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News Item10/7/2020 5:09 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another political factor for Northern Ireland is that the old Royal Ulster Constabulary police force with its royal insignia was abolished and replaced with a politically correct republican style “Police Service of Northern Ireland”, (when Scotland merged all its police forces into one national force a few years ago, I think they modelled it after this, and called their politically correct police, “Police Scotland”). The PSNI will no doubt be quick to carry out LGBTQI+ wishes, and enforce exclusion zones in front of abortion clinics, to keep protestors away. Also part of the Brexit deal is that in leaving the EU, but also to keep the “Good Friday” agreement going, and avoid any hard border, though England, Scotland and Wales will be totally outside the EU, and Northern Ireland will also be technically outside, however, NI must continue to observe some EU laws after 31st December, and that there must be a kind of border between Mainland Britain and Northern Ireland, so that there will be ni border or immigration checks of any kind between NI and the Republic of Ireland. This means the whole trajectory of Northern Ireland is being pushed towards the Republic and the EU, and away from Mainland Britain.

News Item10/7/2020 4:26 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Ever since the “Good Friday” peace agreement between the Catholic but also Leftist Sinn Fein, which wants Northern Ireland to be reunited with the Republic of Ireland and the EU and join the euro currency, and the largely Protestant Democratic Ulster Unionists who want to keep Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom, and they were forced into a perpetual coalition, (by the way,Bill Clinton was fully involved in this arrangement), and also the fact that there can now be no hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland has gone slowly more leftist, even being forced to accept “gay marriage” and abortion, when Westminster took over for a while when the compulsory coalition broke down. Northern Ireland is not allowed to have a normal majority government unlike U.K., Scotland and Wales, and in the natural, I believe this will eventually impel Northern Ireland out of Britain and to join up with the Republic of Ireland, which is now not Catholic at all, but very secular, and has eagerly signed up, by referendum in both cases, to abortion and “gay marriage”.

News Item10/7/2020 2:44 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Here, our PM, who is “Conservative”, doesn’t in his own nature like restrictive practices, but he is in the clutches of his Health Minister, and the national (unelected), medical and scientific officers. As for the Scottish and Welsh First Ministers they are leftists, and 1 of the 2 main parties in the compulsory coalition that runs Northern Ireland is also leftist. They obviously love and thrive on
restrictions and lockdowns, mask wearing, and look forward to administering the coming COVID 19 vaccine and making it mandatory.
Stupid restrictions control every aspect of our lives, who we can meet, how we can meet them, what we must wear, where we can go, and with track and trace to know where exactly we are at any time. Sounds like the Antichrist society!! The government even tells whether we may worship, and how we can conduct our worship services. We are virtually no better than China or Iran at the moment.

News Item10/6/2020 3:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is the same man who recklessly infected and killed countless numbers of elderly people in nursing homes in his state, by ordering them without any testing to take elderly COVID 19 patients into their homes from hospital where they had been discharged prematurely. Many care staff members were also infected. This is the man who supported huge BLM marches, and riots without any masks or social distancing. Yet he wants to join his lietenant, Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, in threatening Christian churches and Jewish synagogues with permanent closure for observing their worship, while abortion clinics are deemed essential and can carry on murdering babies in the womb. By the way, the photo of a huge Jewish funeral that Governor Andrew Cuomo used in his threat, apparently was the funeral of Rabbi Teitelbaum, if the Satmar Community, taken in 2006, yes, 2006, long before COVID 19 was ever conceived in a Chinese lab in Wuhan!!

News Item10/5/2020 12:23 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Spiritist not spiritual. The software override what I wrote.

