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News Item2/28/18 8:47 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Nebulous clarity  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Steve Doring wrote:
This is very good news!
.how does the King James Version sound in Spanish?
Just to keep it fácil ( facilitate it)
: No sólo de pan vivirá el hombre, sino de toda palabra de Dios.
"That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
an "Ejemple siseando🐍 versión " Following ESV is easier to translate into Español "..🔪✂️... "

--¿acts 8:36 ?
Y Felipe dijo: Si crees de todo corazón, bien puedes. Y él respondiendo, dijo: Creo que Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios."

linkIns RCC "Ejemple siseando versión"-"Hissing 🐍Tran$lation Example"ESVActs 8:37, "..✂️..."
Erasures-great for tran$lation ea$e

New InternationaL=New American Standard=New World Translation

This table compares various verses in KJV, NIV, NASB,& NWT. The term "OMITTED" is used when either the phrase or the verse in question is omitted. This table is a very small sampling of contradictory verses, not exhaustive

Translation of redacted documents simplifies things.

NWT choice?he says
¿Instead of complaining about the comparison, should u be wondering why the NIV & NASB so frequently agree with the NWT?


News Item2/28/18 7:10 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Foggy bank  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Evil Snip villains cut out passages & to make it readable?

can't read what Satan steals Lk 4:4 "every word"¡ESV cuts!

UBS on its own website admits whom they SERVE, and it is ROME

ESV has already come out with FOUR different editions within just 16 years, each one revising and changing both the English text in literally HUNDREDS of verses and in some cases the previous Hebrew and Greek readings as well that were found in the previous ESVs.

Here is how these modern “Evangelical” versions are in fact now the New “Catholic” bibles. You can now get the ESV complete with the Apocryphal books included. Here it is -

ESV gives you a "readable " Roman Catholic heresy??

2011 NIV has set Mark 16:9-20 apart from the rest of the text with a straight black line. The then say "The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9-20." And then they put all these verses in smaller italicized printing.

The facts of the matter are that all these verses are found in the vast Majority of all Greek manuscripts except basically TWO!

News Item2/28/18 7:00 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Fight on fearless  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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"Parents have rights, and trampling our parental rights is unlawful. This case is the first [of its] kind, to our knowledge, in America, in which the slippery slope has begun of parents having no authority to lovingly direct their children in what we believe is best for them," Johnston said.

"Homeschooling parents, Christian parents, free-thinking parents, you're not safe anymore in America. The courts aren't keeping you safe, the schools aren't keeping you safe, the medical institutions aren't keeping you safe, and being an American is no longer keeping you safe from the tyranny of transgender activists, [the Department of] Job and Family services, and rogue judges who think they know better than you do for your child."

She noted that children are not legally permitted to buy cigarettes or alcohol because of the health risks but that transgender activists and their "doctor puppets" do not hesitate to prescribe untested and non-FDA approved drugs to kids.

"What in Sam Hill are we doing, people? This is war," she said, visibly outraged, to considerable applause.


case "ought to send a chill down the spine of every citizen, religious or not, who has questions or concerns about the rapid acceptance of transgender dogma throughout U.S.

News Item2/28/18 6:49 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Second law  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Living by bread alone

By: Martin A. Shue

It is no secret to those that have actually studied Greek manuscripts (mss.) that there are some instances of what is called assimilation. Assimilation is simply the process by which “the expressions of one Evangelist get improperly transferred to another.” While assimilating has caused not a few depravations from the sacred text this writer does not believe any intentional maliciousness was intended.

