“ Amazing Series ” I am very thankful for this series because I used to be affiliated with a number of churches. Their main teaching was a kind of sinless perfectionism where you could lose your salvation over a single sin.
I would go to bed at night constantly tortured by whether I had ‘repented’ enough. I also listened to the Heresy of Lordship Salvation series that helped me to understand the real meaning of ‘repent’, that is to change your mind, (Jonah 3:10, KJV).
Before I found this series, I also used to remember past sins that were really bad and would wonder, ‘Am I really saved by believing just in Christ?’
These pastors would then really increase my fear of losing my everlasting life by misapplying verses like 1 John 3:8, Hebrews 10:26-27 and Hebrews 6:1-6.
I’m glad you’ve brought the simplicity of Christ back to christianity, and given me a new confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. I now trust in his ability to take me all the way to heaven when I die because I’ve believed in him. I confess my sins to him now for fellowship, not to gain points towards salvation.
God will never bless the church, the church is for Bible and worship, God doesn't work for the church we work and serve God. It's time we the people stand up for what is right,
Gee what's next a 5 year old transvestite? Or a gay 13 year old saying? My dad skipped dessert so now I like the same sex? These people do not know how wicked they are.
“ Great Sermon! ” Profited by Sunday's [6/16/19] message. A timely and revealing exposition. It is true "evangelicalism" has lost it's way if the greater lot of preaching regarding LAW v. GRACE is disregarded.
Most of these college students are just young kids who need to accept God as there savior. Abortion sucks the life out of a woman. God Filson us up with love for our neighbors