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Sermon12/17/13 7:44 AM
John | Singapore  Protected NameFind all comments by John
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Christ is our elder brother, not our Father

News Item4/24/08 4:21 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
BTW, I hear some people bash Wikipedia, but most of the articles I've seen are of good quality.
Only problem I remember having with Wikipedia was bias.

A year ago or so I Googled the word Monergism, wanting to know
what it meant, having heard it mentioned in my Sunday school

Wikipedia not only defined Monergism but took the liberty of
trying to point out 3 or 4 of its (perceived) flaws.

Curious, I then looked up Synergism, expecting Wikipedia to
be even-handed by pointing out ITS flaw, but NONE were listed;
prompting me to suspect that at least one of these definitions
was submitted by a free-willer.

News Item4/24/08 4:12 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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rhymnrzn2zion wrote:
May I inquire, for the one hope of our calling, what purpose or practical use do you take upon this weight of substance? Mere Hobby you say?
All I do now is target-shooting.

I'd like to do more hunting but I live
in a very urban area, where such options
are rather limited.

News Item4/24/08 1:04 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
That's the man. I'm not surprised that someone from San Jose would know this!
Do you know if he's still around?
[URL=]]]Cypress Semiconductor[/URL]
I had to call my friend, who used to work for Cypress.

He said T.J. Rogers is still head of Cypress and has
founded at least one other company (can't remember the
name), but he's not so prominent in the news these days.

10 years ago or so, T.J. led the charge to fight-off an
attempt by Jessie jackson and his people to "liberalize"
hiring practices here (by trying to increase emphasis on
the person's heretige/race/etc. and not just their merits).

Apart from this and sporatic commentary on excessive taxes
and the added stress they inflict on local industry I haven't
heard much from T.J. lately.

News Item4/24/08 12:35 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
Back in the '80s, only one semiconductor executive opposed calls for "industrial policy" to compete with Japan.
Was that executive T.J. Rogers of Cypruss Semiconductor?

He's certainly one of our more outspoken conservative CEOs.

I might be more concerned by the "doubling" of food prices
were it not for the fact that prices of so many other products
are going way up as well.

The lead I buy for my firearms/bullet-making hobby has more
than doubled in the past 2 years, as have other things I shop

News Item4/23/08 11:51 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
Discovery Institute's "Privileged Planet" is indeed nicely made & even encouraging, but in endorsing the Anthropic Principle as it does, it in effect repeats the untenable Teleological Argument for the existence of God. Even if one concedes that the universe has design & purpose, it does not logically follow that the Scriptural Trinity made it - perhaps Zeus or Voltaire's "committee of gods" did. Thomas Aquinas et al. couldn't avoid begging the question here. Apologetics has been hindered by use of this argument.
Now it may be acceptable if one uses it ad-hominem - assume your opponent's probablistic empirical principles for the sake of argument.
Even if you don't agree with this, it's best to be aware of objections *before* encountering a well-briefed atheist.
At least it's more robust than
the old "god-of-the-gaps" argument.

Did you once say that David Hume
more or less torpedoed the whole
Teleological Argument many decades
ago? I guess I could just google it,
and find out but sometimes it's easier
just to ask someone.

Sermon4/23/08 7:44 AM
John | Singapore  Protected NameFind all comments by John
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank for this wonderful sermon. It has been a blessing and timely reminder to me. Highly Recommended !

News Item4/22/08 10:02 PM
JOHN  Find all comments by JOHN
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Who knows what version of the TR is the correct one? Are there not greater than 15 versions?

Survey4/22/08 6:21 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Icon O'Clast wrote:
Unfortunately I do not feel it is beneficial to me or anyone else I continue these discussions. When things degenerate to a point where simple questions are not answered but are responded to with diatribe and meaningless and fruitless nonsense one can only say, "What's the point!"
To all who have contributed meaningfully and with reverence to God and His Holy Word - thank you and God bless you.
To those who do nothing but spit out hatred for the theology of the Reformers - goodbye and have fun in the woodshed.
Thanks for at least trying to get thru
to some of these other people. It's
pretty frustrating to have to listen
to the same self-justification-based
drivel over and over again from some of

Knowing just what true faith is is a
very important issue indeed, and we
must be sure we get our truth from
God's word, the Bible.

I have enjoyed your posts and will miss

Survey4/22/08 6:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Mike wrote:
It does make you wonder why there should be joy in heaven over one sinner that repents. Why are they joyful at the time of repentance? If it were a gift, should they not instead have been joyful at the time the sinner was predestined to receive it?
You're assuming that "those in Heaven" ALSO
know who is and who is not predestined.
Since only God was around before the
foundation of the world, only He knows
for sure who is and who is not predestined.
That's why "they" rejoice when one repents,
because it's the first real manifest evidence
that God has saved them.