Concerning assimilation John William Burgon made the following comments,

When we speak of Assimilation, we do not mean that a writer while engaged in transcribing one Gospel was so completely beguiled and overmastered by his recollections of the parallel place in another Gospel,--that, forsaking the expressions proper to the passage before him, he unconsciously adopted the language which properly belongs to a different Evangelist.
..a moderate acquaintance with the subject is enough to convince any thoughtful person that the corruptions in MSS. which have resulted from accidental Assimilation must needs be inconsiderable in bulk, as well as few in number"

& cf Bednar

Causes of Corruption, pp. 101-102

RCC corruption via erasure more

News Item2/28/18 5:37 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | homework  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Gauge for activists

American RTL publishes this worksheet to help Christians think through the issue of vigilantism regarding the intentional killing of abortionists. Our directors and leaders at the summit which launched our organization (including the director of Operation Rescue National/OSA, the Rev. Flip Benham) have spent months incarcerated in jails for peaceful civil disobedience by blocking abortion clinic entrances and in defense of Christian liberties.

Disclosure: Prior to using this worksheet, ARTL would like the reader to know our own position:
1) Governments have the authority to use lethal force in more circumstances than do civilians.
2) The Bible's escalation of force principle prohibits civilian use of lethal force if less force could suffice.
3) Civilians may use lethal force defending innocent life against threats of imminent harm.
Abortion Vigilante Worksheet

Endorsement: "Dear American RTL, I just read your Abortion Vigilante Worksheet. I am a pro-life professor of ethics. I plan to use this in class. It is the best thing on this subject I have ever read. I just want to thank you profusely for devising it." -Dr. Ronda Chervin

"fearful" a class of those (Rev21:8 ) hellbound

News Item2/28/18 5:22 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Redactors red actors commies  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Were the KJV translators "LIARS" for saying that "the very meanest poorest translation" is still "the word of God"?

No, they were not liars for saying that, but all men are liars anyway Rom. 3:4 ncluding link-ins&myself. This is why all men’s words must be "tried." The distinction mentioned in answer #1(a) applies here as well. KJV translators did not say "the very meanest translation" was the complete&8pure word of God, but that it can convey elements of the word of God.

Even paraphrase!!
Especially better than Extrem Vile Satanic cuts of Acts 8!!
Leads to RCC lies

If they thought this "meanest" translation was the pure, complete word then why would they spend over 7! years giving the English language a "better" version?

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Rev22:19

Answers to dumb lies Satan & Jesuits keep tossing out.
Answered long ago.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

ESV gall to cut out every word of God

News Item2/28/18 5:14 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Etude  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Youth in Asia wrote:
another language?

Nuances of Canuck French, vs

The French of your land vs France may designate phrases you know as "paraphrase"
China's dialects vary widely also, as you know.

"Ce site présente aux Francophones la seule traduction basée sur le Texte Massorétique Hébreu Ben Chayyim pour l’Ancien Testament, (édition correcte de Ben Chayyim), qui est sans équivoque la copie exacte des textes “ originaux” .Ce texte n’est malheureusement plus imprimé, étant erronément édité par Christian Ginsburg"

To cut to the quick- translation of below verses into French is much better than cutting them out entirely.

"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
18:11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."

Acts 8:And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. vs 37-- is that in your French Bible??
If not- see Rev22:19

News Item2/28/18 5:00 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Not afraid of heaven  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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God hates a coward

Traitors And Cowards Who Run Away
6 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:
7 That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:
8 And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.
9 The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.
10 They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law;
11 And forgat his works, and his wonders that he had shewed them"
2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:
3 Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.
4 We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.
Rev21:8"the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."


News Item2/28/18 4:43 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Always ready  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Teachers are armed already in Texas, Utah,Colorado,Oklahoma- etc.

&18 states allow adults with carry permits to be armed on campus so long as they get proper approval from school officials.

-Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
-California (with approval of the superintendent)
-Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
-Hawaii (no specific law)
-Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
-Iowa (with "authorization")
-Kentucky (with school board approval)
-Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
-Mississippi (with school board approval)
-Montana (with school trustees' permission)
-New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
-New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
-New York (with the school's approval)
-Oregon (with school board approval)
-Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
-Texas (with the school's permission)
-Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
-Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

Many adults ready to protect

News Item2/27/18 7:52 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Not just us  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Just read today

Todd Starnes "profoundly disappointed to learn that National Review had published George Will’s ugly attack on evangelist Billy Graham just days after America’s pastor died..."

