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News Item8/27/11 6:29 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Lady Virtue is right. I told my husband a few years ago that with the rise of homosexuality, the next ten or so years would lead to the normalization of pedophilia. First it was adultery being widly accepted through portrayal in movies, now homosexuality is being greatly promoted by the same movie-makers- a few years on, and it will be pedophilia.

News Item8/27/11 6:08 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Hi John doing well, thanks
I get your point about Jesus and the disciples, but they might have had a drink or two with their meal; they weren't sitting down at a bar and having drink after drink. I'm not saying Christians shouldn't drink: I'm saying it's not something that should be used as a tool for witness, nor as a common relaxation for Christians. I myself sometimes have a drink at home: my husband is unsaved and drinks quite often, so there is usually some around the home. I have to say that if I could, I would flush it all down the toilet. Even those who don't start out to get drunk can get drunk, and even those who aren't nasty when they're drunk can be stupid when they're drunk. I think there's no reason to give ourselves a chance to be unwise or blasphemous because we're not ourselves.

That said, how are things with you?

News Item8/20/11 11:28 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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As I read the article through, I don't find that John MacArthur claimed that drinking itself was a sin: his claim was that drinking as a lifestyle and drinking as a form of evangelism was dangerous and wrong. I agree with him. I think it's a matter between oneself and God as to whether one drinks or not, but surely we can all agree that a Christian going out on the town to 'evangelize' is absolutely and terribly wrong! Jesus never did so. The apostles never did so. What are the unsaved going to think? They're going to think 'oh, they're not so different to us.' But we ARE meant to be different. Jesus and the apostles didn't use drinking parties to preach the gospel; neither should we. We should be a holy church, separated to God, without spot and without wrinkle.

News Item5/29/11 3:14 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Very sorry to see John Piper espousing the likes of Rick Warren A great deal of what Piper has (or perhaps I should say 'had') to say is spot on and so helpful (thinking especially of the book 'God is the Gospel'). I did see it coming with a few things I heard him approve of in the way of worship, but I'm sad nevertheless. It almost makes me wish for the days when men of God (Bunyan, for example, or Paul) were imprisoned and mocked for their beliefs. A bit of mockery and hardship might do us some good: as David kept with the Lord so long as he was in troubles, and wandered away when he was comfortably king, so I think do we as Christians.

News Item5/1/11 12:48 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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WAE wrote:

If you substitute “Precious Roman Catholic people” for “Gandhi” in the above quote, wouldn’t one be in the same school as the individual who attached the handwritten note to the art?

Devout Roman Catholics are in Hell? They are? And someone knows this for sure and felt the need to let the rest of us know?

Yes, Roman Catholics who have died ARE in hell. They were trusting in the pope (a sinful man) to save them, instead of Christ (the sinless man.) Rob Bell is deceived, if not a deceiver; and he teaches what is not right according to the word of God. As much as sinful people wish to ignore the fact, God is a God of justice and judgement and righteousness as well as a God of love. He can't just forgive sin without payment, and only Christ was eligible to pay that price. And for the record, it is VERY necessary to tell people this. Why should we, as Christ-believing Christians, let others go to death and hell by lack of telling them their error?! Wake up, Christians!

News Item4/20/11 7:42 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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It's always worth praying for one another- in fact God commands it. We aren't God, to know what he's ordained and what he hasn't; and so we pray and supplicate, and praise. God's absolute sovereignty in no way decreases our need and duty to pray. We live in the paradigm that God created for us, and we don't know the order that he's made for us to walk in.

News Item4/20/11 1:19 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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"Twenty-five percent of born-again Christians said all people are eventually saved or accepted by God. A similar proportion, 26 percent, said a person’s religion does not matter because all faiths teach the same lessons.

And an even higher proportion, 40 percent, of born-again Christians said they believe Christians and Muslims worship the same God."

Huh, there's an easy answer to these percentages. The people aren't born again Christians. No-one can truly be a Christian without believing that Jesus is the ONLY way to God and salvation ("There is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus"). If you believe anything else, you are not trusting in Christ alone by faith for your salvation. As for those that believe in an airy-fairy feel-good gospel that all eventually will be saved: "He that believeth in me is not condemned, but he that believeth not in me is condemned already."

News Item4/17/11 4:25 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Lurker wrote: "Absolutely no agreement from this quarter. Any view which makes God the author of murderous, unjust wars is horribly misguided."

Don't forget that in old testament history, God frequently used the Israelites to bring judgment on the unbelieving nations. They were not pretty wars: men women and children were to be killed. This was God's judgment on their sin, as clearly stated in the Bible. The Bible also states many examples of God's judgment on the Israelites by unbelieving nations. I can't see that the holocaust is any different. Horrible, yes. But I believe that God is still glorified, and that it was for the ultimate good of the Jewish people.

