this cruel could belong to my Saviour. I'm not against even changing some of my opinions if it came to that, but I would never trust you.

News Item3/5/07 8:10 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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D'ont worry about me folks, I'm done here. For your info Shakspeare, I've memorized Ephesians, Galatians and various portions of other New Testament books. I have also memorized a lot of Old Testament stuff like Psalms 100, 8, 23, 1, Isa. 53, etc. I'm not bragging, I did this to restore my damaged brain after getting saved as a teenager after a very bad LSD trip. The word of God healed me and otherwise I would have been institutionalized for life. Jesus heals and delivers as well as saves. I hope you folks will one day see this. God bless you, all of you, I'm done here. If you are against me, then pray for your enemies and bless them as Jesus says. I don't agree with the billboard advertising drinking with the people of the church. I'm quite sorry that happened. It was almost enough to make me quit, but these people are so hungry to get people saved that they will do anything. I'm not sure if that makes us right, but the only ones we're offending seem to be extreme legalists. I was against the signage from the beginning. Anyone who feels personally attacked from my words, please forgive me. I want the best for you. We really are brothers and sisters and should behave that way.

News Item3/5/07 1:44 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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By the way CBC. You're not the only one who hates sin. Hating sin should be the normal result of walking with the Lord. I hate sin too. The sin I hate the most is unbelief. Read the bible enough and you'll find out that this was also the sin that God hated the most. The book of Hebrews goes on and on to say that "they entered not in because of unbelief" Do you recall when Jesus spoke of how David himself entered into the temple and ate the shewbread. This was a forbidden thing to do according to the law and yet David did it and got away with it. He was showing the legalists that man is Lord of the Sabbath and not the other way. We've made laws our God and not God Himself. We basically worship the law and put God somewhere down the list. Jacob have I loved" Jacob was the deceiver and yet it is recorded that God loved him. Why? Because even if it meant him deceiving his father and brother, he was after the blessing. He was after God first. What he wanted was God and even if he had to wrestle the Angel to get the blessing, he'd get it. The laws were first given in order to save a rebellious people from being wiped out by another judgement of God. They were given reluctantly.

News Item3/5/07 12:30 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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CBC: And just what were Jesus' commandments? I believe he summed the 10 up in 2. Love God and love your neighbour. He didn't say keep "the" commandments. Oh and by the way, you're wrong, He did say "have great faith" He said to "have the God kind of faith" or "have faith in God" He mentioned that He'd never seen so great a faith as the centurion's faith" The only 2 times it is recorded that Jesus marvelled is when He marvelled at unbelief and also when He marvelled at great faith. I've got about 1/4 of the New Testament memorized and so don't even go there with what the Bible says. You can take Paul's verse on not doing anything that might cause your brother to stumble to the point where you're basically doing nothing. Wearing clothes a certain way, mowing your lawn on Sunday, the length of your hair, dancing. I know many Christians who are offended if you don't drink. You're always going to offend someone. They called Jesus a winebibber and so do you call me the same. It's as long as you don't use your liberty as an occasion to the flesh and that's where it ends. Get over it and find out what the Lord really wants. It certainly isn't your silly legalism. That just makes Him angry. If you ask me for verses proving that I will have many.

News Item3/4/07 9:30 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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On tradition....
That's much better than the fighting and accusing that has been the way we've all been going here. I actually agree with everything you said in your post. I also agree with the "strict" approach to alcohol. I was an elder in a church once and the pastor was a former alcoholic. He made it clear that one drop of alcohol would end my position. So for that period of about 4 years, that's how it was. There are some traditions however that can backfire on us. Matt. 15:6 says that the traditions of men make the word of God of no effect. People in here don't like me because I quote scriptures that are against their own traditions.

News Item3/4/07 12:40 AM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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You think that being on fire for God is to be obedient. I'm not against obedience, but being on fire for God is rather about faith. The law was supposed to bring us to faith. The law wasn't an end of itself, but a schoolmaster to lead us to faith. I obey the law, but it doesn't consume me. My heart is towards faith. Like Paul said, having begun in the Spirit are you now made perfect in the flesh. Why go back to all the traditions. Find out why Paul and Peter had it out in Galatians chapter 2. It was the exact same thing that we are arguing about here. Incidentally, I don't agree with using my freedom as an occasion to the flesh. The point is that I am free though. I am to stand fast in my liberty wherewith Christ has made me free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. What bondage, the bondage of legalism. If you can get over the law, you can start moving into faith. That's where we were intended to be from the beginning. Not to be going around comparing each other's righteousness. All our righteousness is as filthy rags before God anyways.

News Item3/3/07 6:51 PM
John [Katy's Husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's Husband]
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Wow: Everyone is mad at me.
One thing I never do is claim to know it all. I know a 16 year old girl who was an outstanding believer [didn't drink either] and she was quite concerned because she would be attacked by demons in her dreams almost every night. It had gotten worse since she had turned 12 and had become unbearable by the age of 16. We found out her grandfather was an abortion docter and had performed 1000's of abortions. She prayed a prayer to break generational curses just one time, and they never bothered her again. Not once! The blood of Christ does indeed wash our personal sins, but it doesn't deal with legal rights made possible from the sins of our parents and their parents. The blood gets us to heaven, but we still need to deal with sins that have affected our souls from even before we were born. This is the reason people tend to end up like their parents and in the same situation.

News Item3/3/07 12:36 PM
John [Katy's husband] | Canada  Find all comments by John [Katy's husband]
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CBC: If you're a preacher, you need to study the word more. Why do you think the disciples asked the question. For whose sins is this man blind? Leviticus 26: 40 and 42. Speaks of confessing the sins of your generations and repenting of your own. You know how it says "God is a jealous God and visits the iniquity of the forfathers to the 3rd and 4th generations. Even Roman Catholics might have a point. I've met many who are saved and no longer pray to Mary or the saints. They've stayed by choice as a light to their friends.

You interpret scripture via your denominational doctrine first. It should be first the bible and then your doctrines.

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