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News Item9/21/17 11:22 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I grew up relatively "normal", lol. Whatever that means. I graduated as a highschool dropout into the "mean streets". A valuable lesson in human nature. When you deal with the dark side of life and the street mentality, you see the world in a more cynical way. If a gang or mafia can so control communities and industries undercover... than imagine what the devils henchmen can do with the power of government, universities, and media.

If you will, ponder these powers of persuasion in your own lives. Some have pursued careers and endeavours that advanced technology to what it is because of what nasa did. Or because they saw 2001 a space Odyssey, or star wars. Going to universities, burdened with student loans and molded in the mind. Powerful control. For some the indoctrination is to much to change the mind. Money, career, higher learning, security, retirement. Powerful bondage.


News Item9/21/17 11:03 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Television arrived. Minds were now being moved not only by what they heard, but could now see. Very powerful. Man was ready to be entertained.
The space race elevated the game. Families had dinner in front of the television to watch man walk on the moon. Now... all things were possible in the minds of man. Man began pursuing pushing the boundaries to were we are now. Now you can connect to the whole world with a swipe of your thumb, as im doing right now. Microchips can be placed under the skin for tracking. Man is pursuing the merging with computers.

And what is happening because of all these things? The whole world is becoming one.

Man has been elevating himself.

Was this the end game?


News Item9/21/17 10:41 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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There was simpler times, simpler lives not long ago. The Bible reigned supreme over the lives of majorities in the western world. The "age of reason" sprouted. The sciences. Universities. Medicine. Psychology, literature, science-fiction, etc.. quickly, western man began promoting ideas and industries that consumed the minds and time of the citizens. Homes were electrified. Plumbed with running water. Radios in homes captivated nations. Orson wells war of the worlds caused panic. Science-fiction got planted and took root.


News Item9/21/17 12:11 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I agree about the leveling of every structure. Any sound structure is built level. Seems contradictory to a curved earth.

The word of God is full of references to leveling.

A cornerstone is the key component to a level structure.

News Item9/21/17 12:04 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Watcher... i saw the videos. Ive seen similar videos before. Thank you for that btw.
I think it unwise to solely base my conclusions on what my eyes have seen. Ive experienced enough to know that declaring absolutes to early brings shame. Reason is better than bludgeoning.

Grace... and truth is whats needed. Grace comes before conviction.

News Item9/20/17 11:51 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Interesting point about the flood. I will ponder that. Thank you.

News Item9/20/17 11:45 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Exactly what im trying to get at.

News Item9/20/17 11:41 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Whether its round or flat, a crows nest gives you a better view. Its that simple. It doesn't prove curvature. Think about the first time you stood on top of your roof as a kid. Im sure you thought the same thing i did... "what a view. You can see things so much better from up here." Same thing holds true without obstructions, as on the ocean .

News Item9/20/17 12:00 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Its certainly true with both. If im in a level 250,000 square foot building and i climb a ladder i can see things better than at ground level. We agree.

Christopher... the human intellect and understanding is the point i am trying to make as well. The idea is never about putting a cap on what God can do. Its just critical thinking based on the claims of man.

Signing off.

News Item9/20/17 9:24 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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These two nations agreed to partner on it in the midst of the most bitter time of the cold war. An agreement that has been honored to this day.

The higher you are, the farther you see.

News Item9/20/17 9:22 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I know i said that i wouldn't post on this thread again, but i feel i can add something. Forgive me.

The flood account says that the fountains of the deep were opened, along with the fountains of heaven. Its logical to assume that there wasn't as much water on the surface as there is now. Water came from under the earth.
IF the earth isnt a sphere, than a border high enough should hold the water, like a levy.

After the flood man was obviously separated from "Antarctica" seeing that sea travel for great distances was not feasible until the last, what, 500 years or so it's plausible to conclude that man hadn't had the means. Let's remember the extreme cold in that region. 100+ below freezing at times. Thats a ton of sheep skins you would need. You'd need not only an ice breaking ship, but an incredible amount of supplies. Seeing that you cant grow food there. Id think youd get sick of eating emperor penguins. The Lord caused that place to be inhospitable. Only he knows why. But it could be a deterrent.

The tower of Babel story is interesting when discussing this topic.

But what do i know. I mean that sincerely.

Remember the Antarctic treaty included among other nations, the United States and the Soviet union. Interesting that these two nati

News Item9/19/17 11:05 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Thank you for these responses. It makes us all think. This will be my last post on this thread. Im not running and hiding. I just feel we can do this until the Lord comes.

