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News Item4/23/16 6:05 PM
Dr.Phil  Find all comments by Dr.Phil
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Hmmm....can't find anyone be pummeled or kicked but Geff's continual sing song concerning Frank, MS & a boo hooing about some past owies!

News Item12/24/14 4:27 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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It is dangerous to be right when the majority are wrong.

News Item12/8/14 7:23 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Humor wrote:
Hey Doc, our Stevie's a Christian in his own deranged mind. The fact that his heart is still full of darkness doesn't enter his poor little brain.
Well humor that's what happens when you attend a BG concert er..crusade they have you march to the front and they pronounce you a Christian and then they send you to whatever synagogue of Satan that helped fund their concert er..crusade.

News Item12/8/14 4:35 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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SteveR wrote:
I would say the real cowards are those that hide under multiple IDs to conceal their shame. W/out multiple iDs, people like yourself would never be brave enough to mouth off. You are way too afraid to use your real SA ID to say these things, arent you?
Just because you were chased home everyday from school, doesnt mean you have to continue your life as a gutless twerp
Such a mature adult response....
We are not feeling the love here, Stevie my boy.
Just remember this ....character equals destiny....

News Item12/1/14 5:08 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Humor wrote:
Is that a funny way of saying I'm a dead man if I come back? Not very friendly doc!
Just remember....the best way to lose a friend is to tell him something for his own good.

News Item12/1/14 4:28 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Tsk Tsk people....we are not feeling the love here and we might upset a few of our ecumenical (im)posters.
Pease let's learn to be more loving and accepting of all the false heretical apostates.
Now let's all gather for a big group hug..

News Item12/1/14 4:16 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Humor wrote:
Well doc, I'm real cut up about it because I got no sympathy so I'm leaving this uncaring board!
Well your choice friend, just remember if you come back that there are a few on here whose sword is their tongue and they don't let it rust....

News Item12/1/14 10:48 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Humor wrote:
You just hurt my feelings! Boo Hoo!
Hows that boo hooing working for ya?

News Item1/24/09 9:34 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Calvinist Understanding wrote:
I am not going to address the question of "free" will, because this is another issue altogether. I just do not have the time to go down that alley.
What some calvinists say is that if one does not accept that faith is a gift, then it makes the exercise of faith a work. This has always seemed ridiculous to me, but I have read it many times, and this is why I wanted some explanation from any Calv. as to what "works" are and how "faith" in particular could sit comfortably with any biblical definition of "works".
It is my understanding that works are any that are attempted to justify one's self to God. This includes those works that result from the presumption that faith itself is derived from the will of man.

The works of the Pharisees are given as an example of self justification through extreme measures of obedience to the law. None were so meticulous at the Pharisee. Nevertheless, the Lord said that "except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven." This essentially indicates that the best has been tried and it was not good enough. Therefore, another righteousness must be found outside of ourselves to be justified.

News Item1/23/09 5:54 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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In all due respect gentlemen, these arguments are irrelevant. If the government steals, which it does, it does not provide the grounds for another to break the law which states "Thou shalt not steal".

But, that being said, I am certain the government will handle this case of theft the same way that it has handled the many cases of Roman Catholic priests charged with pedophelia. The only redeeming thing about this is that the money these priests stole will not make its way into the hands of the Anti-christ of Rome (at least for a while until he gets some of this bail out money). This will certainly bring pressure on OB1 to deal with this in severity. You can rape children and the Anti-christ will pardon, but let us see how he feels about robbing from his money belt.

Survey12/15/08 1:28 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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John UK wrote:
Don't forget that Adam was a man with a totally free will. Until the fall, this was the state of the human race.
Also you are in error with your words (taken from a hymn). God FORCES no-one. His way is far more gentlemanly.
Apart from that, yes I agree with Cowper.

News Item12/15/08 1:21 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Neil wrote:
Chris Lowney, Managing Director of JP Morgan, admits to having been a Jesuit, so I assume this is the basis for the charge. But what exactly is a "Jesuit bank?" One that practices high finance according to Jesuit doctrine? If so, how is that even possible, given the Jesuits' obsession with [URL=]]]Social Justice[/URL] (shared with many alleged "Protestants")? I cannot imagine lending money to fund an ostensibly charitable activity.
For what it's worth, J.P. himself was a devout Episcopalian.

