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News Item6/17/19 5:35 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Douglas Fir wrote:
So you would agree with me that this verse has nothing to do with the USA?
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Stay focused on issue and try to avoid the rabbit trails. Try really hard. The focus of the article was to inform about continued persecution of Christians by Fulani herdsmen. For believers to pray and seem to help Not Isaiah 3:12. It was not to give you a soap box, but an opportunity and privilege to bring these sorely persecuted folks before the throne.

News Item6/10/19 6:34 AM
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Douglas Fir wrote:
Interesting news source-Worthy News. I've never heard of it, so I am glad that SermonAudio is bringing it to our attention.
Of course, you know me, I can't wait for them to carry stories related to the Main Problem of the US today, which is the Curse of Isaiah 3:12 that the world is living under. Children oppress and women rule.
Yes I get a leg tingle when I read articles regarding US news cause all of our problems are caused by women & kids. They have risen up and overtaken America. The men were helpless and now are their slaves. Men need to be delivered from them. Stories like this one from Africa well that's nice and make us aware of their need of prayer amidst such cruel persecution, but hearing about women and kids taking over the US now that's where it's at man. Nigerians need prayer hence the point of the post and you can't wait for the next article to give you a reason to claim is a 3:12. I don't even think Frank would have made that comment after such an article like this. Doug, we are not the nation of Israel. We are a nation that has proven that they couldn't keep a constitutional republic because it is for a moral people led by moral men. Men have failed, women and kids suffer. Stop blaming the weaker and ma

News Item6/10/19 6:16 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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The state of Alabama is pushing back against the raging cultural revolution led by the socialists/communists. The guys is prolly wasn't expecting this response and is shocked and embarressed. More people, communities, and institutions need to p push back.

News Item5/4/19 7:11 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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IL see Carl Trueman wrote the article and he is woke so no surprise he wrote that silly article. Look, the young man is responsible for his actions and not the church unless they told him to do it and that just makes the culpable. These men need to stop writing these soft feminine articles and speak like men. The guy commited murder and will be tried for it.
What else is there to say? Not interested in the soft, verbose comments of men which seem more like a grandma than a dude.

News Item5/4/19 1:59 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Article stunk. Can we stop loosely using the term Christian? Born again Christians aren't terrorists. The Spirit doesn't lead us into terrorism. It is not taught in scripture nor by true believers. Believers were and still are the objects of terrorism (persecution). Replacement Theology doesn't lead to terrorism. Presbyterians aren't going around persecuting Jews. They don't have a beef with the Jews. Article is misleading and gives the impression that Christians can be terrorists too and that reformed folks are about orthodoxy and not orthopraxy. No historical basis for his position. I wouldn't be surprised if more terrorists are identified as "Christians" and supposidily say something stupid like "thank you Jesus" before they kill people. This is all fake.

News Item4/24/19 6:42 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Long article with a lot of over the top emotional verbiage. One example of a Dentist offering services not needed thus stealing from patients. I do notice that developed acountries where dentistry (those with universal healthcare) is not a priority people have the most awful looking teeth and do not replace lost teeth. Teeth help you talk clearly and masticate food for proper digestion. I benefit from oral cleanings 2X a year as my teeth are cleaner and brighter. Since I have yet to get a cavity I have never had anything done but a cleaning. I will keep my dentist and bi-annual cleanings. By the way, I wonder if The Atlantic has looked at Chiropractic services? Health insurers cover this service and some even cover acupuncture both of which are dubious. Before anyone gets themselves into an emotional fit and anedoctal meltdown go read up on the history of both.