News Item10/5/2020 12:23 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Black Lives Matter is also an occult spiritual organisation. They believe in speaking to and hearing from the spirits of dead people. One of the international founders, and the chief of the Los Angeles branch were on a video discussing thus very practice. The whole thing is based on the NigerianYoruba spiritist religion. No Christian, pastors in SBC and other denominations please note, no Christian can have anything to do with this. This is necromancy, spiritual and is condemned by the Word of God. We “take the knee” or bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

News Item10/5/2020 10:39 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Wales and Scotland who both have leftist devolved governments have tended, with one or two exceptions, to be more radical and authoritarian than the U.K. government, which is “Conservative”, (politically correct though), which runs all things in England, and foreign affairs, immigration, customs, defence, and some tax matters, for the whole of U.K. All the urban areas of Wales are now in partial lockdown, but more rigorous than Rule of Six which governs elsewhere, and additionally, a ban on travelling into or out of the individual lockdown areas. Rural areas are only subject at present to the main national restrictions, mask wearing, social distancing and Rule of Six. However, it seems that the Welsh Government is now considering a national 14 day quarantine for anyone coming into Wales from England, or Scotland, or at leadt areas in local lockdowns there. This kind of ban on domestic travel, last time I checked, both Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are still part of the United Kingdom, and are surely illegal, as are the internal Australian bans on people going from state to state, or your checkouts in USA at entry points for entering New York City imposed by the Mayor there. Internal borders are a prime invention of of countries like the old Soviet Union, Communist China,

News Item10/5/2020 6:55 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I watched a wonderful live morning service yesterday, in the evening, (due to 8 hour time differences), with an enhanced speaker running off the phone, (my church does not have a live in person evening service), and I thought I had stepped back to pre-COVID days in early March. The Lord was worshipped enthusiastically by hundreds of people, there was an organ, piano, brass ensemble, full singing congregation, notices of normal church activities, prayer, bible readings, and two sermons, one a brief sermon from some verses in the prophet Habakkuk, and a full scale hour long sermon about the new birth and the encounter between the Lord Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3. Much of this would be totally illegal here in Britain at the moment, and because of a governor’s decree, technically illegal there, except that some court decisions have ruled that it can continue. It was John MacArthur and Grace Community Church in Los Angeles and their main 10:30 am service (6:30 pm British time). Glorious service. When will I be able to attend a normal service, albeit on a much smaller scale in my country?

News Item10/5/2020 6:07 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I actually saw videos of principally white BLM young activists haranguing people sat at a restaurant, intimidating a lady in a wheelchair, even people coming out of the White House, and a white policeman (who turned out to have a black wife), and was ably defended by his black colleague, a Christian, who preached the gospel to the raving white BLM activist female that was shouting at him!! I have also seen grainy historical film videos of Maoist denunciation meetings in post war Communist revolutionary China where a teacher or professor was plucked out of his or her classroom by a student militia, (they did the same to Christian missionaries too), and having beaten them up and put a placard round them of their “sins” against the people and the revolution, shouted at them and forced them to apologise and “confess” these “sins”. Generally their possessions were then all trashed, and then the official police took over, and except in some cases where they were immediately executed, they were packed off to labour and concentration camps for long sentences. More senior people were taken to a “people’s court” after torture and confession, and then sentenced. This is definitely heading our way in the West!! The Briwnshirts (SA) and Blackshirts (SS) of Hitler did similar things in Nazi Ge

News Item10/4/2020 1:26 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Basically, this type of campaign has both elements of Canaanite pagan worship of false idols like Molech, Chemosh, Baal, Astarte and many others that were a key central part of their worship, twin sacraments as it were, infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution. This is why the LORD God commanded the Israelites to completely extirpate and destroy these people when they captured their cities, and why God judged and chastised the Israelites when tragically they conformed to this pagan worship, or syncretised it with the worship of the true God. It was so heinous, so debased, so wicked. The LORD God could not tolerate this wickedness!!

