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News Item10/19/15 7:43 AM
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Hello everyone, is there anything in the Bible that states marriage can only be performed by a pastor or priest, and not by a captain at sea or justice of the peace?

News Item10/15/15 10:35 PM
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What a wonderful outpouring of loving encouragement, thank you s c, Christopher, Dave, Ladybug, and Dorcas~!
may God also bless you and keep you in His tender mercies~!

tomorrow, i'll be without internet, hopefully only for the day, much moving today, and probably all weekend, so exhausted, boy will i ever sleep well tonight, much love to you all, good night everyone~!

News Item10/14/15 10:09 PM
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it's so frustrating, i dream of being taken care of, someone smarter and stronger then me making decisions, and not having to make them and be told that i'm not only bossy, but that it's all my fault when things go wrong ...
not having to protect everyone, but being protected ...
yet now i have come to learn it's really God doing the protecting, and His grace which sustains me ...
it's wearing me out physically and emotionally because we live in dangerous neighborhoods and in dangerous times .. i'm positive that i will die before my husband and after 35 years of it, i'm fine with that

News Item10/14/15 9:27 PM
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Frank, lol, thank you for the chuckle,
it was much needed after dealing with my new landlord this evening, he is a wily sort of fellow ...

News Item10/14/15 6:04 PM
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when i pray for the martyred Christians, i also pray for the missing people (mostly children) used by the practitioners of satanism for human sacrifice, and those abducted for sex slavery...

TrueHolyBibleChristianCatholic, will be praying for your Sister and your Neice and Nephew, Dave alerted us to this on the sailor uniform post

News Item10/14/15 5:56 PM
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Hi, Mourner, i'll pray for them,

Yes Penned, they are feminizing men at an alarming rate, my mother in law gave dolls to all the grandchildren, even they boys, and was doing the gender neutral thing for some time ...

News Item10/14/15 5:41 PM
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Dear Frank,
no i don't believe we should take exceptions and make them the rules, You know how to lead and I wish my husband would change

im' asking about that heretical gospel because it was a good example of how a heresy entered the church without women authoring it ... lol

i still love you, even though you hold to a belief that i don't understand fully ...

for women to enter the combat area of the army they had to lower the requirements, an Olympic athlete of a woman would only be equal to the bottom 25% of men in the army, their injury rate is at 60%.

News Item10/14/15 2:07 PM
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Thanks Dave, will do, am praying for Tony and his family

News Item10/14/15 1:19 PM
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if a man is leading well, i follow, if a man is going to get our entire household killed, i will lead ... my husband is a prime example of this, won't lead, won't protect, won't raise a finger ... i have had to do what Abigail has done for 35 years ...

again i state that i believe woman is the weaker vessel, but with God all things are possible, this is not an endorsement of women in combat or as policemen, or in leadership positions, yet leadership is often thrust upon us with weakened feminized men.
i believe this is why some women die before their husbands, and if that was thrust upon them it is a shame unto the husband ... lol

Hi Dave, who needs prayer here? if it's not Christopher's wife Michelle then i missed the call for prayer ...

News Item10/14/15 1:08 PM
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Frank wrote:
Well, I believe that pretty much all heresies have entered into cultures through feminism.
Hi Frank, took a break from packing to read and saw your comment, was wondering what your opinion was on the author of the gospel of Judas? certainly not women?

National Geographic The Gospel of Judas

was it Eves Fault in the Garden?

Deborah and Barak?

i think women are the weaker vessel, yet there were times when women had to assume responsibility and save lives, what about David, Nabal and Abigail?
Catholics think Adam was faultless ...

News Item10/13/15 7:11 PM
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
Did anyone take a civics course in high school? When a country such as ours has no active participation in the laws or developing legislation( law) in our nation, you will have a judicial system that will take the reins from the electorate and deconstruct the very constitution they have been sworn to uphold and rule on. Being active in your nation's political foundation is as responsible as paying your taxes. But since our nation doesn't rule by law but by rules, you have the "extremes" establishing law from a courtbench,
yes we had mandatory civics in high school, it's where i learned we have a bicameral legislature, and that they aren't allowed to pass ex post facto laws, that about summs up what i remember ... lol... that and having to recite the preamble to the constitution...