News Item4/17/11 3:56 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Lucifer, in his own paradigm, fell from his position by choosing to sin. He's responsible for his actions then and now. As to this making God the author of sin, or being a party to it; I disagree. Everything that God does is righteous and true, because he is God. There is no higher authority or law. Logically, as Spock would say, what He does MUST be right because it CANNOT be wrong. It is only us as humans that can sin, having a higher law and lawgiver.

News Item4/17/11 3:39 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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The holocaust is a pretty good example of the kind of perspective I'm talking about. From our perspective it's horrible; but from God's perspective, his plan and will are still going on, though to us it seems unfathomable.
'"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."'

News Item4/17/11 3:23 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Hi Mike

What I mean when I say 'the will of God' from God's perspective is everything that God wills to do. Everything he chooses to do, everything he brings to pass.

From what I can see, the holocaust is a very Biblical judging of the Jews. Time and time again God has punished the Jews and reduced them to a very few in number to graciously bring them to realize their sin and lack toward him. Just as God graciously brings trouble and hardship into our lives as the spiritual people of God, to bring us back to him.

News Item4/17/11 2:00 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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"Rivivalandreformation wrote: It's like characters in a book. We follow the script laid before us, but we cannot act outside of God's already ordained will. That which has been planned and laid before the foundations of the world"

I didn't know anyone else thought about it like that! I'm a writer, and that's how I've come to understand it too; passing from arminianism to calvinism (to use labels). When I'm writing, my characters (hopefully) are behaving according to character and doing as they wish according to their own paradigm. It seems to me that this is very similar to what God does with us. In our own paradigm (ie, the will and purpose of God) we have free will (according to our nature, fallen or living) to do what ever we want. But above it all is the Alpha and the Omega, who chose us in his Son before time began, and who formed our paths 'When as yet there were none of them'. I believe that every single act and every single word is according to the will of God; and it both amazes and comforts me. Just thinking of all the dovetails and miniscule happenings that take place in time and space to make each thing occur rightly . . . ! It's wonderful!

News Item4/16/11 10:32 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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When a church allows female pastors, only further sins and separation from God can follow. What angers me is that these are 'professing' Christians. Unsaved people acting as unsaved people will surely fall under less condemnation than those pretending righteousness and following sins they should know to be wrong.
"To whom much is given, much will be required."

News Item4/16/11 10:26 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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The way I understand it, all humans have free will. Unfortunately, we're born with a sinful and fallen nature, and so our free will is only exercised to wrong things and bad choices. Our dead nature doesn't desire after God. Our free will is only free to do as our nature is. When God regenerates us and gives us a new nature, we desire after Him; our free will made freer to seek after Him. But only after He has first sought and saved us. Our salvation is nothing of us, even our faith is given to us by God. I stop and think of this in amazement every time I come before God in prayer: He saved me and made me alive to desire Him. I love Him because 'he first loved' me. There's no greater joy than knowing that God has saved me, because he chose to, not because of anything good he saw in me; and that he continues to save and keep me though I am still so sinful. As my salvation had nothing to do with what I am, so my preservation has nothing to do with it. But by God's grace now my free will is exercised by a new nature to seek after him and to please him.

News Item4/4/11 6:32 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Thanks, John You're quite right- I'll continue to speak out against what is wrong, and contend for what is right; I'm just hoping to always do it in a God-honoring way.
It's good to have fellowship -even online- to encourage me along

News Item4/4/11 5:06 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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It's good to see you again, John I'm trying a new approach . . . 'Older and Wiser'. I've found that unless the grace of God changes a person, my arguments certainly won't. So I try not to argue with those who won't listen: I'm not innocent of the charge of bickering myself I do like a good, honest debate with godly people, though

News Item4/3/11 5:19 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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It's good to be back. I try not to comment on too much anymore, since the fights -er, discussions- rarely lead to edifying conversation But seeing this man twice in one day was a bit of an eye-opener.

News Item4/2/11 10:45 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I saw another video of Rob Bell just prior to coming onto Sermonaudio. He seems to forget that a perfect and just God can't simply dismiss sin. He claims that our view of God makes Jesus the person who 'saves us from God'; forgetting that it is God who sent Jesus, and God AS Jesus Christ who saves us. ie ". . . that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation." (2 Cor. 5:19)
Rob Bell makes up a straw man and then attempts to knock it down. He goes against scripture and is clearly an apostate: I don't think we should be surprised. The bible clearly tells us that many such people will rise from among the church. Sad but true.

News Item6/13/09 8:34 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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This lady says she wants the church to reach out with a message of 'love, hope and joy' or something like. No, there's already enough touchy-feely religion going around. We need to give out the message of certain judgement in the way the prophets used to. We need Jonathan Edwards and his ilk. People hear the message of 'love and peace', and say: "Of course, it's exactly what I deserve!" They need to know their depravity and their hoplessness before the message of Christ and God's love will ever affect them.

News Item5/30/09 4:54 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Funny, John Bunyan had the very same problem . . .
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