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News Item12/18/2020 8:29 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Cyber attacks are all part of the global reset, it's planned -

News Item12/18/2020 7:51 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Years ago, when I was deceived under the Reformed Calvinist religion, I used to exchange emails with this patriarch. At that time, I was blind to his domineering mindset. I also started getting spiritual advice from others. I noticed the patriarch stopped emailing. I emailed him, and he said there should only be one mentor. I found that to be odd, that he would cut me off because I sought advice from other men. Now, years later, I see what he is. By God's grace I have eyes to see the true Gospel, as well as discernment to see that which is false. I did more research and discovered this patriarch religion, what it holds to. It's the same mindset, controlling, domineering. It's abusing God's word and using it to do harm. It's the same way in the Muslim religion. The pendulum swings wide in false religion, The Lord graciously teaches His sheep the right context of His word, so there's balance, no swinging wide. No using God's word as a weapon to justify sin, like a superior domineering mind. May the Lord have mercy on the deluded.

News Item12/18/2020 6:14 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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No one here is denying the word of God concerning women, however, some are using it out of context as a ball bat. The point is being diverted away from, rabbit trails are being used rather than admitting the error of a superior abusive mindset, which borders a muslim type religion. Some here love to use His word to justify the satanic mindset of lording over the woman. This was the original point, it's now being buried under the plethora of verses pulled out of context and slapped up as justifying patriarchal abusive religion. When one doesn't understand the verses they put up, those same verses become a weapon for them, like a ball bat or club. It's a lopsided mindset, blinded by pride and ego. Only God can give right understanding and meaning, and He does to His elect.

News Item12/17/2020 8:13 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Exactly Mike; success has also been found in using ivermectin -
It's also noteworthy, Hydroxychloroquine was once covered by U.S. Patent No. 2,546,658 which was issued to Surrey and Hammer in 1951, but this patent has long since expired.-
So,there's no money in all that, as opposed to the billions of dollars in toxic vaccines. What a sick world.

News Item12/17/2020 7:55 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"An FDA “authorization” is not the same as an “approval.” The emergency use authorizations granted to Pfizer and Moderna allow the use of their still “unapproved” vaccines in emergency situations, such as a pandemic, for which “there are no adequate, approved and available alternatives.”
In case you were wondering why the authorities shamed and slammed anyone *including doctors* that called Hydroxychloroquine a "cure" this is why.
Emergency use vaccines can only be approved if ; “there are no adequate, approved and available alternatives.”
And now you know." from

This is valuable concerning the flu vaccine -

News Item12/17/2020 7:24 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The legalist, the patriarchal, the Pharisee, the dead works religionists twist the word of God, they exalt their 'superiority' over women in an attempt to beat down the weaker vessel. They justify their abuse by pulling verses from their context, like 'wives, submit to your husbands' but neglect or mention as an afterthought, 'husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and what? GAVE HIMSELF for her- that's what love looks like. It isn't refusing to talk to your wife during an argument until she repents, like a certain pilgrim here has done. That is abuse.
They start pulling out all the verses, again, from their context, about how women are to act, dress, etc. even though NO ONE HERE spoke against those verses .
As I stated in my previous reply, ***"just because I disagree with patriarchal heresy doesn't mean I disregard God's word"***. Funny how that got overlooked by the bullies and their buds.
As a dear brother/pastor friend of mine stated when error is exposed, ...."and that's what brings on the hatred of this world because you see when men, by nature, rest in other things and that's exposed as being evil and wicked in the sight of God that's not a pleasant message to receive. It takes the Spirit of God NOT to be offended at that".

News Item12/17/2020 6:41 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"Microsoft founder Bill Gates has made himself the global vaccine czar as his foundation spends billions on spreading new vaccines globally. While much attention has been given to the role of Gates behind the corrupt WHO in promoting radical untested coronavirus vaccines, the record of the Gates Foundation pushing an oral polio vaccine across Africa gives more sobering evidence that all Gates says and does is not genuine human charity. The UN has just recently admitted that new cases of infantile paralysis or polio have resulted in Africa from an oral polio vaccine developed with strong support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It mirrors what happened in the USA in the 1950s. This is worth a closer look." -

Here's Gates and Fauci's ties to vaccine makers -
In Jim's book, these evil money hungry killers are 'highly esteemed'...

News Item12/17/2020 3:36 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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"Wall Street analysts predict a significant haul for Pfizer and Moderna, anticipating the firms will earn a collective $32 billion from the vaccines in 2021 alone. Talk about a shot in the arm.

Shot-Makers, Profit-Takers
Morgan Stanley projects Pfizer will reap $19 billion in Covid-19 vaccine revenue in 2021. That blows away its best-selling product – a pneumonia vaccine that brought in $5.8 billion in sales last year." -

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils, which some, stretching after, have been seduced away from the faith and have pierced themselves with many sorrows.

