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News Item2/5/10 3:50 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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what is Gods providence here ?

these people were dumb and thoughtless, they might be regenerate christians or they might be do goodnik churchianity false converts.

What is God teaching them / us ?

They looked pretty unsure of themselves on tv and the older dame lied to start with and said at first they didnt realise they were doing anything wrong then changed her mind so not a good sign

apparently the parents were willing enough that the kids should go but thats no criteria in a nation which habitually abandons its children - another bad sign that the baptists would assist in child abandonement

is the government trying to assert itself ?

usually in these situations everyone trys to find an easy way out to avoid the publicity - if the baptists didnt take it were they digging their heels in and being dumb ? (again ?)

Is God saying I sent the earthquake dont interfere ?

Are they false do goodnick churchianity christians and God is teaching them something so they get properly convereted ?

myself i think they bought dishonour to the gospel they arent getting persecuted for the word they are locked up for taking liberties at the root of it is a desire to have the approval of men a tough lesson to learn but if they are the elect it will be for the best

News Item1/31/10 8:54 AM
prince charles | wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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donnie wrote:
I wish that pastors would address this particular sin since 30-40 % of all men struggle with this sin. Perhaps we need pastors who deal with sins/problems/struggles, that many Christians struggle to deal with. I know that's my problem with preaching and, I believe, rightly so.
yeah donny youd just love pastors to talk about gaydom in church all the time right ? then you can be accepted for being gay and maybe recruit a few to travel the herschey highway

serious post or a gay that wants to 'Jam' ? i dunno

but i know this 30 - 40 % of all men do NOT struggle with sodomy so the post is a LIE

FYI 10 % of men are gay is also a big fat gay LIE

Also many christians do NOT struggle with this (mercifully) another big fat sodomite LIE

If you want preaching against sodomy check out fred phelps at the WBC

Quit believing the sodomite propaganda would be a great start

Survey1/30/10 7:19 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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yes something different, i have tracts but id like some hat are more to the point

Survey1/30/10 5:20 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Maybe someone should start printing tracts like [URL=]]]THIS[/URL] again. Sure beats all these modern tracts using modern versions, doesn't it?
Totally excellent ! ive been looking for a tract was thinking about writing my own but why not use this ! its better than anything i could write - ok just make it smaller print it off and then use plastic laminate to seal it

News Item1/30/10 5:14 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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great thx, i dont like offering advice but nobody else did

Having a family must be a help

The fact that you know God means you have NOT been given over to a reprobate mind as in Rom 1 - if anyone says that they are wrong because the singular charactaristic of the reprobate mind is that they cannot discern the things of God. The sin you have is not so overwhelming that it has caused you to cast aside the things of God. Quite an important thing to bear in mind i think

all the best

News Item1/30/10 5:09 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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its even worse than you think and even worse than the uk

Recessions typically reduce government tax collections ( USA ) Individual income taxes declined 20%, while corporate taxes declined 50%. At 15% of GDP, the 2009 collections were the lowest level of the past 50 years

Hey mr presifdent i know we arent getting the tax revenue s but this is your presidency we are talking about you NEED tpo spend - just print the money simple!

great idea bernanke go to it

annual deficit to us gdp is 9 to 11 % depends on who you listen to

total govt debt is 77% of GDP and climpbing by 10% a year !!!!! theres no collateral !!!!!!! The dollar is underwritten by NOTHING ! whoops !

caution and thrift mught count for soemthing but the best USA can do is to say that we probably maybe wont increase annual derficit - whoa what about cutting back to hwat can be afforded ?

News Item1/29/10 4:32 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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that freeze on spending programs means only no more inreases !! he he ! USA is still going to rack up more debt all the time printing money and undermining the dollar just like we are doing in the UK

Gordon Brown was crowing in parliament this week saying he had avoided a full scale deppresion

Ha ha GB is a moron and so is Obama - the depresion already started in 2007

they are telling people recovery has started - liars and fools they are just staving of the inevitable
they have been papering over the cracks stealing our money in huge quantities to give to the gamblers who lost
people om the street know the truth, paycuts layoffs inflation and it hasnt even got into second gear yet !!

In the UK after the may election the govt will have to bring in 20 to 30% spending cuts - oh but the 'recesion ' is ending right GB ?

In 2008 i said its the end of the dollar as international currency

business people i know are only using dollars when they have to

there is no 'plot' to stop using the dollar for oil and projects its just business.

Owners of capital are going to blow the whistle on the USA and UK THIS YEAR by 2011 the Fiat currency crisis will have come and gone

Buy gold and silver dont keep it in paper its going to be worthless

News Item1/29/10 4:14 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Fred wrote:
May I use this forum to share? Thankfully, you guys in here, as well as Sermon Audio speak against the sin of homosexuality. It is a sin and the Bible is crystal clear about this.
rev 3v21
To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne

all of us here struggle with sin but

your sin is much more diffiicukt than most of us sinners

I dont know if it will help but i offer the following

try some small but practical steps such as:

stay away at all times from former associates from this sin until you are stronger

avoid at all times situations or places which may tempt or remind you

i would drink all weekend not even eat at all if i started at lunchtime on friday so now i stay away from pubs

avoid christians who leave you feeling discouraged no matter how nice or sympathetic they may seem

ask God to send you a friend who can support you

ask God to have mercy on you and remove this oppresion and most importantly ask him for a true spirit of repentance

if you arent married ask God to send you a wife

this probably sounds a bit glib but start with something small and build your strength up

Survey1/28/10 3:43 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Charles, I thought you might like this excellent article on making use of creation in [URL=]]]outreach ministry[/URL]
Most helpful I think.
thanks john thats very interesting its a shame he does not have some resources tho i have my own

I agree with his approach as well i believe most creationists share this approach, tho i know one or two that follow the traits he describes but its all useful

its been a lot of work over the last three years to learn about the bible and learn about science subjects which i previously had no interest in at all like genetics and geology.

