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News Item3/21/14 1:45 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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So if a Christian was raped and tortured... must we watch that too to ensure we take part in their suffering, get real from Earth? knowledge that people suffer for the name of Christ should be enough to drive us to our knees. Watching those things could have dire psychological effects.Take your veterans from war who have seen tthings none have had to see. All of them will say they wished they hadn't.

News Item3/20/14 7:57 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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You know we are all imperfect and both men and women play a part in broken marriage. Though if you were to listen to some sermons on here, most preachers believe a failed marriage is 90% the man's fault. He is the leader and the female is naturally the responder. But nevertheless no matter whether you married an evil wife or a horrible husband, God is good and in His everlasting love and mercy is able to change even the hardest hearts. Prayer is essential for a happy marriage and tons of patience and self sacrifice.

News Item3/20/14 7:50 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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SteveR I didn't get exactly what you mean when you said you have connections and that if anyone knows associated churches in the US to post them here. What exactly for? And what defines a worthy cause?

News Item3/20/14 7:02 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Yup religious freedom has not changed much since the kgb. I'm not surprised at all

News Item3/17/14 11:05 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Totally agree. Putin will not be happy with just Crimea. He's a KGB agent with a thirst for power and dominance. Truly believe this will be the start of world War 3

News Item3/17/14 8:41 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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It's the stupidest thing ever. If a state had a large percentage of some nationality. .. Let's say Mexican for example only. .. and they decided they didn't want to be part of the USA but part of Mexico. Does that make it right? We have in Australia a multicultural nation. If every suburb decided it didn't want to be Australian but part of some country they came from. . The country will fall apart. It's ridiculous this referendum. People should not pick or choose like that. If they want to be Russian. .. cross the border to Russia. Ukraine is so small already why steal more land mass! It seems so evil and silly

News Item3/16/14 7:53 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I wonder if Satan will use a similar tactic for the image of the Beast in revelations. A talking statue? sounds like something from the RCC

News Item3/16/14 4:02 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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True true. You are spot on Dolores! :-)

News Item3/16/14 2:03 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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May God bless that man and may his testimony reach many other Muslims!

News Item3/16/14 2:02 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Typical of charismatic's. Not every pentecostal church is your typical screaming shouting prancing for Jesus name church. Some are very godly and do not have signs of weird things like the Charo churches. E.g rolling around the floor or laughing hysterically and claiming it is the spirit of God

News Item3/15/14 9:04 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I have an aunt and a cousin in the USA who both homeschool their 6 children. Kids are really smart and socially they're fine. But both mothers catch up with other families from their church on a weekly basis and the kids are involved in alot of extracurricular activities and the church kids choir. Plus they have tons of kids they are friends with. I'm just saying some parents are soo over protective it's scary and like I said they either retreat or rebel.
May God give you all wisdom to know when too much is too much

News Item3/15/14 3:09 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Tis true. Funny how every time there is a Mary supernatural occurrence she always talks about coming to get and world peace. Encouraging the ecumenical movement. My brother had some documentaries on Mary miracles and the things that were said. Nothing pointing to Jesus as God

News Item3/15/14 2:15 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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As long as your husband doesn't also like Ken:-P just joking.

News Item3/15/14 12:51 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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This Lass wasn't hired after her graduate and to tell you the truth I think she will have a hardtime to convince anyone that she is employable

News Item3/15/14 12:42 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I don't think you understood me. I am not advocating public schools or condemning home schooling. I actually think homeschooling is the best option these days. Many years ago when I went to school it was alot different and I think that reflects the moral degradation of the world. I'm just saying I've seen it used to be detrimental to the children. For example. I had to teach a graduate a work who was homeschooled.being a fellow Christian I wanted her to do well but It was mentally tiring for me as well as for everyone else. Other graduates succeeded as normally expected but this poor lass had so many problems as she couldn't communicate properly due to excessive shyness. It was so bad that she put several patients at risk. (I work in the medical field). All I'm trying to say is that if you are going to homeschool. That's great. God bless. But please please ensure your kids have enough social interaction OUTSIDE the home so that they Excel and aren't a stumbling block for non Christians. Organize a play date with other Christian families so that they learn to go through conflicts and not be so shy. It's just sad to see homeschooled kids who can't do anything outside their home. What will they do when is time to find work?

News Item3/14/14 6:02 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Hi SF. Conflict between siblings is alot different with strangers. Trust me your kids will not react the same as they do at home where they are comfortable enough to let their true feelings show. Protection is necessary as long as it's not overbearing. Over bearing protection is also a lack of faith and trust in God and His part in protecting your kids. No matter how much you try to protect your kids, if God doesn't. ... It is pointless. It is important to do our best onrour part and then give it over to the Lord. As a parent itll be tempting to overprotect I assume.

News Item3/14/14 8:04 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I agree with you Christopher. I do believe parents have to be mindful of normal development and allow kids to be in situations where they learn to deal with conflict and to say no to peer pressure. The best thing a parent can do is prepare their child for the real world with a Christian world view. If you shelter them to much you can harm your child's future. How will they learn to deal with conflict at work or at University? John children need friends to learn

News Item3/14/14 6:53 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I understand your point. Here is Australia our public schools are abit different than yours. .. For now. Im not saying you should not home school because your kids will be weird. That depends on the parents. I have seen many a time patents who shelter their kids so much that when they reach their teenage years they rebel and go the other way. I see it this way. Some parents go overboard with their sheltering and the kids naturally rebel. Other times the kids don't rebel but have a self righteous view of themselves but have never been born again. Does that make sense? Home schooling in itself is a great idea but can be harmful if parents don't know how to balance protection and teaching.

News Item3/14/14 6:13 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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As long as you don't shelter your kids too much. I've met some home schooled kids which are just socially really awkward. Jesus said that we were to be in the world and not of the world. You need to be able to teach your children that. I went to a public school and that actually helped me ground my beliefs about God. Not all parents can or should homeschool. Though id love to try with my own kids someday. So important not to lose sight of what's really important

News Item3/14/14 12:41 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Lol it's aussie slang for bbq. I forget you guys are all Yankees :-)
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