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News Item10/21/08 3:54 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG, nice try, but as usual, you have proved nothing. You must take the teachings of these men and compare them to scripture, proving what they preach is contrary to sound doctrine.
Lance, it wasn't until the tenth century, when the eastern and western churches split, that there was anything known as a Roman Catholic Church, a thousand years after the fact.

News Item10/21/08 5:32 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, if the bible were not totally sufficient, then God would have 'added' other resources. "ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect {complete}, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Tim. 3:16,17. Your ridiculous assumption that 'bible only' is some off the wall man made tradition proves your lostness. Psalm 119 speaks of the importance of God's word.
Where does Christ state He found a visible church to 'teach' Lance? Please, don't take us back to the same old song and dance, twisting Christ the rock into Peter the pope. Christ is saving people all over the world, adding them to His church, His bride.
Are you sure Christ didn't guide the Apostles in their sacred writing to teach future generations Lance? Your opinions certainly do not line up with God's TRUTH. You come on here, blowing your horn and spewing out false propaganda, with no biblical truth to back your heresy, then you bring more judgment upon your own head by belittling God's Holy Word...your fate is very terrifying.

News Item10/20/08 5:43 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, Explain your attack of John MacArthur, use scripture in doing so. Exactly what is it he doesn't understand? When you accuse, please, reinforce your accusations with the word of God.

News Item10/20/08 3:55 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Zachary, good point! Actually, it is a fact most Catholics don't even read the bible; however, when they accuse men of God of being deceivers, and erroneous in their teachings, it is only fair to expect such serious accusations to be backed with scripture. I know it will be impossible for them to do so; they need to learn to 'put up or shut up' when it comes to attacking without merit. They aren't even aware of the seriousness of their accusations. Unless God intervenes and does a work in their heart, they will continue down the broad road that leads to destruction, never cracking open a bible for themselves, but instead, trusting in 'man'.

News Item10/20/08 3:35 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG and Lance, can you gentlemen prove, using scripture only, that what Spurgeon and Gendron preach and teach is false? When you accuse and mock, be prepared to defend your accusations. Using RCC doctrine is not permitted here, stand solely on God's word to build your defense.

News Item10/19/08 9:34 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, you have NO clue what you are saying, God used Charles Spurgeon in a mighty way as he spoke God's truth and was one of the most powerful preachers of his day, and even in this day his impact is still being felt. You should never judge men of God Lance, for in so doing, you are bringing God's judgment upon your own head. Do you even read the bible Lance? Do you base all your knowledge on your god from rcc teachings only? You accuse Spurgeon of being deceived by traditions of men, yet, your own church is nothing but man-made tradition, what you call 'sacred' truly is an abomination to a Holy God. Dr. John MacArthur pegs it best in saying the RCC is the best front for the kingdom of Satan, as well as being another 'religion' entirely. Take your garbage elsewhere Lance, we all are tired of your lies and ignorance of the Lord here. Enough is enough.

News Item10/16/08 6:50 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Christiana,- no, I am not from Iowa or Nebraska, and yes, I am a woman, one who disagrees with feminism and stands firm in every word breathed out by the Lord.

News Item10/16/08 4:17 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lt. where in my prior post did I specify God stating women should not be in the military? Those were not my direct words, it would not be wise to say God said something and not back it with a passage from His word. You would do well to read Genesis.
What makes you think we are all 'boys'?
Feminism and being true to God's word do not mix.

News Item10/15/08 8:31 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, a person says they have been saved by Christ, and you mock! You snarly reply with sarcastic comments, is that how Christ would reply Lance? Are you upset because someone was saved by God's grace, and left your beloved church? Who are you loyal to Lance, the RCC or Christ? {I know this is a silly question}
Loyalty should not be to any denomination Lance; go and learn this, 'I desire MERCY, NOT SACRIFICE'.

Mrs a.merica, another good site is

News Item10/15/08 4:20 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lt. Gen. Coles, your comment, 'if my denomination can ok a woman...' says much. When does any denomination have a right to override the Holy Word of God? God's word does not change, we as a society have changed and made up our own set of rules as we go. Women, by God's ordaining, were initially meant to work in the home, but feminism and our 'modern society' have negated most of what God ordained. It isn't about equality, it is about understanding the God-given roles to both men and women, how they differ, yet compliment one another and bring balance to the family.

News Item10/14/08 3:37 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Instead of arguing over either candidate, both of which are lost in sin, let's remember who is in control, who sits on His throne while all this unfolds...Almighty God. It isn't wise to argue over or defend either of these men, they both lie, and neither bears any real fruit of a true born again Christian. America will get the leader we deserve, one that fits in with God's pre-ordained purpose and plan for this wicked, sinful, vile nation. Let's place all hope, trust, and faith in the Great and Awesome God that is sovereign over all. Trusting in sinful men to lead this nation out of the 'mess' we are in is foolish.

News Item10/13/08 6:03 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance- your flippant attitude towards God's Holy Word shows lack of reverence and awe for a Majestic God. His word should be deemed precious, holy, life-changing, not referred to as a 'quote'. We should pant, thirst, and hunger for deeper wisdom of knowledge of this Awesome God who created all the living.
True born again believers are not perfect and sinless, but we do not commit deliberate sins, we have been given power over sin by God. Our reverence for Him keeps us from going out and killing, being sexually immoral, stealing, lying, etc. That is why it is essential to understand that true salvation is God's gift, given because of His grace and mercy to all who acknowledge their sin, repent, and surrender to the authority of Christ in their life. The mark of a true believer is a changed life, an inward change...a work of God in the heart and mind of the new creation in Christ. Only the power of God can transform a lost sinner into a born again believer.

