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Blog1/27/2020 9:53 AM
hope | Houston, taxes  Find all comments by hope
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Sermon1/24/17 5:38 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Book or Books
Bob Caldwell
“ Great Sermon! ”
Cant seem to stop listening to it.

News Item9/7/14 1:37 PM
Hope | Texas  Find all comments by Hope
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Is anyone else having problems with the app loading? I have version 3.7 It will not load and will close after about 30 seconds of trying. When I double click the iPad button it shows my last sermon that I was listening to; however, when I click it, it does not respond at all and then it goes away also. I have also turned off the iPad and started it again with no help. Is there a fix for this? By the way I love SermonAudio...I listen to sermons all the time.

Thank you!!

Sermon3/28/14 1:07 PM
Hope | Washington State  Find all comments by Hope
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The Battle is the Lord's
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
“ thanks for the encouragement! ”

News Item1/31/14 6:55 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Then quit acting like you praise and worship John Calvin my friend.

News Item1/31/14 6:42 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Do you praise and worship The Lord duh?

News Item1/31/14 6:28 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Who cares about these men and there theology? It's not about them and there theology, it's all about JESUS and what he's done.

News Item4/16/13 9:56 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Rufus wrote:
If I knew what that meant I suspect I would be offended.
Oh dear, I wanted it to be a compliment.

News Item4/16/13 9:40 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Rufus wrote:
It is the point just before Christians get trodden under foot.
Matthew 5:13 - Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
I hope that is clever wit and not some other fanciful piece of dispensationalist eisegesis?

News Item2/5/13 12:41 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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"More than 40,000 teachers say they will probably refuse to teach about “the importance of” same-sex marriage, according to a new poll."

Not true. "40,000 teachers" did not "say" any such thing.

It is easy for less than 50 people (out of 500) asked in a survey to say they will "probably" take a stand. It is quite another thing for even those 50 to actually take a stand.

Anglican vicars stay close to their pensions. Are teacher enabled with a nobler spirit? Let's hope so.

News Item12/31/12 1:18 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gather.

News Item12/31/12 12:24 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Delny wrote:
Roman Catholic churches, synagogues and mosques who object will be given “watertight” protections against being forced to conduct gay weddings, Maria Miller, the Culture Secretary and minister for equalities, said.
The Church of England and the Church in Wales are to be banned from holding gay weddings under the new law."" [URL=]]]Telegraph[/URL]
Another attack on the Bible and the law of God by Satan and his Liberals.
I recently read about the alliance of these monotheistic religions on a website that would account for the 'watertight' protection given to them by the beast of the sea. According to Rev. 13:2 its power comes from the dragon. I have been taught the dragon in prophetic Scripture is Satan employing persecution; but his being referred to as a serpent is his employing deception. I have also been taught that the Moral person of the Antichrist of Scripture is a secular imperial world power in alliance with an apostate church and the papacy.

News Item12/10/12 2:53 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. John 19:11

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18

If all power is comes down from above and there is no power but of God. The Father has given all power to the Son, then who has given power to the Supreme Court to rule on God's law? We the people? The creature has power to rule on the Authority of the Creator? That's Blasphemy. Rev.13:1

Sermon7/24/12 1:50 PM
Hope  Find all comments by Hope
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's like we're all at this wild party. We hear the clock strike midnight and know we've gotta go, but don't. Tomorrow we'll be hammered and hopefully not pregnant but, "Shh!" let's not ruin tonight by talking about it. What national preacher's gonna cut the flow of birth control that's fueling This American Orgy? So many babies are dying and it's wrecking so much havoc in the church, home and college that someone's got to say 'No!' to the Margaret Sanger Worldview™. Church and home have been flipped on their head. Everything's now in chaos. When will the whole unified Church finally kiss the pandemonium-producing Pill goodbye?

News Item11/12/10 9:50 AM
Hope | US  Find all comments by Hope
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After reading this article and the other links, I find myself asking: What is the difference between 1. the message implied, to attain the desired response of evangelicals and 2. the promoted unity of sentiment in a good cause that Evangelicals and Catholics Together always promote? Is there a difference? What is the real problem? How should it be addressed?

News Item11/10/10 10:34 AM
Hope | US  Find all comments by Hope
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just what's next wrote:
Whatever happened to WE THE PEOPLE?
Just what's next,
I was wondering what is next myself. I found some comfort and instruction in Isaiah 58-59.
My opinion which is only as valid as it agrees with the Scripture is that it is 'we the people' that is the problem. If God is the Creator, and Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of his people, given him by the Father; then as a member of the Triune Godhead, Christ should have the right to rule in any nation as part of his essential dominion as Creator. As the Redeemer of his donated people given him by the Father, the Church, he is Head. Separate institutions, different kinds responcibility, but all must be subject to God if he is God. Why be subject to a mixture of erring men and hold their word above God's?

News Item11/7/10 3:22 PM
Hope | US  Find all comments by Hope
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
I am sorry friend, but it really looks like you are debasing me and exalting yourself.

Friend, that is a heart judgment and you don't know my heart anymore than I know yours. It was not my known intent to debase your opinion or to exalt my own. If I did so, it was not my intent. My intent was for me in my opinions to keep first table commandments and honor God's opinion above yours or mine. I have tried to regulate what I do accordingly, yet not perfectly. I myself left a very lucrative job for conscience sake and it was a battle until it was resolved. The job was not sinful in itself, but the apostasy made it offensive to my conscience, and my conscience is not yours.

News Item11/6/10 11:39 AM
Hope | US  Find all comments by Hope
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"We want to make a very strong message (to Muslims), you are welcome to America, pray to whatever god you want to pray to, the Constitution gives you that right, but in America our law is the Constitution," she said.

Any nation that declares itself independent of The word of God and the authority of Jesus Christ as the Prince of the kings of the earth is a nation of confused pluralism. Any professing church that entertains the same pluralism by not working to resolve her divisions and schisms is accountable to God for her example that has brought this confusion into government and she needs to repent. See J. Durham's work 'Concerning Scandal'and 1 Cor.3 It is the church who leads the nation by example and not the nation the church. The nations job is to protect her, as saith the Scripture.Isa.49:23

News Item11/5/10 9:39 AM
Hope | US  Find all comments by Hope
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
If an editor would like to include a Christian based cartoon in their publication visit: [URL=]]]ReverendFun [/URL]
Go to the "using cartoons" option on their website, to look into terms of use.
Personally, I would not encourage the use of cartoons for serious and weighty subjects, nor could I be an editor at this time in history with a conscience void of offense to God and man. Maybe someday but not now.

News Item11/2/10 11:38 AM
Hope | US  Find all comments by Hope
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Every editor is going to have to deal with someone who is irate, because their submission wasn't accepted.[/QUOTE]I agree, but it is not whether they please themselves or the owner of the paper but whether they please God. That was my original point that I did not make clear. I'm sorry. We each one must give an account to God. Christians will have a greater responsibility for as you pointed out they are entrusted with truth and virtue. But all men will reckon to God for their conscience and this nation that has had the less clear light of truth, as a nation, since its constitution. It will not be as accountable as some nations. I believe this a true and honest statement, therefore consistent with Phil.4:8
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