I havent read a novel or recreational book in all that time.

Just science and the bible and doctrine.

I am praying that God will allow me the honor of using it starting this year.
I am reading foxes book of martrys and the remarkable wisdom of solomon by henry morris at the moment

BTW we used the passage from revelation which you quoted on here for our family bible study tonite, the one where everyone is hiding in the rocks

we have i am sad to say neglected our study in the new year with all the trauma of moving, also ive had a difficult time in my work

Survey1/27/10 12:49 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
If men are elect according to the foreknowledge of God (that is, God foresaw their coming to faith)
spelling mistake, God in this case should be spelt god

Survey1/27/10 11:04 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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John UK wrote:
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.
Jeremiah 1:5-6 KJV
a worthwhile addition - loved, ordained and sanctified even before leaving the womb - things hard to understand......................

News Item1/27/10 10:29 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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i remember you said you were going to use the comments trevor,

i would be honored if you saw fit to include my worthless offerings in your sermons.

If you do, feel free to use anything i write

Survey1/27/10 10:26 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Mike wrote:
Foreknown means foreloved only in a particular theology that requires this definition in order to be upheld. Why should mysterious theology always trump receiving as a little child? Is it one of those "spiritually discerned" things that the simple child doesn't understand?
And Adam knew Eve his wife: who conceived and brought forth Cain

And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth

And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore Enoch

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born Jeremiah 1:5

Survey1/27/10 7:55 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Question: Did Jesus' obedience to the Father in dying on the Cross and willingly shedding His blood affect or not whether someone may or may not be saved?
ask away dear friend, i love to test my understanding in this way

The answer to the question is a big yes.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit compacted together before the foundations of the earth were laid, outside of time in eternity to rescue from the sea of humanity certain souls from death.

Their names were written in the book of life

Those names belong to Jesus. We did not belong to Him until His work upon the cross was complete.

Only then was divine justice served for the casting away of our transgresions.

At this point and no other were we redeemed and all the other elect souls.

Jesus did not just come to die for us but something worse, to suffer, death and for a time the wrath of God

In this way Jesus claimed for himself each and every individual foreknown which means foreloved in eternity, each of us loved by Him before we were born.

BTW the foreknowlege of God certainly does NOT mean as some say that God 'knew' we were going to convert. He caused us to come to Him because He loves the Son who loved us.

Survey1/27/10 3:40 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Question! Do our efforts in obedience to the word of God affect or not whether someone may or may not be saved?
It does not affect wether they will be saved but our obedience to the Word ie preach to every creature, bless them that persecute you, pray for the lost etc has i believe a bearing on our eternal reward so its important. Not because Gods needs us to help Him with His eternal decrees but for our own edification and sanctification. Its a mystery. He chooses to use us but of course He does not have to

If its any help our works are ordained eph1

News Item1/27/10 3:35 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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John UK wrote:
We must never dictate how God is to work, but trust that when we open our mouth to communicate, we engage in something most supernatural and spiritual.
what on earth do you mean by this john ? I explain that fred or whoever is pointing out a basic oft repeated (in the bible at least) scriptural basic, that God is angry every day with the wicked and hates workers of iniquity -

' We ' presumably this is intended for me and fred ? musnt dictate to God ?

The accusatory tone of this is patronising in the extreme and theologicaly ridiculous.

What is your evidence that i seek to dictate to God ?

What is your evidence that God would allow this ?

On second thoughts dont bother

News Item1/26/10 1:48 PM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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princephil wrote:
Seriously Charles no one is decrying the abomination of Sodomy,
its ok pricephil (can i call you dad ?)
nobody would doubt your credentials just because you disagreed with freds approach

excellent links very interesting i shall be spending some time going through the site,

the mainstream church compromise on the issues of fornication, adultery and divorce have allowed the normalisation of homosexuality to take place, the general church is in no authoratative position to oppose the homosexual lobby in the eyes of the wider society

My understanding is that God is angry with the wicked every day which includes gays as well as the other run of the mill sinners and that he does hate the workers of iniquity.

does transmitting that biblical truth make me or fred a hate merchant or a purveyor of a hateful gospel ?

I dont believe so

yes freds methods are a little in your face but biblical in my view when we consider what is at stake, an eternity of unimaginable despair and torment.

he wouldnt need to do this and i dont think he would if the wider church had not compromised itself into a position where it has no authority any more

as ive said before, WBC represents what used not long ago to be the mainstream

News Item1/26/10 11:42 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Wharton wrote:
Does this upset the apple-cart? [URL=]]]Compare the Masoretic with the Dead Sea Scrolls.[/URL]
dont know why he start talking about the masoretic text at all surely it would be more profitable to compare the isiah scroll with the dead sea scroll

News Item1/26/10 11:12 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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i still dont understand even reading randalls paper, it shows that the old testament has been copied accurately ?

News Item1/26/10 9:12 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Mike wrote:
If he gets out as much as you think, why hasn't he met any former homosexuals?
i dont think he gets out a lot i know, and what i believe he is saying is he would like to meet the supposedly reformed homosexual before taking a reporters word for it

i believe the news report you were referring to was quite old, maybe he has now ? they certainly write and phone him - does he have to go and meet them as well ?

ive never met a reformed homosexual either

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