Starnes had no comment on Pastor Cooley's sermon.

News Item2/27/18 7:26 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Based on ignorance  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Trump planning to duck bullets if pistols are used- he knows he's fast on his feet
"MSNBC anchors are claiming that teachers armed with handguns would be unable to stop a school shooter because rifles shoot “three times faster.”

Anchor Lawrence O’Donnell said on his show Thursday night that “a bullet fired from an AR-15 travels 3x faster than one from a handgun…and yet the president and the NRA think giving teachers guns will stop a school shooter.”
"This is the reason why the media will always lose the Second Amendment fight. Millions of Americans own firearms. They know the caliber, they know its capabilities, and they also know what the proper terminology is (i.e. automatic vs. semiautomatic). I’m not talking super technical gunsmith jargon, just basic details about the gun. They know what they have and the media’s pervasive failure to learn what they’re talking about will never allow them to win over Americans they need to change the nature of gun politics. That’s because the alternative floated by the Left is straight up gun confiscation.."

Devil drugged kids, C30

Note above

News Item2/27/18 6:38 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Based on ignorance  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Make no mistake about it: The children of Parkland, Florida, who are mouthing Bloomberg talking points have been twice victimized.

First, because they were forced to go to school in a defenseless, gun-free zone. Second, because the billionaire Left -- led by prospective Democratic nominee Oprah Winfrey, anti-gun George Clooney, and anti-gun Stephen Spielberg -- are bankrolling a gun-control march on Washington which will advocate the taking of their liberties.

As was the case after Columbine, there are fearful, squishy Republicans who are now threatening to bail ship -- on “Trojan Horse” bump stock bans … background registration checks … and more.

GOA’s Chairman Tim Macy authored a blistering oped this week, warning Republicans “to get ready for a major butt kicking if you go down the road of stomping on the Second Amendment.”

Leftist White House advisors are pushing Trump to embrace a wide variety of gun control. Not surprisingly, these advisors don’t know a whole lot about guns.

MSNBC Host: Handgun Bullets Are Ineffective In Stopping School Shooters Because They're Too Slow

anchors are claiming that teachers armed with handguns would be unable to stop a school shooter because rifles shoot “three times faster.."

News Item2/27/18 6:29 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | chased in terror  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them.
They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust.
The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.
I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men:
Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our hand is high, and the LORD hath not done all this.
For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them.
O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!
How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?
39 See now that I,
even I, am he,
and there is no god with me:
I kill,
and I make alive;
I wound,
and I heal:
neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, ?
Or lose all courage...

News Item2/26/18 7:07 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Buy us bias by us  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Deliberate propaganda: Presenting bias with the intention of benefiting the media establishment.
Institutional bias: The reporters and editors of a media organization may hold political views, which influence their reporting. Reporting on the Vietnam war has been cited as a notable example of such.
Sensationalism: Media depends on viewership for financial support from advertisers. Thus stories that have little political value but much entertainment value may receive attention disproportionate to their impact. Scare stories are also an example of sensationalism.
Omission: The inverse of sensationalism, media may overlook important but boring stories.
Political correctness or sensitivity: Fearful of appearing racist or discriminatory, media may avoid any stories which reflect negatively on an ethnic, social or religious group, especially if the group is a minority.
Confirmation bias: a type of selective thinking whereby people tend to report what confirms their beliefs, and to ignore, or undervalue what contradicts their beliefs.
Audience bias: Readers or viewers tend to read news sources with which they agree. Thus, media must reinforce the existing views of their audience, or risk losing them. This source of bias can also reinforce the effect of a moral panic.

