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News Item2/29/2020 5:04 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Funny but Japan's NHK news does not include this. Instead, they say in China, one in five people over 80 who got the virus have died. And fatalities are also higher for those people with heart disease (13 percent) and diabetics (9 percent).

News Item2/29/2020 5:00 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I think they missed another part of the story--Pope to non-Catholics: give up SA website for Lent!
And I feel a song coming on, "Give me that old time disorganized religion, Give me that old time disorganized relition"

News Item2/29/2020 1:30 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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1. check source--Breitbart, which is better than WND-world nut daily, or some other fringe site.
2. CNN, MSNBC, and other major channels will not cover this. Why?
They do not want to show the ugly details.
They do not want to show anything that might cause an objection to 'women's reproductive rights'
3. Even Mayor Mike BLoomberg's comments to his girlfriends about abortion are not being seen as a problem about abortion.

News Item2/28/2020 3:54 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I'm having a flashback...wasn't this a news item with cartoons as violent as Looney Tunes, the Wiley Coyote constantly blowing up things and dropping heavy objects on the Road Runner, which never worked but ended up hurting himself. Back then, they said this is so bad because kids will imitate all these antics and someone will get hurt.

But of course, none of this has much to do with us as Christians because we have different rules we live by.

Imagine how much good it would be if Christian women were living according to the Bible, which contains God's Plan for Women, listed in such places as 1 Timothy 5.

News Item2/28/2020 3:28 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Good question, 'Dr Tim' but I don't see how it relates to the story. Of course, maybe our favorite herbal doctor Sambola could tell us. If only we could get Medicare to accept the bill.
I don't see too many posters or commenters here defending the Roman Catholic Church; even someone as 'wholesome' as Franklin Graham gets over 200 negative comments posted.

News Item2/27/2020 4:15 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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1. Majority of Senate voted for bill, but minority of Senate keeps bill from passing. This needs to be shown to any Christian who does not like to get involved in politics because it is very divisive and even conflictive. I guess that means they cannot stand against abortion or sodomites because some people would disagree with them, and some of those even get violent (see antifa for examples).
2. God's Plan for Women is being neglected, while the Religion of Today--Women's Rights--is upheld. The reason why so many Christians and their churches are ineffective in today's society is that they themselves do not believe the Bible, so they do not live according to it, especially in simple things like what Paul tells Timothy (1 Timothy 5)what elder women should be doing with their lives (and this was way before the idea of pensions, Social Security, and IRA accts were ever considered).
So pagans who see Christians behaving just like them must ask themselves, 'what is the big difference between me and them?' and the answer is, 'not much, they say they are 'saved' but they don't live any way different, except a few changes to their weekly schedule.

News Item2/27/2020 2:51 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Another example--like the 101-yr old NASA employee--of people not living according to God's Plan for Women, which can easily be drawn out of such places like 1 Timothy 5.
A famous Russian writer once said, "If people do not believe in God, then they will believe in anything."
Thus it is that 'Women's Rights' or 'Women Power' is the Religion of Today. Even Christians eat up this religion and are converted, and thus we have many Christians, mostly Dems I think, who cannot think of voting against their candidate who supports abortion, even infanticide (thinking of Dem. Gov. of Va.)
The problem with many Christians is that they think they can 'pick and choose' which parts of the Bible they obey. That means they must have some Higher Mind that directs them to which verses to neglect, or explain away. Either some catechism that was drawn up after the Bible was written, or the teachings of their particular denomination.

News Item2/27/2020 2:44 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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You know, if it weren't for SA, I would not know what the Pope is doing or saying or even thinking.

News Item2/27/2020 2:41 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Japan's NHK news today says the govt is asking for schools to be closed for a month, starting next Monday. No mention made of online schooling as an alternative.
This might make kids and parents think they can do better online than in schools with all the distractions going on there.
So many kids are spending time on their phones that to spend some time on a laptop might seem very Old Fashioned for them, but easier to read documents and watch experiments and all that.
Better would be for them to get one of those fancy TVs with big screen that can make a school lesson feel like you are there.
On the other hand, I have heard that there is less comprehension of online material.

News Item2/27/2020 2:23 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I always wondered why I was seeing postal trucks on the road when I went to church on Sunday mornings. Then I read that Amazon had contracted with the Postal SErvice to provide this extra level of service due to their Prime Account holders.
I didn't think about anyone using the 'religious objection' clause to avoid doing it, but in a small area, there's not enough 'workerbees' to handle the work.
I wonder if there are any Jewish USPS workerbees who would do the job on Sundays.

News Item2/27/2020 2:19 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Now here's a news story that a lot of people who post here can really agree with! It's enough to make me think they will consider moving to England, a place after their own hearts in this subject, at least.

