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News Item12/3/2020 10:47 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Adriel wrote:
"Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, France's president from 1974 to 1981, has died at the age of 94." (BBC)
One of the things he was famous for and commended for, by many French people, was that he legalized abortion in his term in office.
Perhaps he is now before the judgment seat of God.
Maybe rather he is in Hades awaiting the Great White Throne Judgment. IMHO, Adriel.

News Item12/3/2020 10:35 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Darius wrote:
John Lee - have you been there and seen the munitions room? Do you know anyone there? They say there is a biblical mandate , no verse listed ? Maybe acts 5:29 , maybe “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:25‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Darius, my answer to your first two questions is no. If I asked you the same questions, would you also say no? If so, at least we agree on that.

As regards the other question, and the verse which leaders love to use to load up the guilt on escapees, there are a multitude of reasons why some do not attend their local church.

1. They have the bubonic plague, and will not be allowed in the doors.

2. They are in jail.

3. They are armless and legless and no-one can be bothered to bring them to church.

4. They see it as legalistic.

5. They are not a believer.

6. They are frightened of catching C19 from fellow believers.

7. They don't believe the name it/claim it doctrine.

8. They used to attend but were being continually attacked by fellow believers.

9. They don't believe Acts 5:29 relates to the situation.

10. They are dead.

News Item12/3/2020 5:04 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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I know how to reset my iPhone.

News Item12/3/2020 5:01 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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“We don’t do this for our own sake. We do this in solidarity with the millions of Christians who have lost their lives for Christ,” declared Father Theodore Lange, chaplain of the Oregon Knights of Columbus which organized the protest, according to the Catholic Sentinel. “We do this for future generations. We do this because we love God, we love the United States and we love Oregon.” ...

What about all the Christians who lost their lives at the hands of the RCC? Hmmmm?

Perhaps the RCC ought replace their catechism with the Foxe's Book of Martyrs, genuine Christians who died for their faith.

News Item12/3/2020 4:54 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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There ya go. No doubt being a megachurch it will have a munitions room, soon to be opened and weapons issued for when the feds come round, and they can have a right ding dong, as happened at Waco.

Didn't Jesus say to go buy a sword (semi-automatic)?

Oh I thought someone said that defending yourself was kosha. Maybe I misread that. Well anyway, the megachurch folks will name victory over the feds and therefore they know they will claim it.

So like lambs to the slaughter, on they go, like lemmings following someone, anyone, unthinking, uncaring, always going astray like sheep, who cannot cease from sin, clouds without water, still living under the OT, disobeying Jesus Christ and new covenant theology, unwilling to be persecuted; better fight back, show those wretches what we're made of; tired of being the tail, we're now the head, and those reprobates better watch themselves.

No wonder mission boards cannot get any takers; there is no love of God for the lost, not even lost feds. Modern man, and modern Christianity, has jettisoned the Bible (those old KJV's were always too heavy to carry) in favour of paperbacks and magazines about weaponry, strategy, and logictics.

Please praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

News Item12/2/2020 12:21 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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HerbalMama wrote:
My mistake, John. Still am glad you have been blessed with being cold/flu free. My family suffered from the flu last year. I actually ended up going into a dramatic labor early but all is well that ends well. We all have our thorns in our side.
Thanks. I'll check out Steve's videos.
Yes I used to get two or three colds every year and the occasional flu, until I stopped drinking cow milk.

I'm glad that ended well for you.

Steve is great fun and very laid back, a great teacher. But there are many more who you might find helpful, showing beginners how to make a simple but beautiful little watercolour, even in postcard size.

News Item12/2/2020 11:15 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Reformed Baptist wrote:
This council of “churches” is an abomination before the Lord.
Yes indeed!

[The Minnesota Council of Churches (MCC) is a state-level, judicatory-based council of Christian denominations with a mission to manifest the unity of the church in order to build the common good in the world. MCC pursues this mission by creating ecumenical and interfaith programmatic partnerships that work toward a vision of racial and social justice lived out in diverse communities throughout Minnesota. Therefore, MCC believes in and is committed to the core values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.]

There will be no gospel within MCC.

News Item12/2/2020 4:53 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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"Francis' controversial reflections, published in a new book Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, ..."

He's a dreamer. Not all dreams are bad, some are given by God. But if this dreamer imagines the future will be better, he ought think again and start living in reality. Oh, and get converted, of course. He has a lot to repent of, leading over a billion people astray with false doctrine.

