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Survey5/22/08 10:28 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"This is the problem. The Scripture did not even get an honorable mention."

Here you go with your entirely predictable answer.
Let me remind you: you claimed that your view was "mainline Christianity". That JUST IS a claim about current - and previous - belief in the majority of churches.
That claim is false.

"How about dealing with the covenants?"
I have done that repeatedly; it's just that you don't like what I have had to offer.
It appears that only when I agree with the quasi-divine Casob/JD can I be said (in your view) to have dealt with any subject, covenants or otherwise.

I remember challenging your claim that there were 14 provisions (no less) in the Abrahamic covenant. You never answered.
I challenged you on the unconditionality of the land covenant by citing Deut 28:63-68 where it clearly says it was conditional.
All you could offer in reply was to ask me to read Deut.29 and 30. Well, I did, and guess what? Nothing there alters in any way the issue of Deut.28:63-68. Tenure of the land was conditional on faithfulness.
What God holds out in Deut.30 was fulfilled during the Exile and beyond. It has nothing to do with the modern state of Israel in the C20th.
For example, cf. Deut.4:29; 30:1-3 and Jer.29:13-14. On conditionality see Deut.4:25-

Survey5/22/08 6:52 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Casob wrote:
You and MurrayA are exhibiting a form of lack of understanding of the most simple truths that I have ever witnessed in what is usually called mainline Christianity.
Are you seriously suggesting that your brand of hyper-Dispensationalism is "mainline Christianity"??
It may be in your narrow circle in the U.S., but be rest assured in the rest of the world it is not.
And on the scale of Church history it certainly is not: no church father, no mediaeval theologian, no Reformer, no Eighteenth century revival leader ever held to such a system - they had never heard of it.

Yet you come along and tell us that it is "mainline" - only because your crowd has hijacked the term for your own agenda.

"I am proving my points from the Scripture in a systematic way..."
Yeah, and so do the JWs, Christadelphians, and Oneness Pentecostals!

" two are relegated to scoffing and complaining and whining..."
I have asked you repeatedly whether you are aware of the reductio ad absurdam argument form. You have repeatedly avoided the question. I ask again, because this is what DJC49 has been employing for the last several days.

Survey5/21/08 11:35 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Casob wrote:
"Furthermore, you say that "The DAY of the Lord" is not 1 particular, terrible day, but rather a period of 7 years? Is that what you're saying? If so, that's NOT being a good literalist, is it."
It is hard for me to comprehend that a man who is in the charge of spiritual souls would know so little about a subject that he would make a comment like this exposing gross ignorance
I take it that you are referring to me with these latter comments. JD/Casob, we have gone through this before, but here you do the very thing you accuse me of, viz. attacking the man without supplying substantive comment on the issue raised.

Now cut the bluff and bluster, and answer the objection. You accuse me of spiritualising everything, and looking for other than literal interpretations, yet on the Day of the Lord (assuming that the expression in the OT prophets refers to the same thing as it does in the NT, which incidentally I along with many theologians deny) for me a day is a day, but for you it is a 7-year period.

Now again: you jettison literalism when it suits you (and your system).

Survey5/21/08 9:10 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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You've hit the nail on the head with Casob/JD. The major problem is his ability to read - or the lack of it. If he can't read someone else's posting accurately, how can we trust him to read Scripture accurately? How can we trust him to do even the simplest exegesis?

Survey5/21/08 7:30 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"Furthermore, you say that "The DAY of the Lord" is not 1 particular, terrible day, but rather a period of 7 years? Is that what you're saying? If so, that's NOT being a good literalist, is it."

I've gone through that issue with JD before and got nowhere. He organises interpretations, and levels charges at others, to suit himself. I insisted to him that for me, in this respect a day meant a day. But he says 'no', because it doesn't suit his Dizzy-spin-sational system.

By all means try, but he has his fixations - part of his security zone, I think - and nothing at all will make him budge, no matter how inconsistent or contradictory he gets. That's why he never answered when I challenged him with the reductio ad absurdam argument form.

Survey5/21/08 1:56 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"(Now I await in fear and trembling for Pope John Darby Casob IV to proclaim anathema upon my head. Excommunication is surely in order!)"

DJC49, you can't be excommunicated if you were never there in the first place! However, wrath is indeed reserved for you, you wicked blasphemer!

You cited Gen.42:6, I think you mean Isa.42:6 (and a very similar text in Isa.49:6 too).

You are indeed right, but this announcement anticipates the New Covenant, made for both Jews and Gentiles, and ratified and guaranteed by the mediator Christ Jesus. See Heb.9:15

I daresay his nibs will object to this too!

Survey5/20/08 8:41 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Yes, I realise what you say. That's why in composing the post I hesitated as to how to designate it. The converts produced as a result of Kingdom Gospel (as opposed to Grace Gospel): what does one call them? Kingdomites? What is this phenomenon? Kingdomianity?