You pose some thought provoking questions. Given the fact that the Jesuits are the espionage branch of the RCC, their motives for undermining the US economy must be directed by the Anti-christ, Ratzinger, himself to bring the US under his complete command. Such idiots; do they not know that if the US goes, they will loose over $100 million/yr. in contributions to the Pope's vault. No other country comes close to this; consider all the countries of the world under RCC domination and the poverty associated. It was the economy that rose up from the doctrine of separation of church and state that has caused the US to succeed. Do they think that communist China will take up the slack?

News Item9/18/08 5:57 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Neil wrote:
FYI: [URL=]]]International Christian Embassy[/URL]
These folks are scary. Note how they misapply Is. 40:1-2.
These Zionists (I hate to use the term "evangelical") should beware: if an Iranian Prez can be thus indicted for such a "thought crime" by the UN, so can an American! I question the wisdom of the UN having such powers, which could as easily be used against those who teach the Gospel as the only way man can be saved, or against Israeli treatment of Palestinians. Remember how slippery the terms "genocide" and "terrorism" have become.
This is only one more example of "ends justifies the means" thinking among people who claim to respect God & His Law.
This is ironical Neil, wasn't this the same thinking employed by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi's, the Jewish exterminators?

News Item9/18/08 5:52 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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"Sharia courts operating in Britain"

Beheadings will soon follow once again as they did in the days of "Bloody Mary", only this time it will be "Bloody Muham-mad".

News Item9/18/08 12:46 PM
Dr Phil  Find all comments by Dr Phil
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If vegetarianism shrinks the brain, then why is America so enamored with it and the Hinduism behind it, and why is India so gripped with fear that if they eat a BLT they may be taking a bite out of Uncle Patel? Have our brains shrunk that much?

News Item9/7/08 11:31 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Locke wrote:
This is a lie from the pit of Hell. To hear partisan talking points on an ostensibly Christian website is absolutely disgusting. Every liar will have his place in the lake of fire, so I warn you to stop libeling Barack no matter how much you may not like him. I see we have many here who are selling their "conservative" souls to a partisan devil. Oh, normally you would agree with the Bible, but no that has to be thrown under the bus cause Sarah has stimulated your libido and the "alternative" just doesn't appeal to your personal tastes. Great excuse.
"Dr." Phil.
. . .
Sorry it has taken me this long to respond, Locke. I have had serious problems and I still continue to have serious problems recovering from Hurricane Gustav. Now, we are bracing for hurricane Ike, if the Lord has willed that he come to Louisiana.

Then again, your graphic adhomenim attacks do not provide any logical alternatives to voting for a Roman Catholic VP and Muslim Potus. I have considered voting for the Constitutional Party Candidate, but he is a minister turned politician. His first priority is to be a minister of the gospel, not be an advocate of church and state government. In such a case, he has no argument against the RCC control over the US.

News Item9/7/08 11:09 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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What would be more shocking is if US Courts would site the Constitution.

News Item9/1/08 6:15 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Moonwalker wrote:
Locke is telling the truth anyhow! Sarah Palin needs to stay home and take care of her hurting baby!
Hey Moon,

Ordinarily, I would agree with you, but given the alternative, I think I would rather go with a gun toten, conservative woman than a representative of the beast (Joe Biden, RCC) and a representative of the false prophet (Barak Obama, Muslim). Don't worry about the baby; people of her socio-economic means don't raise children anyway - the nanny does.

In times of national rebellion, God raises up women to rule over the nation because that is what they deserve.

News Item8/23/08 9:10 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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. . . it gets better. The next clip is Biden being interviewed on The Daily Show where he says, “I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off.” . . .
Spoken like a real statesman!

News Item8/19/08 6:50 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
Hey, everywhere you look, you can find bibles with King James' name all over them. Ain't that just like a long dead king, still getting glory rightfully belonging to the True King?
Hey Mike,

I appreciate your point but I don't think that I would make too much of it. I don't think there are many people who know who "King James" was nor do they take the time to study anything about him. His name is essentially generic as far as that goes. It is like calling tissue paper by the name of "Kleenex" - it is just name recognition. It has become so familiar by that name that the name has become synonymous with the thing it is referring to.

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