News Item10/4/2020 12:30 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Herbal Mama’s comment about the church being used by the government to educate their members to accept and use masks, and no doubt the singing ban and interference with worship, as has happened largely here in Britain, and then later on the vaccine when it comes out, reminded me of something that happened when the organisation that became Planned Parenthoid was founded. Margaret Sanger, the founder, was a racist, a eugenicist, but she knew that she had to get the black people to accept her contraception and family planning ideas to limit their population. She did this by courting and recruiting the black pastors and black church leaders to “educate” their people to accept these revolutionary ideas, and limit their family sizes. The leftists and globalists are doing the exact same thing to recruit pastors and churches to “educate” their members to accept COVID 19 “protocols”, to enable them to ensure control for their globalist vision.

News Item10/4/2020 4:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have heard of this pastor. He was a neo-evangelical pastor in our very ecumenical Baptist Union, and has, or had, a church near Waterloo Station in south London. He also runs all sorts of social justice programmes under the banner of Oasis Trust, which he leads. However, despite his evangelical label, he has signed up for the full leftist programme, that is similar to that now embraced by your Southern Baptist Convention. He has proved to be heretical, as he has not too long ago denied or downplayed the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. So he will be fully on board with the sexual revolution, and although I am not sure if his church has turned into an “LGBTQI/ Transgender friendly” church as of yet, I am sure it will soon be so.

News Item10/4/2020 4:43 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This wickedness is from the same Governor, himself a medical doctor specialising in children, I understand, who actually in a radio programme, recommended possible infanticide of babies who survive abortions. The Christians in Virginia need to rise up in prayer against this man, and though humanly speaking their options are very limited, because their Senate and House of Representatives are dominated by this man’s supporters, and no doubt their State Courts are packed with activist leftist judges, yet as it says in Psalm 2, God will have him in derision. Our Lord Himself spoke about millstones for those who corrupt children. This wicked agenda in Virginia needs calling out and exposing, even if the popular media is so dominated by leftists it won’t cover it. Praise God, h err e in Britain a number of concerned parents; and Christian organisations exposed the secretive agenda to sneak transgenderism into schools here, and for now, this has been rolled back, and instructions sent to schools that they are not to promote this.

News Item10/4/2020 4:11 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am not able to read this US article, as due to a EU law about copyright and data protection, (even though we are finally completely leaving the EU on 31st December this year, at present this law still applies here), many US websites are not able to be seen or accessed here, without special software. However, I can only imagine what has happened here, and may well happen in this country too. The mask is central, as will be the Bill Gates soon to be made mandatory Covid 19 vaccine with all its questionable and even immoral contents. Like the current social credit system in Communist China, where this virus came from, non-conformity to mask mandates, and then the compulsory vaccine, will lead to loss of jobs, forbidding of entry to stores, leisure facilities, government buildings and offices, loss of child custody as in this case, no visitation rights of relatives in hospitals and nursing homes, and a ban in international and even domestic travel. Two medical professors at Bill Gates funded universities, Yale and Stanford, have written an article in one of your (US) medical journals advocating compulsion and suggesting these types of punishments and even that non-compliant people who refuse the vaccine should have to wear a trackable bracelet, similar to criminals on licence.

News Item10/3/2020 11:07 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I will say with John UK, yes we should have the fear of the Lord, as in the Psalms, Proverbs and Acts he quoted. It is the terrible fear of this disease that has saddened me, and the knowledge that there is more behind it than seems. I for one am sorry for the terrible contention that it causes amongst genuinely Bible believing Christians and the fact that it has caused the worldwide closing of churches, or that they can only operate under very severe and strict conditions. Maybe the Lord has many things to teach us through these circumstances.

News Item10/3/2020 9:27 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, John UK I am not full of fear, I think you are. I gave plenty of examples of where people have absolutely gone over the top over this Covid 19. We have had nasty infectious flu for decades, and yes, people got very ill with it and they died from it. Have we had lockdowns, Rule of Six, compulsory mask wearing, tape everywhere, singing bans,closed churches, etc throughout the whole of the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000’s and 2010’s. No we have not!! I believe the whole thing is to make life as unpleasant and irritating as possible, egged up by fear in the media, and all kinds of new restrictions on every aspect of life, with intrusive police and track and trace procedures, so that the whole, and I mean whole, population will be begging to take the fairly soon, no doubt, to be made compulsory vaccine to get their no doubt, digital immunity certificates as required by the globalists, so that hopefully they can return to something like the old “normal”.