2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV
(10)  For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

News Item12/2/2020 3:32 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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HerbalMama wrote:
Amen, John. It's inspiring how devoted Saints are.
Herbalism and Nutrition lead me to worship God even more. I can see why some make an idol of it. What God has created is so fascinating. If the UK is slow then I'm inclined to believe the states are even farther behind. 😒😞
A good diet will definitely keep the doctor away. So glad you have been blessed with 15yrs of good health. ❤
What kind of paint do you use? I'm adding watercolor and oil painting to my kids homeschool next year. Any good learning sources to recommend for a newbie?
Let me just say first that I have not had 'good overall health' for the last 15 years; rather I have not had a common cold or flu, which is down to diet. Other parts of good diet I find difficult and thereby suffer, but I know how powerful it is because of God's design of the immune system, which needs fuelling with the correct foods and drinks.

There are a lot of people on YouTube who offer free tuition and I am often on there getting tips or watching reviews. For watercolour you could try Steve Mitchell, who may be a Christian because of his tendency to finish off with a great Bible verse on screen. He's American and has a nice manner.

News Item12/1/2020 5:17 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Michael Hranek wrote:
John, Having trouble understanding you of late. Satire? Something else?
Greetings Michael, beloved brother and servant of the Lord,

You know that we Christians have three enemies above all enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil.

All three follow us around, every day, everywhere we go. The world surrounds us and seeks to conform us to its mould. In my post I hinted that the music of the world has infiltrated and now taken over the majority of churches. I have personally witnessed a so-called Christian rock group strutting its stuff at an evangelistic meeting, and my thought was.....

And don't forget, Michael, that in my leisure time as an unbeliever, I played in a rock band myself, so I was not opposed to heavy metal until my conversion. Jesus changed me.

How subtle is the devil, that in a short space of time, he can...

1. Totally remove the biblically warranted singing of psalms in churches.
2. Introduce the music which is accepted in the world into the church.

With few discerning people to counteract these things and speak up, of course the church will backslide, and worse, they will not recognise they have backslidden. They say, "I am good, my worship is good, my doctrine is good...."

News Item12/1/2020 4:25 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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"the authorities arrived on the scene following reports of loud music. ..."

Quite right. There's far too much noise in the world today. And heavy metal/rock, despite being frowned upon by the majority in years gone by, is now heard every day in all sorts of circumstances, even replacing musak in supermarkets and lifts.

And with a name like "Kingdom Faith Ministries International Church" it is obviously not a Christian church, but some sort of dominionist, militant outfit, determined to blast the people into the kingdom of God with Black Sabbath, Uriah Heap, Motorhead, ZZ Top, and maybe a touch of Johnny Cash, a hint of reggae, and any other worldly music like, oh yes, Hillsong and their heavy metallers.

The music in heaven might be loud, but it will have a purity, unlike the distortion found in rock guitar. Heavenly music will be pleasant and without sin, by which I mean it will not be bent or corrupted. Just as humans will be resurrected and changed, I believe the harsh noise of things like trumpets will be purified and changed. Heaven will not be worldly.

News Item12/1/2020 4:05 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Watcher wrote:
Hi John,
Yes, Scotland is the land of the brave alright. It's a wonder how anyone of my family survived with all the hardships that buffeted them on all sides.
So you paint? That's wonderful. I also paint and woodwork which keeps me busy. I used to illustrate but with my joint pain, I find holding a pen uncomfortable after a half hour or so. If you have time, write me and we can talk further about our hobbies, Scotland and other interesting subjects.
Thanks Watcher, I will do that, probably tomorrow now. Today I have been proper crock with a thick head. I have a limited amount of migraine medication, so I decided to suffer it today, and it is still ongoing. I have taken some codeine phosphate, which relieves it to some degree, but it is nowhere near as effective as the triptans which virtually guarantee to clear a migraine in about an hour.

Anyway, I'll email you tomorrow when I hopefully feel somewhat better. I'll get an early night tonight and maybe able to sleep it off.

News Item12/1/2020 3:55 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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HerbalMama wrote:
It's sarcasm, John. I'm not in a tight spot.
Rebellion against government is acceptable when the corrupt and lost overstep their boundaries. I, too, hope they continue to drop Bibles successfully.
Thanks, Herbal. No problem.

Amen to the ongoing leaflet and Bible drop. It must take some logistics to get it right: wind direction, coupled with when and how to release literature, how much to release at a time etc, and other factors, like the height required etc. For me, evangelistic efforts like this reveal the love of God in the heart of a saint, which shows itself in self-sacrifice and longing for souls to be saved. Without this sort of motivation, and a genuine love for God and a desire to see Jesus receive the fruit of his suffering, there will be little or no harvesting of souls.

Psalms 126:5 KJV
(5)  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

This is rare.

