Great Sermon! Powerful, challenging preaching.
How dreadful to think that many who name the Name of Christ may be well on the road to an eternal hell.
Great Sermon! Had the privilege of listening to Dr. Beeke yesterday morning. Without exaggeration, it was one of the best sermons I have ever heard.
Indeed the whole service was inspirational. Thank you Dr. Beeke and thank you Ballymena Free Church.
Great Sermon! Thank you for the Bible Conference. All the sessions were challenging and heart warming. Certainly the Lord was with Rev. Nelson. What he said needs to be said again and again in every Bible believing Church. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your exposition of Psalm 16. It was both thrilling and challenging. What a wonderful Saviour we have for the present and the future.
I have had the opportunity to listen to most of the Bible Studies over the past two weeks and found them helpful, inspiring and challenging as well as Christ homouring and God glorifying. So I feel I should write to tell you and to thank you for them. May God continue to bless the work at Magherafelt and our brother's work in Orlando. Yours in Christ. Jim McClatchey (brother-in law of Betty Hopper.)
Great Sermon! How could any true believer not be thrilled with such a message?
Wonderful preaching, true Bible exposition, and a soul thrilling message.
thank you.
Great Sermon! Powerful Biblical Preaching!!
I have a great concern about churches full of unregenerated 'christians,' because of a truncated Gospel. Yet that gospel is so popular today.
The Scripture would say that it is 'another gospel' that is preached and believed. It might look good on evangelists reports of numbers, but what of eternity?
Thank you for your faithfulness.
Great Sermon! Unable to get out to church this evening because of back pain and listened to this sermon.
It was Biblical, thrilling, comforting and challenging.
Thank you dear brother for your ministry. May the Lord bless you and may you see great fruit for your labour. Thank You.