News Item12/17/2020 2:19 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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The Chinese are delighted -

News Item12/17/2020 2:07 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Actually the death rate numbers are not accurate since they are combining ALL pneumonia, flu and covid deaths together and labeling them covid. Isn't that clever?
Isn't is also strange how we don't hear about influenza this year? Fauci and Gates are like Hitler and Göring, the dynamic duo of death.

News Item12/17/2020 12:47 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Thank you Lurker❤️

" I can predict the next move, no.2 pilgrim will jump in. You see, I used to play that game too...emailing each other privately ensuring 'backup" ... I called it right on the money😅 just because I disagree with patriarchal heresy doesn't mean I disregard God's word👍

News Item12/17/2020 12:02 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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I am pretty sure Tim is closer in his understanding of the Gospel than the dynamic duo. The beat down on the weaker sex continues. Bullying is their strongest asset. This is how the 'religious' pass the time, by arguing with anybody, and thinking themselves to be teachers. I can predict the next move, no.2 pilgrim will jump in. You see, I used to play that game too...emailing each other privately ensuring 'backup'😊 it's a calling in of re-enforcements

News Item12/17/2020 11:57 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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😅😅but it's 'okay' when 'sister bm' corrects the wolf?! Hypocrisy goes hand in hand with delusion. When you don't even have the Gospel right, nothing else will be right thereafter.
There's a reason most do not come to the defense of a wolf😉
Tim- 👍

News Item12/17/2020 11:26 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Here's the twisted mindset of Grudem, another patriarchal type, "Theologian Wayne Grudem, aside from his full-throated support for Donald Trump during the recent presidential election campaign, is known for another controversial position. He is a professor at Phoenix Seminary, and along with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's Bruce Ware **he has taught for some years that there is a relationship of subordination between the Father and the Son in the Trinity and that this mirrors the relationship between men and women – that is, women are under the authority of men.**"again, it's that superior mindset, which is rooted in pride. This Wilson/Rushdooney/Dabney heresy is embedded in patriarchal religion, it's satanic.

Grudem implies the Godhead isn't equal, rather, one is superior over another. 🤔

Supremacy and superiority are the same mindset Hitler had, as well as the global elite now who seek to 'reset' the world. It is birthed in the pit of hell.

The saved woman of God knows her role, we know submission, this is a delightful thing, especially when the saved husband loves her just like Christ loves His church and gave Himself for her. It becomes evil when the religious patriarchs lord over the woman😓

News Item12/17/2020 10:45 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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This patriarchal mindset of some here can be traced back to RL Dabney, who believed that the error of the French Revolution was that of equality. Men were decidedly not equal, in his view. *The man was superior to the woman*, the aristocrat was superior to the commoner, and the white man was superior to the black man. It's a form of racism, and it seems from an evil heart. This link is for informational purposes only, it exposes patriarchal religion -

This mindset leads to belittlement of the opposite sex, a beat down if you will, of the woman. She must be put in her place by their superior mindset. This same mindset leads to mental abuse, verbal abuse, and even physical abuse. It's satanic.

News Item12/17/2020 10:26 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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The 'religious' like to harp on the submissive wife, yet fail to love their wives as Christ loved the church and *gave himself for her*. This eludes them, so they do things like refuse to speak to their spouse when there's an argument, until the wife *repents*. That is abusive. This domineering mindset twists God's word to fit their patriarchal brand of Doug Wilson style religion. It's lording over the weaker sex, and it is evil. Wilson is a follower of Rushdooney. The patriarchal mindset is one of male dominance and supremacy over the woman, particularly in private. I've read RC Sproul Jr adheres to this nonsense as well...

News Item12/17/2020 9:56 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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As has been previously posted, the CDC has quietly combined pneumonia, influenza and covid, labeled as PIC, and combined the death rate from all three as 'covid'. What a convenient way to keep the fear going. Fauci is a globalist who stands to make big bucks from this scamdemic. The vaccine is more dangerous than having pneumonia, the flu and covid all at once.
Only a fool would roll up their sleeve for this untested vaccine, which does have a direct affect on DNA

By the way, here's a vid of Fauci predicting the scamdemic back in '17, gee Jimbo, how did he know in advance?hmmmm🤔🤔

News Item12/16/2020 4:31 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Exactly Mike, at this point anything they say is pure speculation. The Pfizer vaccine can also cause sterility, which fits in nicely with their population reduction plan. -

News Item12/16/2020 4:24 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Thou shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, etc. - Christ takes it all a step farther,“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor i and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, **love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you**, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? **Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect**." False brethren who constantly accuse must be prayed for, those who persecute, belittle, call names....must be prayed for. The Lord reminds me through His word, "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me has not been void." 1 Cor. 15

May God have mercy on the deluded.

News Item12/16/2020 3:29 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Politicians have made murdering the unborn legal, this floats over the head of Jim Lincoln. If it weren't legal, then every woman who kills her baby would be charged with murder, and rightly so.

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood."

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