News Item2/26/2020 6:23 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Well, next Tuesday is Super Tuesday so we will see who really comes out on top. Will VP Biden stay alive? Will B-guy will remain? Will Bernie keeps up his first place?
I would guess that Bernie will stay in first place and more people will drop out, including Warren and Biden.
If the results show Warren winning some states, Biden winning other states, and so forth so that these 3 will end up being closer together, with Bernie holding more delegates than anyone else.
This will keep the 2nd place, 3rd place, etc. stay alive and keep fighting it out, wasting their time and money.
The real question will be...Dems who have voted all their lives voting for Dems..will they vote for a socialist? Maybe they will stay home and let the enthusiastic voters work for President Trump.

News Item2/26/2020 6:16 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Some people cannot believe anything that Rush Limbaugh cannot be truthful because of his wealthy. I guess you could say that Abraham was also an untruthful person because he had a lot of money, so much so that he had to stop his farming to gather his workers to fight against armies that his family got into trouble.
Also, wealth people can use their monies to build hospitals and churches and missions.

News Item2/26/2020 11:09 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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This should serve as a reminder to church going folk who do not like to get involved in politics.
If you know any of them, ask them if this would have happened if Dems kept control of the US Senate, and if Hillary Clinton had won the 2016 election.

News Item2/26/2020 11:02 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Too bad we can't read of a grandmother who lived according to God's PLan for Women, which is raising children, washing the feet of the saints, teaching young women in church, all things you can read about in 1 Timothy 5.

Sermon8/21/09 9:18 PM
Humble One | USA  Find all comments by Humble One
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Dixon, Thank you for a sermon on a subject that has long interested me. As the previous commenter Angela said, this is a powerful sermon. I hope you keep putting more sermons on this site, and don't let anyone get you down with criticism. I'm anxious to hear more of your sermons. God Bless and keep you!

Sermon1/8/09 5:59 PM
Humble One | Southeast  Find all comments by Humble One
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Presidential Election
Johnny Touchet
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for a biblically sound sermon on leaders. There seem to be a number of preachers on this site who do nothing but murmer against leaders. Wether we like our leaders or not we are called to pray for them. Thank you for biblical truth!

News Item1/29/07 8:45 AM
humble one  Find all comments by humble one
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Dear Chris,

I thank you for your kind response also. May God guide all of us. Amen. The only way to understand the true Islam today is through the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (pboh). We certainly do study the Bible as well, and the Torah and Gospel were revealed by the same God that we worship. When God revealed the Holy Quran for all mankind and for all time in the future commencing with the time of the Holy Prophet(pboh), it contains comprehensive spiritual teaching which supercede earlier books, and God has promised to preserve it word-for-word. To deceive and lie to anyone is a great sin, and the Holy Prophet (pboh) laid great emphasis on telling the truth. This teaching is for everyone, as the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet(pboh) were sent by God for all mankind. When I reviewed verses of the Holy Quran which, from your point of view, appeared to teach otherwise I found otherwise that God teaches us to speak the truth. I invite you to study the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet (pboh) as the Promised Messiah has presented it, showing that the Holy Prophet honored the treaty with the Quraish. Please see his book titled _The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam_ for starters, available at our official web site at

News Item1/28/07 11:35 AM
humble one  Find all comments by humble one
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Hope you're doing well. Ireland is a beautiful country.

I studied the two verses 4:15-16, and God is not sentencing women to death. He is saying that their punishment is confinement for the rest of their life unless He provides a way out for them. God being most Forgiving and Merciful, I know that when a person repents, God provides a way out for a person and forgives him or her. In fact, the requirement of four witnesses for lewdness is so difficult, that it would provide an effective check against unnecessarily applying the punishment out of place, and yet would protect society from immorality, as well as reform the person. The punishment for men is much harsher, for it gives the decision of the appropriate punishment to the lawful authority of the land, and humans are typically very harsh in punishing. For men also, God provides a way to seek His Forgiveness, provided the sinner tries to reform himself and seek the Grace of God.

Regarding your other observation: The Holy Quran has promised those whom God admits to heaven pure and noble spouses. So God rewards both men and women. Descriptions of heaven are metaphorical, using similarities, because we cannot fully appreciate understanding the hereafter.

News Item1/28/07 11:09 AM
humble one  Find all comments by humble one
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The verse 66:3 is referring to a situation where the Holy Prophet(pboh) decided to refrain from honey, only for himself, because it caused some discord between him and his wife. But God revealed to him to allow himself the use of something which God has made lawful for all mankind. God knowing the future knew that if the Holy Prophet(pboh) refrained from something lawful only for his own self in regard to his personal affairs, yet his followers would be deprived of that lawful thing of God forever by following the Holy Prophet's(pboh) example and yet not understanding the actual domestic situation in his own household. So the message of verse in general is that we believers should not make something unlawful for our ownselves which God has made lawful. It is not at all giving any permission to break promises. Elsewhere in the Holy Quran God commands believers to keep their promises/oaths. But if one happens to commit the sin of breaking it, there is a certain punishment that one would have to come under to drive home the importance of keeping true to oaths. And Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful. We must repent and seek His Forgiveness of our sins.

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