News Item10/3/2020 6:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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5). Small businesses have been completely closed down, never to reopen, and healthy people marshalled about or harangued sitting quietly in park benches. Old people who were in hospital, with COVID 19, have been sent back to their nursing homes, by government order and decree, thus infecting the staff there and the remaining residents, and one school in Ireland, even had a shed, yes a shed, so test if a pupil had the sniffles, he or she would be sent there for the parents to collect!!! The whole family would then be quarantined for 14 days, unless a compulsory test proved to be negative!! Actually the tests have proved to be totally unreliable, with both false negatives and positives. Meanwhile unsafe vaccines, filmed with very dodgy ingredients, are being rushed through without proper testing; I have referred to the morally questionable contents of these in other threads of SA.
6). The whole idea of past epidemics, plagues and pandemics was the biblical one, to quarantine the sick, not the healthy, but the globalists have turned this whole thing into quarantining everyone, and turning us all into potential criminals. Masks are traditionally only worn for medical use in hospitals, if we are using hazardous chemicals, or as a sign of mourning, or for keepers in the old times. Th

News Item10/3/2020 5:18 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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3). A terrible climate of fear has been whipped up by the popular media and globalists in this whole matter. People have been twitching their curtains,reporting their neighbours to the police, whole school classes sent home because one student had the sniffles, churches listening to tinny recorded hymns because they are banned from singing, even though they are all wearing masks, people including a grieving husband, father, son, wife, daughter or mother not allowed to see their dying loved one, then having to sit masked on their own at the funeral, or as in the case of one young lady in Queensland, banned from attending altogether, (she was out of state and under quarantine I.e. house arrest in a hotel), but despite the appeals of the Australian Federal Prime Minister, she was only allowed by the local Premier briefly in full PPE gear with a full masked police escort, like a criminal to view her dead father in his coffin. She had even been prevented from seeing him before he died. No, Watcher and John UK, this is tyranny, pure and simple.
4). Parents have been clapping masks in developing young children, when they need to breath fresh air, even sometimes people have put them in their pet dogs!!! Children are growing up now in an atmosphere of total fear and terror.

News Item10/3/2020 4:53 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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1). I do take COVID 19 seriously, and for very frail and elderly people, and for people of any age with very major health problems, like cancer, heart troubles, other non-COVID respiratory diseases, and so on it can indeed be very dangerous. So no, though I believe it was criminally created in a laboratory, I do not believe it is a fake virus. However, for most healthy people, they are either asymptomatic if they catch it or have mike symptoms, or at worst for most people, like a bad flu.
2). The globalists have jumped on this, to use it as an excuse to completely suspend democracy and introduce tyranny, which apart from the normal dictatorships like China, include such formerly democratic places like California, New York City and State, Illinois, Michigan, and even worse Melbourne and Victoria, Australia, which has turned into a total dictatorship under Daniel Andrews, which the Australian Federal Government seems incapable of dealing with. In Melbourne, the police range about manhandling people, pregnant women are arrested for a Facebook tweet, anyone can now be arrested and detained indefinitely, not only by police, but by designated “officers”, and there is an illegal night time curfew, which Andrews had to admit he did personally without any medical advice whatsoever.

News Item10/3/2020 4:01 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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One more thought for much prayer. Do pray for the President, but also pray for the protection of VP Pence and his wife and family, as he deputises for President Trump over the next few days. Don’t forget that the 3 rd in line under the Constitution if anything happened to both President and Vice President is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one Nancy Pelosi, need we say more. We must pray against that possibility!
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