What I was getting at was the way Christianity is marginalised in Western countries today: Christianity is ruled out of the public arena in any way, and ignored. When persecution rages at least its position is recognised - as a threat - and attempts made to stamp it out.

But Dizzy-spin-sationalism would have us believe that a relative handful of Jews will achieve in 7 years what the Church has not yet achieved in 2000 years, and against insuperable odds: no Holy Spirit (the restrainer of 2 Thess.2:7 who will be withdrawn); massive persecution and overall conflagration; apocalyptic judgments such as JD has been describing.
Weird, man, weird!!

Survey5/20/08 7:47 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Casob wrote:
The tribulation is a predicted time which God has reserved for this purpose and the end will be that multitudes will be converted including many of Israel and an unnumbered multitude who are saved will be martyred Re 7:9-17. They will be required to believe the gospel of the kingdom which is preached by God's chosen men of this time and those who believe it will reject the world kingdom of the Satan indwelt Anti-Christ will suffer intense persecution, starvation, and death. There is no chance for one who aligns himself with this government by taking his mark to be saved.
Dispensational dogma! We don't need Casob to state it for us; we can go to the Scofield Bible, the Ryrie Study Bible, or Pentecost's "Things to Come" for a similar statement.

The truly wonderful things that will happen in this tribulation are quite astounding! Is it really a tribulation at all: unprecedented multitudes converted; the Gospel of the kingdom preached on a scale never before achieved; and Christianity at such a status, albeit reviled by the world, that it has rarely before achieved - and all in a 7-year period!!!

Of course, where one finds this in Scripture is anyone's guess.
Yawn! Zzzzzzzzz!

News Item5/19/08 9:37 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Dr. Phil,
I'm not disagreeing with you. If you read again my post, I did say the Muslim message was poison.

News Item5/19/08 8:28 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"Why not send a Bible back, with a request that it be treated with respect?"

Good idea! If they come to my doorstep in my part of the world I will certainly be giving a Bible and a piece of genuine Christian literature in exchange. That's been my procedure with JWs and Mormons for a long time.

However, we can't complain at Muslims doing door-to-door "evangelism". We do it too! It's just that what they're peddling is so poisonous.

Survey5/19/08 7:22 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"Lets think this thing through, DJC49."

JD, say that to a mirror, and heed your own advice (if you can).

I posted a clear statement with appeal to Gal.3:7 and 3:14. What do I get in reply? The usual statements of Dispensational dogma, replete with citations, relevant or otherwise, of Bible verses, but no real argumentation. And you tell us to "think things through"!

Waffle, waffle, waffle!

And I also posted Rom.4:13 -
"2. That promise to the children of Abraham is now THE WORLD, Rom.4:13! Get it?? Who cares a twig about a sliver of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean when we are promised the world!! And we are!"

You not only live in Dispensational fantasy land, but you live in the Old Testament world. You prattle on about the New Covenant, but you live in an Old Covenant world with your continual fussing about a revived state of Israel, and a revived temple (on that score if the temple of Ezek.40-48 was ever meant to be built, why was there no attempt to do so in the post-Exilic situation?). The New Covenant has replaced the Old - for good and all! Get with it!

Survey5/19/08 8:29 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Clearly we have come to another impasse, and I have no desire to take another trip around the merry-go-round with your incessant ravings about the modern state of Israel.
For me there are two things of vital, crucial importance:
1. It is the children of faith, Jews and Gentiles under the Gospel, who are now the children of Abraham (Gal.3:7), and who are all heirs of the ancient promise (Gal.3:14).
2. That promise to the children of Abraham is now THE WORLD, Rom.4:13! Get it?? Who cares a twig about a sliver of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean when we are promised the world!! And we are!

Casob/JD, you just don't get it at all. It's NOT a matter of faith vs. unbelief; it's a matter of a proper, responsible hermeneutic which interprets the OT in the light of the NT, and NOT the other way around. We've gone through this sooooo maaaany times! So let's just leave it there.

Survey5/18/08 11:20 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Apology accepted, DJC49. I think we all know what BS denotes, but in all our frustration we should never descend to that level.

However, I note that Casob/JD still ducks, weaves, and ignores. When he can't answer my challenges he resorts to the "allegorising" charge; when that fails he tries the "illogical" label; now he brings in a total red herring, viz. the "Calvinism" bogeyman (as in 5/18/08 8:43 AM).

Meanwhile, I note that he tries the same tactic against you as against me, viz. the "scoffing" charge, when all you have been employing is the same reductio ad absurdam argument form as I have tried to use myself. But he still doesn't get it.

I don't think he knows what I am talking about in this regard. After all, I have challenged him twice, and each time he has ducked. This is the third time.