News Item2/26/18 6:44 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Mediated medicated  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Media bias is advocacy journalism gone wild, where one-sided arguments masquerade as objective reporting. It "is rarely expressed through distortion of the facts, but rather through the omission of certain facts that would be inconvenient for the outlook of the person or group reporting."[1] A good example is Paul Krugman's claim, in his New York Times opinion piece, that "Everyone knows that the American right has problems with science that yields conclusions it doesn’t like."[2] This statement completely ignores the much worse "problems" the American left has with science, such as the climate science which refutes the junk science used by liberals to prop up their global warming theory and their "solution" to the "crisis" (see Kyoto Protocol, etc.), as well as the scientific facts that there are only two genders, that life begins at conception, among other facts.[3][4]

It manifests distortion of news, commentary, non-fiction articles, textbooks, documentaries, speech codes and the like to favor one side's ideas over another's . Dictatorships and other authoritarian regimes which suppress freedom of the press are notorious for their media bias, particularly when all media are controlled directly by a one-party government.

News Item2/26/18 6:41 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Heart start  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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"creation (of babies in the womb
and the poor (babies)
and the( little)stranger

Dt24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

A culture that has exceptions that kills
Poor created strangers due to their environment( the womb)
Rebuke it with God's authority.

News Item2/26/18 6:29 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Heart apart  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

Hard to do but it makes a clear line--

"11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."
Mtt 18
They need to know their status to respond to the
In Christ.
Acts 8"35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him."

A true Baptist stance-

News Item2/26/18 6:20 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Viper teeth sharpened  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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In a column for The American Conservative published Friday, Rod Dreher, the author of the theologically provocative book The Benedict Option, labeled the university's actions "anti-Christian."

"HCFA now has an opportunity to bear witness, through suffering, to the truth of the Christian faith, in the face of spite and rejection. Stay strong, y'all. You are on the front lines. All eyes will be on you, watching to see how you love even those who treat you cruelly," wrote Dreher.

"As for the rest of us, understand that this is how it's going to go for all orthodox Christians. Pray for these Harvard believers ... and prepare for how you will handle it when it happens to you. Because the LGBT movement and its supporters will tolerate nothing.

" toleration" ??? Not for godliness

Ps35:15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not:
16 With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.
17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions.
18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people."

Hold on to Truth

News Item2/25/18 5:05 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | stoned high snot funny  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Join me now in calling on Congress to ban assault liberals like Jim Lincoln who fire idiotic ideas in full-automatic mode.
Libs toss grenades " Sissy style"
"We are finding that there are a large number of trainees that come in that quite frankly just physically don't have the capacity to throw a hand grenade 20 to 25 to 30 meters. In 10 weeks, we are on a 48-hour period; you are just not going to be able to teach someone how to throw if they haven't thrown growing up."

"Just because we took it off as a graduation requirement does not mean they won't be conducting hand grenade or land navigation training."

“They are going to learn all the technical aspects of the hand grenade, and they are going to learn tactical employment and they will throw a live hand grenade.”

Straight up


Comes down.

Pr26:27"Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him"

Stoneman Tosses a stone up

"The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner."Ps118:22

"on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."mt21:44b

News Item2/25/18 3:52 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | David Cloud Anglican history2  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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January 2018, the delegates to Washington, D.C.‘s Episcopal Diocese. approved a statement resolving to update the Book of Common Prayer “to utilize expansive language for God ... and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.” Gendered pronouns are things such as “He” and and “Father” and “King.” The drafters of the daffy resolution said, “By expanding our language for God, we will expand our image of God and the nature of God” (“U.S. Episcopal diocese,” LifeSiteNews, Feb. 1, 2018). “The Rev.” Linda Calkins of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Laytonsville, Maryland, said, “Many of us are waiting and need to hear God in our language, in our words and in our pronouns.” In reality, the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C. has rejected the God of the Bible for a mythical goddess. In Scripture, God is always referred to in masculine terms. He is King of kings, not Queen of queens. He is the Father and the Son, not the Mother and the Daughter. In the incarnation God became a man, not a woman.
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, THE MAN Christ Jesus”
1 Timothy 2:5
Kurt Aland, a primary father of RCC type ESV., NWT,etc.
famously doubted Jesus Christ ever existed.

God in the flesh no big deal to delete by Anglicans.

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