In the system set up by the U.S. Constitution, the national government is divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. These three branches are not independent of one another because the Constitution set up a system of checks and balances to help ensure that no one branch became too powerful. Each branch has powers that it can use to check and balance the operations and power of the other two branches.

News Item10/13/15 1:36 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Texting, huh? I would say that Facebook is just as bad, and an even worse addiction. Texting, Snapchat, facebook...take your pick. My wife is on Facebook from the moment she gets up and it's the last thing she does before retiring for the night. We have Autumn fest up here. A three day festival with bands, vendors, food, beer tent, name it. My wife partied all three days, mostly at the beer tent with her many friends. I refused to go any day. Anyway, I picked her up last night at a restaurant, buzzed and exhausted, of course, brought her home and watched her sit on the couch glued to Facebook the rest of the night. She barely looked up for hours. Sickening. All of it. The drinking, partying, lack of priorities, etc. Then, she has the nerve to be concerned that she didn't go to mass this weekend. Hmmm. Anyway, if anyone has time to pray for her here and there. Her name is Michelle.
aww Christopher, that is bad and so familiar, ... its what my husband is like, I will pray for Michelle.

News Item10/12/15 7:36 PM
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Thank You Mike~!

News Item10/12/15 10:08 AM
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Thanks everyone : )

wouldn't that be awesome, to see you, and a crew a blokes to help~! many hands make light work ...


News Item10/11/15 7:26 PM
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so busy getting ready to move to a different residence i forgot to say hi to, Dave, Christopher, B. McCausland, Penny, John UK, Wayfarer pilgrim, BRF, Frank, Jim Lincoln, Carl in Greensboro, pennnned, Dorcas, Newcomer, MS, Mike, Joe the Protestant, Mourner, SC, KK, Brother Saint Elected Elmer I, ladybug, DJohn, Stevenr, Dylan, BWS, Kenneth, and Flum A. Diddle ... i had no idea there was an Argy-Bargy Wisconsin~! ill have to go there sometime ...

and anyone else i might have forgot ...

God Bless you all~!

might not be able to comment for a while after the 15th until i get my internet hooked back up again ... just in case you think i abandoned the comment section ... lol

News Item10/11/15 7:50 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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according to the article she was fired for using profanity against coworkers, religious harassment in this case seems to be used like a race card, there could have been undertones of dislike and a social aversion because she was not Christian, it makes me wonder if many coworkers were catholic because of their calling a Catholic replacement worker an angel...

News Item10/11/15 7:24 AM
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the regret of transitioning is a common thing for these poor mentally ill people, they just don't talk about that side of it, Bruce Jenner has so much attention and money it could happen that he won't regret it until he faces God...

News Item10/10/15 8:13 PM
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Dave wrote:
Not trying to get anyone cranky it good to have fellowship at any chance that's all even online
I concur, it is a blessing to have the brainpower represented on this board, and fellowship to boot, i am learning so much and want to thank everyone, thank you for taking the time to teach us, God Bless you all~!

News Item10/10/15 11:59 AM
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red dyed/grebe watching wrote:
Little Wings - Mark Gormley

your current comment name reminded me of this, no insult intended, just humoresque...

really tried to fix this post, to no avail, much to my chagrin ...

News Item10/10/15 11:15 AM
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red dyed wrote:
I know they say
Shepherd of Hermes
Brother Dolcino
Thomas Collier
John Asgill
Morgan Edwards
[URL=]]]earlier Advocates : scholarly history[/URL]
Not that they were correct. But the idea looks to be earlier than Darby in various similar teachers.
thanks, i had a feeling Darby wasn't the first and now i can study the earlier errors ...
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