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News Item9/24/19 3:48 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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2 more bits of news. A state school, (I can’t remember where it was or whether it was primary or secondary, but only that it was called Swan School) has just opened that only permits vegetarian lunches, and children are not allowed to bring packed lunches from home. As new LEA (local authority) schools are not generally permitted, thus would be a directly centrally funded state school, academy or free school.

Apparently, meat eating is bad for the environment, and it is being done that all pupils of all faiths can sit together communally for their lunch.

A leading British barrister, Michael Mansfield QC, (that is a top barrister in the major courts who is second only to a judge), has seriously called for meat eating to be penalised, very similar to smoking, (smoking is banned in all indoor public places and places of work in Britain), and for “ecocide” to be made a crime.

This is how zealous and serious these environmentalists and “climate change” campaigners are. It really is a Romans 1 pagan eco religion!!

News Item9/23/19 4:50 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is actually incredible that a 16 year old schoolgirl was actually lecturing the world leaders at the U.N. and rebuking them firmly. Such a thing would have been unheard of only a few years ago!!!

And all this for a Romans 1 agenda, basically to worship the creation and not the Creator. We can see where all this is ending up!!

News Item9/23/19 4:18 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This tactic has always been carried out by Communist regimes. Even the government permitted show churches have to carry out the dictates of the government.

Basically, it is that theological education of pastors, ministers, priests, etc., is controlled by the government, bishops, area superintendents, and the leaders of the denomination are appointed by the government , sermons are submitted to and approved by the government, with sensitive subjects being totally banned, cameras linked to local police stations are installed in all the churches, there is a total ban on any religious activities outside the church building on Sundays and possibly a permitted midweek service, evangelism is completely banned, and any activity involving children is banned, they are not even allowed to accompany their parents to the church for services.

Furthermore now, national flags are to be displayed, patriotic songs are to be sung, as well as or even instead of Christian hymns, and now the Bible is to be interfered with and mixed with the national Communist philosophy.

Anything else is to be severely punished and totally suppressed. Unfortunately, for the Communist leadership, this is actually the best way to grow the true church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

News Item9/23/19 3:47 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It all leads to socialism and government control, with petty restrictions and great inconvenience for everybody. It will also make things a lot easier for the Antichrist yo eventually emerge with total control over the world’s economy.

News Item9/23/19 3:41 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This young lady is indeed being used, as are all the children in these protests.

Basically this climate change nonsense, which is fuelled by the hard Socialist left, that is fast gaining power in many of the countries of the West, has a terrible agenda to seek and retain power.

This agenda is godless, atheistical, and based on Darwinian evolution, except it will lead to devolution and anarchy.

Abortion, euthanasia, and even extreme things like infanticide and LGBTQI, etc will become the norm, mass sterilisation, Transgender, and so on.

Millions of people will be thrown out of work as factories, coal mines, power stations, oil refineries and so on are shut down, and as farmers and their employees in the countryside are forced out of production; because of their “methane producing” farm animals.

Millions of poor elderly and vulnerable people will shiver and get very ill in their little flats because power bills have gone through the roof. Electric buses and public hire electric cars do break down, and high speed railway lines are very expensive to build. Yes, public transport is good, but people do need private cars in many areas and to fly to other areas, and I speak as a non- driver. Too much hysteria, panic, and not enough real science, and it all leads to extr

News Item9/20/19 9:19 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Well, as I have said before on this subject, I am sure that N Ireland is being buttered up for reunion with the Republic of Ireland, which, by popular vote, threw off its Catholic past, and adopted both “gay marriage” and even more extreme laws for abortion than mainland Britain.

With all the Brexit uncertainty, I do not know how it will eventually work out, but I am sure that N Ireland is about to be betrayed.

News Item9/18/19 2:33 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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There is no excuse for racism of any sort. We are all one race, descended from Adam and Eve, and then from one of Noah’s three sons, but composed of two sections, the saved who have believed and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the lost.

As for those politically correct hypocritical leftist professors and politicians, and liberal theologians who are practicing in reverse the very same racism that they condemn, there is no grounds or excuses for it.

I have been greatly blessed by some very godly black and South Asian pastors and church leaders who are appalled at all this nonsense.