News Item4/23/19 11:02 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Just thinking wrote:
Government of, by, and for the judges? Mandated medication is sick and Nazi-esque. The argument that it is safe and effective is irrelevant, even if it were 100% safe and effective, which it is not. The issue is the ordering of it. Today the means of conquest is not tanks and aircraft, it's "public health and safety." Why do you support barbarians, Jim?
I agree with you. Government forcing people to inject something inside their body is a violation of the person's autonomy and not in line with the Constitution. Although it is not the main idea, but an observation that measles is caused by a virus that runs it's course. Mortality rate in West is about 1%. This hoopla is irrational. The folks should simple not comply. Hope each kids bites the one trying to administer it.

News Item4/19/19 7:38 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Douglas Fir wrote:
I watched the video in the news story and noticed all the teens involved were black.
I guess that goes to show you the validity of what John Derbyshire (formerly of National Review) said about 'The Talk' he gave to his son, about how to deal with blacks. One rule is that, if you find yourself the only white person, or a small group of white people well outnumbered by blacks around you, it is time to LEAVE to save your own skin.
You might say, "Oh, some of my best friends are black" but you have to face the fact that a large percentage of blacks do not like whites-period, no excuses, no persuading can change their mind. When you have a large group of blacks outnumbering you, it is easy for them to dominate the group and the ones 'your best friends' will not be there to put a stop to it.
I am black and went to a high school where there was about three white students and they were fine. I am frequently the only black around whites and nothing happens. Sometimes I am in a group of blacks with 1 or 2 whites and nothing happens. Don't let what you see in the media dictate reality. We all know they lie and inflate situations. They love to paint with a broad brush too. White's are safe around me and my family and black friends.

News Item4/15/19 12:19 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Measles is a virus that comes and goes. US mortality rate is low because of our infrastructure. We have an excellent sewage system and excellent nutrition. That has been a huge contributing factor. If you notice 3rd world countries have problems with these viruses cause they lack the cleanliness and nutrition of the West. Vaccines help, but you can't overlook these facts. Also we have access to OTC meds to ease the symptoms as the virus runs it's course. I find it strange to call viruses diseases. Is the common cold a disease? Influenza? Me tinks their is a bit of inflating the condition to get people to vaccinate for a virus that runs it's course and has an extremely low mortality rate in the US. Same for chicken pox. If you want the vaccine get it. If you don't them don't. There are some ethically produced vaccines like Shingex. Ask your medical professional about ethical vaccines.

News Item4/11/19 10:26 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
So why did he go from being a Catholic to Episcopalian? Oh, it was the Anglican stance on homosexuality? But why did he go from being Catholic to..? A circular question. The answer is , there is no difference, between the two religions. Yes, they are are a religion, not Christian though .
The answer was in my post. Catholic churches do not perform same sex weddings regardless of the fact that it is a false religion. The Episcopalians would and did.

News Item4/11/19 7:08 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Trevor Loudon did a short video at The New American that provides some background to Mayor Buttigieg. His ties to Democratic Socialists of America and his jump from Catholicism to Episcopalianism to "marry" another man. Mayor Buttigieg is the new weapon. He is being promoted cause he is a homosexual who holds to a religious expression that gives space for sodomy something the bible calls an abomination. People would do well not to engage him without complete shrewdness and a tough skin.

News Item4/10/19 10:04 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Dr. Tim wrote:
All efforts to convert people—including innocent little children—TO the sodomite system of perversion are perfectly acceptable, while any attempt to draw people FROM this abomination is to be vigorously opposed. “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot...Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”
I hear Amazing Desmond (11yrs old) in NY performs at homosex venues and the state won't take him from his mother. Good Morning American features him about a year ago in drag. These people don't want kids helped cause they are themselves are perverts and want young recruits. The parents of this nation had better come together and resist.

News Item4/9/19 8:32 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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This is a schtick. This guy is trying to trap Pence. Tryna get VP to take the bait and question his testimony and say he isn't close to God because he is a Sodomite (I noticed he addressed VP and not Mr. Trump). Then the media jumps all over VP from local news to Fox and CNN. This is lame. If I were VP I would ignore every reference the dude makes of God and go right for his policies and record which I am sure is socialist.