News Item10/13/08 3:39 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, you fail to understand the new birth, the power of God's Holy Spirit within the new creation in Christ keeps him/her from willfully, deliberately sinning against a Holy God. "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are; anyone who does NOT do what is right is NOT a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother" 1 John 3:9,10. That is not a prot teaching Lance, that is what God's infallible word teaches. Once again, you are in error. Your 'purgatory' doesn't exist Lance, it is not found in God's Holy Word. If it isn't in the Bible, it isn't of God. No one here will come on board your RCC train Lance, you will find no converts or takers here. RCC lies and deceit will always be exposed by those who are truly born again, by God, not church 'tradition'.

News Item10/13/08 6:01 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, it is ironic, you DENY God's word is the final authority, yet you'll take a verse here and there and twist it to FIT your RCC cult, and say 'see, see, we are the 'church!', when, in reality, Christ never says so, but makes it very clear who is His bride. Enough scriptural proof and time has been wasted; sad for you, gg and John Y., your cult will lead you straight to hell. May God have mercy on you, open your spiritually blind eyes and hardened heart to the real Jesus of the Bible, not a wafer, not any apparition or statue of Mary, not a work that must be done over and over, not an outward appearance of 'looking good', yet the inside is filthy, riddled with sin; arrogance, homosexuality, apostasy, pride, greed, boasting, sexual immorality of every kind, and that's just the priests! Never would such a church or it's members enter heaven, read your bible Lance. Nothing sinful will enter, and your beloved pope, priests, traditions, etc. are all sin infested and an abomination to the Lord. If you follow this cult, you will die and face judgment...period.

News Item10/13/08 5:15 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, According to God's own word, the 'church', or body of Christ, is NOT the RCC, but is instead a people from every tongue, tribe, nation {Rev. 5:9}. This is what God's word says, so keep your twisted opinion to yourself, as for most here, we believe God over you. You and GG's opinions are wearing very, very thin here; do all a favor, take your cult opinions elsewhere. I am sure there are many rcc sites you can frequent, then you will be with your own 'kind'.

News Item10/12/08 4:29 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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As sad as it may be, they are right. Greed, corruption, and selfishness have reached an end, the love of money and all it can buy will bring down a mighty nation that has drifted so far from the One True God, and most cannot even see it.Intercessory prayer MUST be made by all who are truly born again for lost loved ones, for this wicked nation, and for hastening the coming of the Lord.

News Item10/12/08 8:32 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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apn- where does Christ state that in scripture? And how does that help 'evangelize' the lost sinner? The world is in dire need of hearing the truth, 'repent and believe in the gospel'. Unless Christians 'get serious' about speaking this truth, lost sinners will not see the severity of sin, nor take it serious. Let us speak the whole counsel, not just the loving side of God, but also the fearful judgment that awaits all who refuse to acknowledge sin and turn from it.

News Item10/11/08 11:09 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Miguel, AMEN! Paul Washer said it best in his sermon on the narrow way; he said Americans act like the world, talk like the world, dress like the world, etc. 'Why do you call me Lord, Lord, yet do not do what I say', Washer's response, we act like God never gave us a law to obey.
Many Christians in this nation have NEVER suffered any type of persecution for their faith in Christ, they have an outward appearance of superficial Christianity, but do NOT bear the marks of Christ. To 'deny Christ' in America means to eat at home at least one night a week instead of going to a restaurant, to pay cash instead of credit, to up the ante in the collection plate and stave off buying that case of beer, boy what sacrifices we make for our 'Jesus'!! Here in America, you can live like hell and still go to sin, no repentance, no crying out to God for mercy and forgiveness, just believe however you want and you'll be 'okay'.

News Item10/11/08 5:17 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Anna, your comment concerning the 'bashing' of Catholics is somewhat harsh. Most who contend for the faith have been well within their scriptural boundaries as the insults and sarcasm from the opposition grows more and more intense.
This isn't a 'pastime' for me, or for anyone else who stands firm in God's word; this is presenting God's truth and praying that He will save the deceived from the hell that the RCC leads it's followers down. If you want to defend God's word, then use scripture in doing so, but don't bash others for not coming to your defense.

News Item10/11/08 5:10 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- the 'church' is not one distinct denomination, you are in error...again!!!
Rev. 5:9 clearly states Christ purchased, with His blood, a people from every tribe, language, and nation. The body of Christ is a variety of saved souls from all walks of life! As for Peter being the rock, WRONG!! Notice the context of the text, 'on this ROCK', Jesus is the a word study on 'rock' and every time in references right back to Christ. Again, I re-emphasize what Christ did NOT say, 'upon you Peter', it was the greek meaning of 'Cephas'- rock- that Christ was pointing out. As far as binding and loosing, ALL true believers have the same authority, through Christ, to bind and loose. You are blinded by Satan and his church, how frightening it will be for you when you step into eternity and shudder at the blackest black you will ever know, the darkness that engulfs you know does not compare with what lies ahead. All because you are stiff-necked and refuse to believe SOLELY what the Holy Word of God teaches, nothing else added. You believe you are saved because some church says you are! Yet, your mind and heart remain unchanged, in sin, and dead to the things of God.
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