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News Item7/20/10 8:47 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Rick wrote:
I used to lift with a group of Powerlifters at a local YMCA and many of us are Christians. We were grieved when one of the instructors there was told not to have the radio on Christian stations because it might offend people. Never mind offending christian powerlifters that were benching 600 lbs, and squating 800 lbs.
Good thing those strong people believed in the Christian principle of turning the other cheek.

News Item7/18/10 4:14 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Joe the Protestant wrote:
I know John will give you an excellent answer. But till then, let me give you a couple. First; to say that God is Under a law, is to make that law God, and not God himself. When God acts in accordance with a law He has given, it's because that law is good. It's good in that He gave it, but it's not that His hands are tied and he really wants to do other than the law but can't.
Secondly; Dt.25:3 and others like it, are dealing with actions against Finite creatures, therfore the penalty is finite. Eternal Punishment is a just punishment because it is against an Eternal Infinate being. The greater the one sinned against, the greater the punishment. How much punishment. Infinate. On Christ or on us.
I don't think Fred ever touched on your comment. He is not doing very well with John for that matter.

News Item7/6/10 1:20 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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One problem with the view that Christians should stay out of political issues; is that once someone takes an issue that is a concern to everyone, and makes it Political, then misguided christians come along and say that "Christaians should stay out of political issues". Thereby making itimpossible for chistians to speak on any topic.

News Item7/1/10 10:03 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Troll Patrol wrote:
How do you know you were born in the year 1962 according to man?
Would you like this girl to veil her head?
Why do you think you have to give John such a hard time?
Are you trying to be a cyber bully?
Why are you posting under the name of Troll Patrol?
Why have all of your posts under that name been harrasments toward John?

News Item6/29/10 11:11 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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The Gulf Oil Spill is just a small pictue of things that will happen in the future, but it is not the complete fullfilment of Rev. Ch. 8. That would be comparing a local pond to the Atlatic ocean.

News Item6/27/10 8:25 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Joe the Protestant wrote:
Judgment day has already come and gone for those in Christ. It was 33 A.D.
Good point! I know where you are coming from. Jesus took the Judgment that was due to our sins, so that when he comes again it will be a blessed hope for the christian, but a time of judgment for the unsaved. The un saved will have to pay for All their sins, but Jesus paid for the sins of the saved.

News Item6/27/10 2:47 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Well when I get married and have children I will construct a one room school house on my farm that I am going to purchase in Eastern Colorado so that my children can be homeschooled by my wife.
Good for you. And I don't beleive for one minute that you are going to raise hermits. From your posts, I believe that you plan to raise your family so that they will impact the world for righteousness.

News Item6/21/10 8:52 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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I knew Heavy Metal,Acid Rock, was religious in nature back in the 70s when I was in it. We had all kinds of spiritual experiences. All the spirits involved were demonic spirits. But hey; you don't have to get in a time machine and go to 70s acid rock concerts to find them now. Just go to your nearest Fad Driven church, they have imported the stuff in for today, and all under the name of Relevance and Freedom.

News Item6/9/10 1:09 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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San Jose John wrote:
I was 11 when I found my older brother's porn, which he found and "borrowed" from my dad's not-very-well hidden stash, which he got from one of his co-workers.
Years later my sister admitted she also found dad's porn and was "troubled" by it.
Long before the WWW was invented my dad still managed to corrupt 3 of his 4 kids just by being morally lax and careless.
Lesson to all fathers out there.
Same here John. I was eight yrs. old when I first saw it. That was 1964. Also, two girls across the street re enactd for me what their parents do at the neighborhood party. By the time I was a teenager, my parents had hard core stuff. I think of how bad that stuff messed me up, and how much worse it could mess up an eight tr. old now with the hard stuff on the net. God help us all.

News Item6/8/10 1:04 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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She should have been fired for her remark about Israel vacating the land. We don't need Anti Semitism in leadership.

News Item6/7/10 1:11 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Blissful Sleeper wrote:
They told me there were counterfeits to the Holy Spirit, so I stopped believing God could do miracles. They told me there were counterfeit social gospels, so I stopped worrying about the tyranny happening to my neighbor. They told me there were counterfeit meetings where the Catholic Pope was emulated, so I stopped going to public meetings expressing my love for Christ. They told me there were Catholics in the pro-life movement, so I stopped fighting for the lives of the unborn. They told me that all my translations of the bible were bad, while I wanted to share the gospel to a foreigner in another tongue, and they didn't know old English, so I stopped sharing the bible with my friends. They told me to conform to all authority of any man on a payroll, and the man told me it was wrong to bring the bible to a street corner, being offensive. They told me so many things, that I decided to stay home. And I read in the news today that one million people in Brazil walked together to express their love of Christ to the world. And I wonder what wise man is going to tell them to stop it and go home like me.
Yout post will be Eaten Alive here. But; you are making a Valid Point. You answer to Jesus, not people on this site.

News Item6/6/10 8:59 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Maybee the immature left is discovering that there really is such a thing as natural law and that the presedent really doesn't have the power to reverse the laws of nature. Yes the oil spill may have had a man made cause, but it's still oil from the earth that is leaking.
Not to worry though. there are pleanty of leftist left that are ready to back the socialist programs he can control.

News Item6/2/10 6:50 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Of course this looks like an attempt to screen out all those who do not go along with the government's agenda.

News Item6/2/10 6:30 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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U.S. District Court Judge Janet C. Hall's ruling is an endorsement of stupidity

News Item6/1/10 11:40 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Say what you want about aspects of Bush and his administration, Obama is in no way an improvemant.

News Item5/31/10 10:56 AM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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Looks like the Anti Christian Litigation Union is up to it again.

News Item5/29/10 11:45 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Don't care for it. Doesn't fit my screen. There are more steps in finding all the news items. I hope the same isn't true for other features.

News Item5/27/10 4:18 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Randy You are exactly right, speaking out against sin is just and righteous. But not if we partake in those same sins ourselves, we must first take the plank out of our own eye, before we are fit to take the speck out of our brother's eye.
I am having troubles loving my enemies in the past while, and at times others in general. I've had some bad experiences lately with unrighteous people, I keep having to ask God to create in me a clean heart. Some people are really hard to love because of their sin, I need God to help me to forgive as God has forgiven me. I'm sure others are able to relate.
God's blessing on you my friend. Yes I can relate. Let's continue in the stuggle of Righteousness and Mercy.

News Item5/27/10 4:15 PM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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Joe the Protestant wrote:
Why is this guy Barry from Canada being so hateful and disrespectful to you Americans? Why is he making the charge of Americans Mouthing off when it appears that he is doing that very thing. I've visited his web page that he has on Sermon Audio and it appears to have some good christian content. But the remarks he is making are not in keeping with what he espouses on his sight. If Barry is a christian, shouldn't he have some respect for American Christians? People have reasons for wnating to defend their countries honor, I'm sure Canadians do as well. That does not make them idolitors. Lets pray positivly for Barry. Being Anti American does not automaticly equate to being spiritual. As chistians, we realize we have a higher allegance, yet we are still supposed to uphold the welfare of the countries we live in. So God bless the believers in the US and Canada. Which, by the way, are both in North America, are they not?
Agreed! Lord, bless the beleivers in Canada as well, as they seek serve you as well as honour the good of their country.

News Item5/26/10 8:27 AM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Hating others is murder in God's eyes, how often are we guilty ourselves?
I hope your comment was not intended to suggest that those who speak out against issues, or people, they dissagree with are guilty of Hate. That kind of approach is more in line with liberalism and Oprah Winfrey. I know that that is not where you are coming from.
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