I've already said i have questions based on all kinds of things with this topic. It brings up other questions indirectly related to this topic as well. Im sure we can all agree that man is fallen, and CANNOT figure it all out. I expect deception to come through fallen man. So should all of us believers.

My main question about the curve math is still one that hasn't been addressed. So look into it if it interests you. If not, so be it.

My motive on this subject is the idea that God's creation could be more literal according to his word. The heliocentric model and how it was created I think contradicts a literal 7 Day creation as it is described in the word. God created the sun and moon and stars on day 4. The sun and its gravity was not the genesis.

Listen... my motive is not the glory of man. Its the glory of the Lord. He created it, and is blessed forever. Amen.

Thank you for the mind workout.


News Item9/18/17 11:45 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Thanks. We'll see if those nonstop flights come to fruition. This has happened before, when because of "lack of interest" they are cancelled.

I found out about all of this 2 years ago. So im not speaking as though i heard of it yesterday. And frankly, i don't ponder it all the time. It came up on this site, so i discussed it.

The math is the issue. I don't trust it. I use it against itself. I use there own math to prove that the curve of the earth is not what they say it is. Thats my main argument. Everything else is debatable in my opinion.

And of course, i heard about this from "flat earth teachers". But i examined it before commenting on it.

Take care. And God bless. Putting this to rest for now. Good night.

News Item9/18/17 11:35 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire, which are the seven spirits of God,

From the throne came flashes of lightning, and Rumblings and peals of thunder, and Before the Throne we're burning seven torches of Fire, which are the seven spirits of God, and Before the Throne there was as it were a sea of glass...

Our God is electric.

We know from scripture that the Lord holds all things together.
Hmm...🤔 i like that! 😊

News Item9/18/17 11:28 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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John 8:32,

Thanks for the response. I must say that i disagree. What you say is based on the math and theory of relatively based on gravity. A nameless, faceless force that i don't think exists. Electromagnetism(as its called) holds more weight with me (no pun intended). I like what tesla said here...

"Also later in 1935 when speaking with The New York Times, Tesla was critical of Einstein stating that his theory of relativity was “a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a king” and “a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense… the theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors…. its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

What rotates around earth, rotates around magnetic north.

News Item9/18/17 8:43 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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John 8:32...

I was going to bring up-
Psalm 93:1
Psalm 104:5
Psalm 96:10
1 chronicles 16:30

I understand what your saying. But any of these experts should also agree the geocentric model works too.

Both models work with what we observe in the sky.

News Item9/18/17 8:27 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Thats correct Christopher . So if thats true, and we've been lied to about that, why not the shape.

News Item9/18/17 8:06 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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And let me repeat this, because I brought this up and no one came forward. But this is the most important book to get all of our information from.

The Bible, no question about it, declares the Earth to be fixed and immovable. Geocentric.

They say, the Earth spins rapidly and also spins even more rapidly around the Sun.

If anybody can find differently in the word of God let me know.

News Item9/18/17 7:45 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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The most sense. The flight patterns are particularly interesting with this particular "conspiracy"(if you will).


It's clear you are all missing the point of what I've been trying to convey. It's not the shape of the earth that I say it is. It's the shape of the earth that they say it is.

Look into the math of the curve. If you want to know about this, test it out.
But to go to experts and teachers to make your Arguments for you doesn't fly with me.

* I'm not just saying you personally. I'm speaking to most of the people posting on this thread who keep posting links and things that other people say, and not addressing the math that I brought up about the curvature that the Earth is supposed to have under the current model that we are taught.

News Item9/18/17 7:37 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I rarely if ever bring this topic up in everyday life. If the opportunity presents itself, I have to discern how a certain individual might receive it. I also have to have the discernment to know what information carries the most weight with different individuals. The same holds true when preaching the gospel the way that I do on the job. But this topic ,depending on how I feel the person receives it ,leads into the gospel. But most of these people I speak of have already heard the gospel from me. Hope that helps.

As far as claiming that brothers and sisters have been in space and seen it. I'm not aware of any brothers and sisters that I know who have done this. We all know that not all who claim to be Believers are believers.

As far as distance between let's say the tip of South America to the tip of South Africa. This is one of the most interesting parts of it. Try to find a nonstop flight from Buenos Aires Argentina to Cape Town South Africa. You will find they almost always divert to a stop in Bahrain or somewhere near there. That seems absurd? If you look on a globe, a straight shot across the Atlantic Ocean, or better yet across Antarctica makes the most sense. You cannot find a flight going over the continent of Antarctica. It doesn't exist. Why not? It makes

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