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News Item4/8/14 8:39 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I just watched Ray comfort's Noah movie.
Recommend you to watch it.
I really enjoy the way he evangelises. May God bless him!

News Item4/7/14 3:14 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Haha the feminist movement has entered the LDS church. None is exempt!

News Item4/1/14 7:33 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Abortion is a gift from their god.
And it isn't the God of the Bible

News Item4/1/14 4:05 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Hmm some of the Psalms were written by anonymous authors. Can you really be 100 percent sure it was all written by Jews? .
Also the whole entire Bible was not all written by Jews or do you disregard for instance the book of Daniel because it is not all written by a jew?
Yes God gave us the Bible so that we may know how to worship Him:with a pure and sincere heart. No where does it say to use exclusively Psalms for worship or is that verse found only in your Bible?

News Item4/1/14 4:03 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Hmm some of the Psalms were written by anonymous authors. Can you really be 100 percent sure it was all written by Jews? .
Also the whole entire Bible was not all written by Jews or do you disregard for instance the book of Daniel because it is not all written by a jew?

News Item4/1/14 9:43 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Sorry I went on abit of a rant :-p I tend to ramble when I'm tired!

News Item4/1/14 9:42 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I guess it's learning to walk the narrow way isn't it. You can go to the left and be very liberal where everything is allowed to the point that even non Christian music is Ok to listen to and live a life in sin but praise the Lord for I'm'saved'. Or you can go the opposite and be so legalistic that you will lose salvation from listening to anything other than psalms. It's about finding that golden middle. I think any sincere heartGod will open up to them what praise and worship is like a sweet incense to Him. And if we live a life to please Him not ourselves then we will listen to and do and say what we know God will be pleased about

News Item4/1/14 9:26 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I don't think the Lord is restricting us to sing only Psalms.
And anyways people can sing Psalms but in such a way that itmay not even be ppleasing to God. Repeating a verse over and over again like a trance to get a spiritual high. I think we all need wisdom in this aspect

News Item4/1/14 9:22 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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And what about 'make a new song to the Lord?' a Oh sing to the LORD b a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth!
Or what about singing from your heart?
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in v psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,

News Item4/1/14 9:14 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Spirit inspired is God inspired. I believe God is working just as much today as He was back then and didn't Joel prophesy that God will pour out His spirit in the end times? If we are born again by the Spirit and the spirit lives within us then the spirit may inspire us to create a song,paint a picture, etc. With charismatic churches they are deceived as it is not the spirit of God that moves them but their emotions etc. A person touched by God cannot leave a service unchanged as many in those churches. Paul washer describes it like being hit by a truck and walking away unscathed. That is the issue with emotional worship. They leave the way they first came in.

News Item3/31/14 8:20 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Plus whose to say God doesn't inspire his children to write hymns. Most hymns are inspired by the word of God and portray to us blessed grace in their experiences. For God to save me from the pit and my sins and give me new life in Him. ... Why would I not want to praise Him for what He had done? If I had just sung the Psalms my praise would be limited. I can't sympathize with King David in everything he wrote. Though some are very much applicable. Am I going to sing about hating my enemies with perfect hatred like King David? When Jesus Himself days bless those who curse you and loving those who hate you.
The Holy Spirit moves believers even today to write new songs. (I'm not talking about those pop rock worship bands like hillsong who base everything on certain chord Changes to ensure the most emotional experience can be provoked).
I think the closer we draw near to God the more God opens up to us what music He enjoys and our style of music we enjoy to listen to. .. Changes. When I first became a believer I used to listen to heavy 'Christian' rock. Things have changed alot since then. .. praise God.

News Item3/31/14 8:03 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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What do you mean? termites are important to our eco system. It's just too bad they can't tell the difference between the house and the tree.

News Item3/30/14 3:15 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Good on her! May God bless her that she stands strong on what is right! I'm glad to hear young people who have their heads still screwed on right! Praise God!

News Item3/28/14 1:26 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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If you were a true believer you would have been excommunicated. The fact you haven't shows your sitting on the fence. If the Holy Spirit was indeed within you. .. It would have been impossible not to tell and the RCC would declare you an enemy to their cause. Do you honestly think Satan would sit back and allow a true believer in his ranks?

News Item3/28/14 1:20 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I agree with you penny! Prayer for those in power especially when they stand for what is right is essential.
Coz Satan is prowling like a roaring Lion looking for anyone to devour

News Item3/28/14 1:11 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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There was a 25 year old lady who got breast cancer recently. The doctors were confounded at first because she did not have family history on cancer and did not have that nasty gene that is found with aggressive breast cancer. She was also too young to have had such a severe case. Upon further investigation they found she had kept her mobile phone in her bra.
We can be abit silly with our phones

News Item3/22/14 1:32 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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My sister just returned from Ukraine a few weeks ago. Don't listen to pro Russian propaganda that make it seem they have every right to take over Crimea. Everyone there knows the referendum was duped. Even Russians who live there are confused with why Russia would take such action and make Ukrainian people seem like the bad guy
People obviously only know what the media tells them and that is biased in itself. You actually have to speak to people who live there.
There will be a war and it will be soon

News Item3/22/14 1:26 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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That is so sad. Need to keep this family in our prayers. Satan is trying to tear it apart!

News Item3/21/14 9:32 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Aha and associated churches in the US... You're talking about churches with ties to churches over there?

News Item3/21/14 9:21 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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It's so sad. One of my coworkers thinks she has guaranteed entrance into heaven for her 2 kids because she has made sure they have performed the 7 sacraments to ensure they are saved. Poor deceived Mr gates. He believes he is helping his kids but really he is introducing them to the most deceitful evil institution ever created by Satan
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