News Item9/17/19 7:36 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I guess true biological girls and women will soon have to give up active participation in sports teams and organised sport, as they will not be able to compete with the so-called “transgenders” who are really from conception biological men, no matter how many puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones or cosmetic surgery butchery of healthy body parts they have done. The “transgender” male to so called “females” will win every time.

The horror of having real biological makes sharing private areas, dressing rooms, bathrooms and showers is also deeply unattractive for real women.

Pumped with all their hormones, these “transgenders” will make an absolute nonsense of athletics drug testing.

Absolute chaos and lawlessness as prophesied in the Bible in the last days!!

News Item9/15/19 9:40 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is the famous state supported (but not owned) broadcaster, that pays its executives and its top favourite tv chat show presenters, radio djs, sports presenters, entertainers, news anchors, producers, and so on, huge inflated salaries. It has a self imposed quota of LGBT and Transgender staff, as well as ethnic minorities and women that must be employed. It is biased, pro-LGBT, pro-Transgender, pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-feminist, pro-“environmentalist climate change disaster”, pro-globalist, pro-Islam, pro-evolution, pro-EU, Leftist, and indeed anti-Christian (except for the limp
wristed wishy washy clerics that appear on programmes from time to time).

This is paid for by a compulsory and criminally legally enforced licence fee (an anachronism from the 1920’s so that the BBC would not carry advertisements on any of its programmes, and would have state recognition) liable for all people in Britain who have a tv, or who use internet playback or live tv services, with court enforced penalties if not paid. Thankfully it was abolished for radio only owners many years ago.

News Item9/14/19 8:58 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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What a tragedy this evil medic, Ulrich Klopfer of South Bend was allowed to practice for so long, and it took some of his family members who discovered the appalling remains of these babies in his own house after his death that caused this wickedness to come to light.

Remember the infamous Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia got away with what he did for years, even though many of the local authorities knew what he was up to. He was only finally imprisoned when shocked police discovered his crimes during a raid on his house for other financial crimes, but not for anything to do with abortion.

These wicked men would have been highly regarded, no doubt by both the Nazi SS and the ancient Canaanite priests of Baal, Molech, Chemosh and the priests and priestesses of Astarte.

News Item9/13/19 1:58 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The problem, I understand with many IFB churches, is that they do not have a plurality of elders. They have a pastor, assistant pastors (in the case of larger churches), who presumably are the elder/s, and a board of deacons that sort of double up as elders without the title.

This is not good. The pastor/s should be clearly accountable to a group of local elders who function as such, and the deacons who are essentially in charge of the practical aspects of the church should be separate.

News Item9/13/19 1:52 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The persecuted Christians in Islamic countries who make a stand at great cost have been effectively betrayed by this fearful attitude by churches and Christians in Western countries.

News Item9/13/19 1:48 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I quickly investigated this article, (though WND is not easy here in Britain to access), and looked up this church on the Internet.

I did try to look up the website of this church but all that cane up was a blue page with a message on it stating that the meetings on 9/11 and 10/11 were cancelled without giving a reason. It appeared that the the website was closed down. I also found a reference to the church’s Facebook page but that too seemed not to be available.

All I could find otherwise were US American newspaper articles about it which were mostly hostile to the church, and very triumphant that the meetings “of hate” had been cancelled.

I did find one article from the Jihad Watch website that gave the true picture.

Reading behind the lines it looks as if the pastor was in favour of the meetings going ahead, and even defended it on the local radio, but it seems that he may have been overruled by his fearful elders.

The Muslims will be cock a hoop that sharia law has triumphed and this dhimmi Church has been put in its place.

In my view the elders should all resign with immediate effect, or the church membership should come together and require their resignation. The persecuted Christians in Islamic countries who make a stand at great cost have been effect

News Item9/13/19 5:47 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The Netherlands also cheerfully joined the secular humanist E.U. as one of it’s first members, and in 1992, culminating in their old national currency of the guilder being abolished in 2002, were also amongst the first to embrace the all-Europe currency of the euro.

Tragically, they also embraced LGBT, transgenderism, abortion, euthanasia, legal marijuana, legal prostitution and so on.

Now a Dutch court has outbid the old Nazi conquerors by effectively saying that it is now legal to drug an elderly lady’s coffee, and then get her family members to hold her down while the doctor administers a lethal injection.

I think this wicked verdict was a foregone conclusion.