You Arminian/Anti-Calvinists are making this
issue much more convoluted than it really is.

You need to study your Bibles more carefully.

News Item4/22/08 3:03 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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fuzzy logic wrote:
so John, did you actually see the film? Was it worth the $8+ ?
Friends of mine who saw it assured me
that I'd like it, but I'm not much of
a movie person these days, so It'll be
some time before I overcome my "inertia"
and go see it (or get the DVD).

If it's at least as good as "Priveleged Planet"
was, I'll probably like it too.

News Item4/22/08 12:42 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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This is new to me.

All I've heard about until now is how the
drive to increase ethanol production is
cutting into the world supply of corn.

What we can't get at Costco (here in the
SF Bay Area) we can usually find at a
place called "Smart and Final". Don't
know if they have any stores in Arizona
or New York.

News Item4/22/08 12:29 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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It would be nice if this film ended up convicting at least
a few of our modern secular scientists not to be so hastey to dismiss
that which seems profoundly counterintuitive to them
(e.g. Paul Erlich's dismissal of Julian Simon's population
studies as being of a "flat-earth" mentality--even though
Simon was the one who turned out to be right!).

One of their own, Richard Feynman, admonished his own students
to be wary of misleading themselves during scientific endeavors
by saying "YOU yourself (student) are the easiest one to fool".

Even more cool would be the conviction of Ben Stein himself
that in challenging the Darwinists, he's not just wrestling
with flesh and blood, but PRINCIPALITIES, etc.; which would
eventually lead him to God/Christ/salvation.

News Item4/19/08 8:17 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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kenny wrote:
The divorce rate in America went up as the number of women abandoning their homes and children to enter the work force went up.
Amen, Kenny.

This is a HUGE problem, reinforced by
stupid shows like Mary Tyler Moore and
Murphy Brown. I have literally dozens
of female co-workers with young kids
at home alone while mommy satisfies
her greed and conformity to modern
female standards by leaving them for
their daycare or GRANDPARENTS to raise.

Every day I drive to work I go by a
local park where virtually ALL strollers
are being pushed by an man or woman in
their 60s or 70s. Where the @#$$%!
is MOMMY--Oh...she's too busy helping
daddy bring home the bacon. It's
mind-bogglingly foolish and bad for
the family in the long run.

News Item4/19/08 7:52 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Pope urges all Christians to 'hold fast' to scripture".

Sure. He and his fellow Catholics will do the same, but
in addition to holding fast to scripture, THEY/Catholics
will ALSO hold fast to their sacred traditions, post-apostolic
visions (Fatmia, etc.), and Church authority in general as
being on the same level as scripture; thus defining their
wider absolute authority than most other Christian denominations
subscribe to (5 solas, etc.).

News Item4/16/08 1:07 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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If Israel attacks Iran the latter will
be decapitated as surely as Goliath was
by David.

The only way Iran could beat Israel is
through attrition, but Israel doesn't
fight that kind of war if it can be

News Item4/16/08 12:58 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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He ought to let his priests have wives.

That way they'd at least have a legitimate
sexual outlet rather than having it all
build up an become perverted over their
years of service.

News Item4/16/08 12:55 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Study reveals shocking content on BET, MTV".

They needed to conduct a STUDY to determine this???

I don't watch either channel, but flipping the dial
one day, I came across a bisexual reality dating show.
Curious, I looked up the channel number and found that
it was MTV (which used to show music videos back in the
80s). Need I say more?

News Item4/15/08 12:32 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I don't use the NIV since the ESV (which our church uses) is at
least as easy to read as the NIV. I've heard the NIV is OK for
reading but not studying, since it's not a literal word-for-word
translation. I still prefer KJV not just because it's stood the
test of time, but most of the passages I've memorized in my
lifetime and can recall and apply are from KJV.

It's a very good version for Bible study, too.

News Item4/15/08 12:17 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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What I hate is the almost unavoidable result that any/all
credit for "helping" the "poor" ends up going to those who
take wealth from others instead of to the ones who generated
that wealth in the first place.

Even worse is that the latter are often vilified in order to
further enhance the "generous" reputation of the former.

Biblical and Marxist socialism invariably alienate the helper
and the one being helped to the point that neither is aware
of the other on any kind of personal level.

"Divide and conquer", I guess.

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