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Sermon11/28/12 3:27 AM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Spring Run, Pennsylvania  Contact via emailFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother, Thank you for your sermons. Where / how can I get the rest of your teachings on quantum thing/stuff? Really enjoyed those sermons. Thank you, David J. Buzulak

Sermon4/17/11 7:28 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Spring Run, Pennsylvania  Find all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Awful is right ”
awful is right on. either we're saved and TRANSFERRED from death to LIFE or we are not. The bible is clear , and we ARE. Hell is a place of DEATH. Too many points to write here. Only the blind could believe this book of tripe.

News Item5/28/10 4:34 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Spring Run, Pennsylvania  Go to homepageFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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not an improvement. less professional looking. not impressed. still love sermonaudion though.

Sermon10/20/09 5:55 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Spring Run, Pennsylvania  Contact via emailFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for such a good sermon. Just what I've been looking for for so long. I've been scouring sermonaudio for decent sermons. I'll be downloading your sermons for my muvo. Thanks again. David J. Buzulak

News Item2/8/09 9:20 AM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Spring Run, Pa  Contact via emailFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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Dear MOre Wisdom,

Time is fleeting church time is approaching.
Dear friend, please research the OT where Aaron has breeches on. There is a difference.

About the hair, I do believe it says in the NT that is a shame for a man to have long hair. ANd that the long hair is the woman's glory.

therefore it matters not what man may do but what the bible says. i don't care if it was spurgeon himself or any other wig wearing person. the ONLY authority is the scripture.

News Item2/8/09 8:32 AM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Spring Run, Pa  Contact via emailFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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It is refreshing to see the there are still some Pentecostal women who understand modesty and godliness! Stick to your "guns" Mr. Yurich. It is the example of the godly, dressed modestly, which convicts the on-looking world of its sin of indecency. Many times the unsaved pathetic world has questioned my wife and I why dresses are worn and not pants. My what a great opening to give the gospel!
The lack of preaching in this area is enormous. Where have all the godly, spiritual, long haired, dress wearing women gone? Now it is replaced with the feminist, pant-wearing, hag-butch-lesbo look. What a shame!
Preachers you'd better preach on this! We are not to look like this perverted, sin-drenched, God-hating world! There IS a difference in our dress for we have REPENTED of our sin and act and dress according to our thankfulness that Jesus has saved us!

Survey4/10/08 10:18 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Newville, Pennsylvania  Go to homepageFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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We have dsl now, and I wouldn't even consider going back to dial up! If dsl wasn't available, I wouldn't even go on the internet. dial up is such a headache. we would wait for like 10 min. for one page to load. now i wait about 2 secs.

Survey4/10/08 10:07 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Newville, Pennsylvania  Go to homepageFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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I think that if you are saved, you should leave this up to the Lord. Don't try and play God. If the Lord blesses you with children, great! If the Lord chooses to not give you any, great! You should pray that the Lord would do HIS will. I think that birth control of any sort is wrong. It is late and I can go into detail if you want later.
I also think it is wrong for people with many children to look down on those that don't have alot or any. Maybe it is not God's plan for them.
I have a very close friend who used to always say she didn't want anymore children. Just the one she had. I couldn't understand this. She had a bad attitude about it too. It turns out that she really did want more, but her heart was broken about not being able to conceive, and she thought that other women were looking down on her for not having more, so she put a guard up and just pretended that she didn't want anymore. She poured her heart out to the Lord, and he answered her prayer and gave her another child.
I said all that to say this....I think that each of us has to stand before God for what we do. I am not going to have to account for what you do, vice versa. We need to have alot more love for people, more patience. We need to give fellow christians room to grow and room for God to work in

Survey4/10/08 9:53 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Newville, Pennsylvania  Go to homepageFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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Hello everyone! Haven't been on for awhile! Good looking through some of the surveys and seeing the same people still contending for the faith!

I thought this survey was closed long ago? I guess they reopened it? I thought we had this thing settled long ago?

Well, it would do all that are not for the KJV to start at the beginning and read all the way through. I know there's a lot to read, but if you are really searching for the truth, there is some really good stuff.

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