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Blog9/6/10 7:08 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Well Lew; looks like your mind was already made up, so there is no need to ask any more questions. As to "Accept what God shows you" if you view that as a command, it might be that you are too sensitive to people telling you what to do. Ultimatly, God will tell all of us what to do. The Lord blesses a teachable attitude.

News Item9/6/10 2:51 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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You know I'm so dissapointed. I took a Youth Group to the Circus the other day, and as we were waiting, everyone was in quiet pray reading the bible. The the ring announcer came out and opened in prayer. Then the whole crowd sang a hymn.
Afterward a man preached about the worth of a soul. The best thing is "It didn't feel like a circus at all".
Guess if I want the youth group to see a bunch of Clowns, I need to take them to one of them modern type churches.

News Item9/2/10 3:29 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Gunshots in Nashville? Got to be against the Muslims. It's not like there is any Drug activity in Americas cities.

Blog8/31/10 8:20 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Lew; the Links provided on this blog will answer most of your questions. I realize that the staements in the blog may actually be unfamiliar to many people today. They are not unsubtantiated, so please continue to investigate. And accept what God shows you.

News Item8/30/10 7:50 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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I ran a red light that had cameras. They sent me a picture of myself in the car, my tag, me going through the red light, and they sent me a picture of a ticket.
Well; I sent them a picture of the money the ticket was for.
They sent me a picture of an arrest warrent.
I paid the actual ticket with actual money.

News Item8/27/10 1:17 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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“A lot of today's kids and teens resist reading the traditional Bible. We've made the Bible as engaging and entertaining as possible.â€
Wow! No need for the Holy Spirit. All you need now is clever marketing. And oh yeah! The real god of contemporary church; Entertainment!
So glad we don't have to spend all that time in prayer now for the Lord to work in peoples hearts.
Things Have to be entertaining. If you don't put on a show for me I'll just go ahead and go to hell. That will show you.

News Item8/22/10 8:55 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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What about All the videos you can go to right now where Obama says he Is a Muslim?

News Item8/19/10 9:15 AM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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I am in Total agreement with the statements below. And I realize that even in so called conservative christain cirles we would be considered out of step and even Chauvinistic. But that charge would be false. God has distinct roles for each of us, but even the church has bought into the lies of the world.

News Item8/15/10 4:09 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Rick wrote:
I don't know about dogs, but when we communicate with our cat, we use Morris Code. If calling long distance we use the Fe Line. Our cat is very theologicicaly inclined. The other day it was in my study reading the 1689
Yeah; my Rottweiler is in to Dogmatic Theology.

News Item8/15/10 12:08 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Here we go again. Accomodating the culture (World)instead of doing what God has perscribed. More dumbing down. Rather than accomodate the short attention span (and actually perptrate it)why not bring the attention span of young people up. It can be done.

News Item8/14/10 3:39 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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HydrajugadoiriousDeMullywhampu wrote:
Isn't it obvious to everyone by now that the Royal Mail is the true mail, and that all others are just counterfiets and perversions. Forget the New American Standard mail, the New International mail, and even the Revised Standard mail.
Don't forget the New Revised Standard mail. By the way; whoever said "What's in a Name" never saw yours before. 12 syllables at least.

News Item8/12/10 7:43 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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What an Illegitimate!
When he says a parents sexual orientaion is no factor in their not being a good parent; What if the preference is to molest children?

News Item8/11/10 7:34 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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DavidD1960 wrote:
Be prepared for a backlash,I've found there are some pretty die-hard dispensationalists on SA.
Depends on what time of day you post.

News Item8/7/10 9:03 PM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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millercl wrote:
Yea Cezar,
Lest you can showeth thine eyes where your scriptures say so I can only say you are guilty of what you accuse humanism.
You are amongst a cult.
I don't know about Cezar, the one of the main teachings of Humanism is that Man is the measure of all things. The whole emphasis of scripture is that God is the measure of all things.

News Item8/1/10 8:47 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Steamroller wrote:
Ya better think twice if you're gonna speak what ya think, the thought police are out and about and they'll get ya if ya have the wrong thoughts. So don't even think it, just go along with the crowd. Who cares what's true or not, as long as you're on the popular side of the question. Calling wrong right and right wrong is just a matter of opinion anyway and that can be changed with a little sensitivity training re-education) anyway.
You have very effectivly described the way Postmodernism works. The same thing is happening in the Emergent Church. Truth for me is where I'm at at this particular moment. We are in the biggest mass deception the world has ever seen. The very foundations of knowledge, perception, and standards are collapsing

News Item7/29/10 5:25 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Bruce Lantto wrote:
To brother Randy that wasn't an insult, it was just an honest question. A good muslim[if there are any]would never think of burning the koran. I still hold by my statement that a good Christian would never burn the True Word of GOD, THE KJV. Also a Good Christian would never give anyone something that is not the pure Word of GOD; That is why there are so many weak believers too many false bibles. A good motto to go by would be, Every time a new bible comes out on the market, They's a BUCK in it.
Thank you Bruce. I think the best way to clear up what I was saying is to put it like this: If a Muslim got saved he might burn the Koran for the same reasons the occultist in Acts 19 burned their magic books. To show that they were renouncing thier false religion.
BTW; I think you are right on with the KJV.

News Item7/28/10 3:59 PM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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Bruce Lantto wrote:
Randy, Do you know absurd your statement about Muslims burning the Koran, What hole have you dug your head in? They Kill those who [as they call] desecrate the Koran. At least true Christians don't kill those who burn Bibles, they would have to kill me because a couple of times I've burned the New World Translations of the unholy scriptures. So I'll close with this If it ain't King James it ain't Bible.
No points for your insult. Please re read my comment in context with the article. You will see it is in keeping with Acts 18:18,19. I did not suggest that Muslims remain Muslims and burn the Koran. BTW you comment "They Kill those who desecrate the Koran"; they also kill those who leave Islam to become christians.

News Item7/28/10 9:05 AM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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Barry from KY wrote:
"We feel, as Christians, one of our jobs is to warn," said Jones. He hopes that the protests he organizes will offer Muslims a reason to convert. ...
Yes, I'm sure this is going to work.
You are going to burn what muslim's revere and then expect them to convert???
I think some of these congregations are just trying to get in the news...
Can you say "stumbling blocks"?
I think you are right Barry. If this tactic is supposed to make Muslims convert, it will backfire. As far as Book burnings; it would be much different if it were the Muslims themselves burning to Koran. That would be more in keeping with the repentance the Ephesians showed in burning their occultic books.

News Item7/24/10 6:48 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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I'm not going to boycott in order to teach them a lesson. I'm going to boycott because I still have the power over where my money goes, and I'm not going to give it to someone who dishonors God, when I can give it to someone else.
What gets me, are all the people who censure christians who do boycott. What are you trying to do, Boycott the boycotters? Who I give my money to, and who I with hold it from, is my buisness.

News Item7/23/10 1:32 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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The question should be; " Are progressive Christian leaders Biblical"?
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