News Item4/9/19 12:27 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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You're right Christopher. I saw your post without reading Frank's as I noticed Frank was getting himself worked up in a lather again and I wasn't going to read it, but did afterwards. Frank dug it up and you commented on it without the context of the full thread. I guess Frank has time to dig up old posts for you to comment on. One poster who for some reason started emailing Frank and shared her experience and take on Frank. I could have told her what she posted and I have never emailed him. Frank has a wife to lead and disciple. That is the only woman he has a God given authority to do so. If he has minor children under his roof then he is to lead them too. Not me or any other woman or minor. He is not anointed by God to teach us ladies on feminism.

News Item4/9/19 8:51 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Frank, you seem to be troubled and very unhappy. I hope that whatever is in your life or life experience that is robbing you of joy in Christ and retirement you will have victory over it. Blessings.

News Item4/9/19 8:40 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
“Christ brought dignity and honor to women and children. Because of Him women have flourished. I can vote, own property, testify in court, work to support myself, get educated.”
Seems to me that this is more about constitutional rights, and a progressive union, rather than why Christ allowed His blood to be shed. The comment brings Christ's sacrifice into focus as the catalyst for girl power, and women's rights? I've never heard of this.
Christianity has brought dignity to women. God even in the old testament. Have you not read about the two sisters who had no brother or husbands who wanted to claim their property and God said they had a right to it. The men questioned it. Ester, Jael, Deborah are examples of courageous women whom God used in mighty says and yet maintained their femininity. Check your scriptures and western civilization and see that women have been treated with more dignity and respect than any nation. Why? Because of Judeo-Christian values. Nice to see you digged up an old post of mine. Too bad you didn't understand it. Z

News Item4/8/19 10:35 PM
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Fred wrote:
Frank " A government political position is never appropriate for a woman regardless of her circumstances. There are circumstances when a woman must work outside the home, but not as a political leader."
Is this spelled out in Scripture or a something assumed to be implied in the Word that is more of an appropriated cultural preference?
Titus does speak to women being keepers of the home. Women are to be silent in church and not teach or hold authority. In Corinthians women prayed in church and prophesied. She was not to challenge teaching, but ask her husband about anything she questioned at home. Deborah was a judge and the only female judge. What Frank is doing is riding the feminist horse again. Like some who post here they get all emotional and triggered by certain topics and then start getting goofy. Just read my post again and then Frank's. He starts talking about abortion and homosexuality. Totally missed what I said.

News Item4/7/19 11:04 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I wouldn't contact the pastor or her as they are being persecuted enough by unbelievers for the prayer. I agree she should be at home if she has underaged kids, but wisdom is needed. They are publicly being attacked by the enemy don't pile on her. Married women who work outside the home is the business of the couple. Just cause a married mother has a job doesn't mean she is a feminist. You would have to know the couple and why she works. I have a friend from a poor family who worked for a time after she and her husband had their first child to pay off her student loans. She quit after they were paid off. I know another woman married to an unbeliever who insisted she work full time and get childcare. She didnt want to leave her kids and cried. She she have told him to get a life and not work? I think he is the "feminist". What this Rep did was very bold and courageous. She as a woman stood up and men tried to shut her down. If you want to email someone maybe you should email her creepy male colleague who tried to stop the prayer and the Governor. Email Mrs. Johnson-Harrell with the good news of the gospel.

News Item3/24/19 2:27 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Of course she thinks it's ridiculous if other men in office held that view she wouldn't have been Mr. Willie Brown's mistress. Professional women like herself wouldn't have had the opportunity to advance themselves in the manner in which she did. Don't forget she was the CA Atty Gen who went after David Dalaiden with a nasty and passionate vengeance. Women of her ilk foam at the mouth with rage at the thought of abortion being jeopardized.

News Item3/18/19 2:29 PM
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Go to a local farm and get your food. Get as much as you can especially meat and dairy if u are concerned.
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