Survey5/18/08 2:53 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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We have gone through all this before - your false charges about allegorising and so on. The boot is very firmly on the other foot: you indulge some of the wildest allegorising about the lives of Abraham and Jacob; you tell me about the churches of Revelation being seven periods of church history, when there is nothing at all in the text, there or anywhere else, to suggest that they should be read that way; you tell me that the fig tree of Matt.24:32 represents the Jewish nation, contrary to all precedent in the OT. So who, pray, is allegorising??

I suggest that your virulent opposition to me is that I see through your fundamental assumptions, and am consistent in my rejection of Disp'ism and adherence to amillennialism. The others you talk about are merely inconsistent: accepting some of your outlook while rejecting other parts.

The burden of my previous post concerned the reductio ad absurdam argument form. Significantly, you did not address that at all. I believe that's because of a fundamental inability on your part to think logically. So when someone comes up to you with consistent argumentation, according to standard argument forms, you simply do not know how to handle it, with the result that you either dodge the issue, or resort to bluff and bluster.

Survey5/17/08 8:01 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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I have just looked through Casob/JD's (rather tiresome) posts, and as expected, I see little wisdom in them. He still fills them up well over half-way with quotes from Bible verses (as if we don't know or can't look them up), and for the rest just pumps out his Dispensational shibboleths.

You complain about me and others scoffing at your Dispensationalism as if that's a refutation. Well, it is! I asked you once before, have you ever heard of reductio ad absurdam - the argument form that shows by internal contradictions and absurdities that a proposition or system cannot be true? Apparently not, because you just bore on with your system despite DJC49 and others attempting to show you by precisely this method that you have to rethink that system.

Moreover, you apparently will never admit that others who reject that Dispy system are still Bible believers, but you brand them as apostates and unbelievers, and put them on your prayer list. This is nothing but abominable bigotry.

Survey5/16/08 8:59 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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DJC49 wrote,
"It will be interesting to read your ... 'enlargement'."
Interesting, perhaps, but at the same time don't expect too much wisdom from it.

After all, ducking the hard questions has become a speciality of his. And when he is absolutely stumped, he will (i) never admit it (perish the thought!), or (ii) use the ad hominem stratagem, or (iii) change the subject.

News Item5/16/08 8:06 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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I have just finished listening to James White's "Dividing Line" on this matter. Well worth hearing!

He insists that the America which won World War II no longer exists; that America will be spewed out of its land because of its wickedness just like both Israel and other nations (He's right there - I am currently going through the judgments on the nations in Jer.46-51 in my own reading); that what happened in California will soon spread across the country; that "hate speech" laws will follow quickly after that, and First Amendment rights will no longer apply.

While he refused to "do the Hal Lindsey thing", he nevertheless did intimate that this could well be the path to Antichrist.
My friends, be watchful, and do not be taken up in any way, shape, or form with the corruption which is overtaking the world, and prepare for a withering time of world-wide persecution, beyond which is the visible Second Coming in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thou Judge of quick and dead,
Before whose bar severe,
With holy joy, or guilty dread,
We all shall soon appear:
Our cautioned souls prepare
For that tremendous Day,
And fill us now with watchful care,
And stir us up to pray.
[Charles Wesley]

Survey5/16/08 6:04 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Folks may be interested in the recent postings on my site regarding the history of the KJV:

I would welcome any comments, although let them be constructive.

Survey5/16/08 5:14 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"I do not believe the covenants because I am a dispensationalist but rather believing the covenants makes me a dispensationalist."

Question: then why hasn't this made multitudes of others - non-Dispensationalists, who believe the covenantal structure of the Bible as much (and more!) as you claim to do - into Dispensationalists?

Just curious.

Survey5/14/08 11:52 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Consider the following:
Gen.17:8 - the promise of the land "for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God." here are two of the aspects of the Abrahamic covenant, but the condition is then stated in v.10 circumcision, and also back in vv.1-2, "walk before Me and be blameless. I will establish My covenant with you..."

The in Exod.19:3-6 Israel was to be God's own possession, but only if they kept His covenant.

Finally, Moses made it clear that Israel would keep the land only if she obeyed, Deut.28:63-68.

The long commentary in 2 Kings 17 makes it abundantly clear that because of persistent disobedience and apostasy Israel lost the land of promise, and were carted away to Assyria and various lands of the empire, where they lost their identity.

After the Exile of the southern Kingdom there were prophetic promises of restoration, but these were fulfilled in the return beginning with the decree of Cyrus (cf. the specific mention by name in Isa.44:28 & 45:1).

After the Roman expulsion of A.D. 70 there was NO equivalent prophecy of restoration to the land. Bur we do have a prophecy of a restoration (Rom.11) whereby Israel embraces Jesus as their messiah. We still wait for this to happen.

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