Why do not the remaining remnant of Christians come out in clear opposition to this? This is appalling. No one in the Netherlands, or Belgium is safe, from the womb right up to elderly years and in between!!

News Item9/13/19 5:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The Netherlands was a country borne out of persecution in the 16th century when it was under zealous Catholic Spanish rule, and the Dutch had embraced the Protestant Reformation. Despite all the efforts of the Spanish King and rulers and aided by their vicious Inquisition, the Dutch won their freedom and the Reformed Protestant faith became established in the land.

Tragically the dreadful lure of rationalism, theological liberalism and such aberrations as Unitarianism became a curse in the 18th and 19th centuries, and combined with intellectualism, the true message of the Gospel was lost.

The Netherlands still had many faithful churches and individuals, and had to face invasion and occupation from the barbarous German Nazi regime in the 2nd World War.

Tragically in the euphoria of liberation after the war, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was forgotten, the people embraced hedonism and materialism, and except for a tiny evangelical remnant, threw themselves into secularism.

News Item9/12/19 8:33 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I think it is fear of vandalism like this as well as being denounced in the popular leftist media, and even threats of legal action from activist groups, politicians and even politically correct police, that causes many seemingly strong evangelical and fundamentalist churches to be strangely silent when these awful events such as drag queen story hours are announced in local libraries, or the LGBT crowd have their campaigns.

Why is the church so silent when these demonic looking characters with their horrible exaggerated clothes and caked on makeup, that actually no decent biological woman would be seen dead wearing, some of them with criminal records of sexual convictions are allowed to pollute young children, and all at the taxpayers expense!!

I really pray that the pastor and elders of this particular church will not throw in the towel, but will continue to make a stand for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in their community. May the Lord bless and help them.

News Item9/12/19 10:19 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I think that sometimes, someone who gets into this kind of deception has to get to the end of themselves to cry out to God. Keep praying and extend an open line of communication. God is great, and He hears the cries of His children. Nothing is too big or too difficult for Him. I have heard a couple of testimonies from “transgenders”, who came out of that lifestyle and were gloriously saved, including one who was converted partly through the witness of a Christian prison officer, and also when his mother refused to allow him to enter her house dressed as a woman!!

News Item9/12/19 3:28 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I was on a crowded train the other day, filled with people going to work, but also with schoolchildren. It was standing room only.

One young lady, about 14 or 15, was standing right by me. She had two badges on her school uniform, (of a private non-state fee paying school), one was the name of some pop star I had never heard of, but with the obligatory LGBT rainbow circle above it, the other one even worse, because in plain white words on a black surface it said “Pronouns - We are (the flap of her jacket obscured this but I am sure that it said “we are”), they/their/them”. I think I read it right. This butchery of the English language is disgraceful to me as a former English and History teacher.

Sadly many schools here in Britain are in this terrible trend. Sone schools have now scrapped skirts and dresses for girls, ( admittedly they were getting too short), and a unisex uniform of trousers for all is becoming the norm.

Yet other sensible schools have retained a better uniform of trousers for boys, and feminine long dresses and skirts for girls, down to just above the ankles, which should be the norm. Transgenderism for our children, as well as the LGBT lifestyle, is sadly becoming fashionable here, and it is sad and shocking to see it corrupt our young.

News Item9/12/19 2:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The terrible pain of having a so called transgender son or daughter must be crushing.

Wayfarer Pilgrim I do pray for you, your wife, your other children, and the wife of your deluded and deceived son and you didn’t say if he had any children, but for them also.

I do pray for this deluded and deceived and no doubt demonically oppressed man that he will repent, get out of this awful and dreadful lifestyle and be delivered.

News Item9/11/19 3:59 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As a qualified former teacher myself, this policy in the “People’s Republic of California” will lead to even more chaos, anarchy and rebellion in the schools there than they have now with their lunatic secular leftist and sexually anarchistic policies they have now. What are they going to do with these disruptive children? Send them to the principle’s office, organise some kind of detention that some luckless teacher will have to supervise, probably at the risk of his or her life and safety, or just let them run riot in the hallways, attacking, bullying and even raping or maybe even killing other students at will, or perhaps committing gross vandalism at the same time. What absolute madness!!

California parents, if you love your children, get them out of the public schools now, and either send them to genuinely biblical and totally independent Christian evangelical schools, or homeschool them, while the state and federal law still allows it!!

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