I'm glad to see that you have a great interest in diet, and that you are to specialise in nutritionist. In the UK there is slow progress in the NHS to look into diet rather than merely handing out pills. Thanks to a change of diet I have never had a common cold nor flu now for about 15 years.

News Item12/1/2020 4:13 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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HerbalMama wrote:
Dang, that means..... we're in a tight spot. 🤷
This is quite the paradox.
I really hope the balloon ministry is enabled by God to carry on doing its missionary work. The gospel must be preached to every creature. This is God's will. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17

I really appreciate the conviction of men like this, who are determined to reach NK's with the glorious gospel. The Lord bless them.

Do you remember what happened in Albania, the only country at that time which declared itself wholly atheistic? The sovereign God had better things for that country, and implemented them.

Tight spot, HM? No problem, just be led by the Spirit, and you have perfect obedience to the Great King who is over all, including all governments of men. He is not called King of kings and Lord of lords for nothing.

News Item12/1/2020 4:01 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Adriel wrote:
“”rumors that a Christian man had posted a comment denigrating Islam on Facebook, according to reports.“”
Strange how Allah needs so much human intervention to protect his ‘good’ name.?????
If the Muslims are made in his image it would seem he is a very hostile and belligerent god.
It's so easy for these Muslims. All they need to do is hack someone's Facebook page, put on there something negative about Islam, and then go on the rampage with an excuse they created themselves. Very crafty, and smacks of the devil and his ways. But the devil is not chosen unto salvation, and I expect very few Muslims are either. They are like brute beasts (as Peter and Jude calls them, 2 Peter 2:12, Jude 1:10).

News Item12/1/2020 3:49 AM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Mike wrote:
Off subject, John, but I was wondering if you still do your paintings?
Hi Mike, when I reached retirement age three years ago I virtually 'hung up my brushes'. But in the last year, despite joint pains which makes painting a bit painful, I have experienced a new lease of life, and am now painting more than ever, having discovered the style of Edward Wesson, a modern impressionist. I am soooo enjoying it now. Thanks for asking.

Watcher wrote:
Unfortunately yes, I was born in this country. I would give almost anything to move to my homeland and drink in the history and environment of my people. I do like a warmer ocean though, the Atlantic up in the north can be an awful beast to contend with.
If the world was a safer place, I would love to visit the mid-east and walk where my Lord walked, and stand where He was crucified in my place. I think that would be very sobering and put a lot into perspective.
Scotland is very inhospitable bro. I've been to Inverness and couldn't believe how cold it was.

I have a beloved Christian sister who has been to the Holy Land, and she said it was most helpful in understanding scripture. I would love to go myself.

News Item11/30/2020 6:07 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Watcher wrote:
Yes, getting tanned is something me family is foreign to for sure. We're as white as ghosts. My family came over in the 1700s to settle in Canada. Immigration was big then and everyone thought Canada was the land of promise. I suppose it was better than Scotland was at that time. My dream is to live near the ocean, as I have always been drawn to it, and spent many happy hours soaking up the air and water, looking for shells and what-not.
What part of Wales are ye from, lad?
Ah, so you are actually Canadian, born and bred? I am an Englishman born and bred, from the Midlands. I moved to Wales about fourteen years ago, and this I expect will be my final resting place. I live about 900 yards from the local harbour. It is only a small one and it dries out at low tide. It is in south Wales, and I also love water of all types, rivers, canals, streams, brooks, lakes, reservoirs, and the sea. If I had to make a choice on where I could live, anywhere in the world, I might choose a small village on the Sea of Galilee.

News Item11/30/2020 3:59 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Watcher wrote:
Coming from a Scottish background, I completely understand! whole family comes from Inverness where the men wore kilts and the women were bonny for sure!
Bonny, and white as a sprat!

Where did you end up, Watcher? Oh, I think you said Canada, bro?

News Item11/30/2020 2:38 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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Adriel wrote:
But John I thought we lived in a democracy???
Sure we do, Adriel. But you know what the Scots call Englishmen? Sassenachs! Aye, and not without reason. I'm glad to be out of there and living in Wales, where the people really ARE weird. But they are much nicer, because they are so much poorer.

Och aye!

News Item11/30/2020 12:18 PM
John Lee | Wales  Find all comments by John Lee
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If you are driving through Wales and a large car with the markings of HEDDLU starts flashing its lights at you and beckons you to pull over, know that it is a police car and you better do as they say. And if you are in Wales and you want to shout Police! if being attacked, you better pronounce it correctly or no-one will understand you. It is spoken like 'Heth Lee' not 'Head Loo'. Got it?
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