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News Item8/1/13 3:56 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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No government has a right to curtail free speech regarding biblical truth. Whether or not our government labels speech about biblical marriage "hate speech" should have no effect whatsoever on what Christians do. After all, we are called to martyrdom-- for the Greek word for witness is 'martyrion' from which we get the word 'martyr.' Anyone who suffers loss of property, employment, liberty, or life itself in bearing witness to God's truth is a martyr; and that is the universal calling of Christ's church-- to bear witness to the truth, even at the cost of personal suffering. We are called to remind human governments they are not God, that there are limits to their authority; and we are to show ourselves willing to suffer temporal penalties for disobeying unjust laws that would compel us to violate God's law. So there can be no compromise on this issue-- the church can never muzzle itself and refuse to speak out publicly against sin and moral depravity because the government orders us to be silent. Although we are to be always respectful to those in charge, our motto must be, "Christ is Lord-- not Caesar." To that we must be witness-- by word and by deed.

News Item7/26/13 4:21 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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I think without any hesitation we should identity those who support this legislation, which prohibits vocal, outspoken, Bible-believing Christians from having any place at all in the "public square" (through establishing business, running for office, etc.)as radical Communists who hate the U.S. Constitution and who are attempting to annul it by treasonous disregard for it. I mean that in all seriousness. Anyone who supports legislation like this is a God-hating Marxist revolutionary who hates the very idea of the United States of America as our founding fathers conceived it-- that is, as a constitutional republic founded on the recognition of unalienable God-given rights and inviolable divine law-- "the laws of nature and nature's God"-- as the foundation of all just civil law.

News Item7/17/13 9:35 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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The comparison of changing attitudes on slavery and apartheid with changing attitudes on homosexuality is bogus. Neither the Bible nor reason or common sense support the idea that people with less melanin in their skin have a natural right to enslave people with more melanin in their. Neither does the Bible, reason, or common sense support the idea that it is sinful or wrong for people with different racial features to marry each other. Moses married a Cushite woman who was undoubtedly darker skinned than himself. By contrast, the Bible, reason and common sense all unite in declaring that it is contrary to God's design for human sexuality for two males or females to unite in a sexual union. There is no natural way for two males to join themselves to each other in a sexual union that does not involve a deviant use of bodily organs that frustrates God's design for human sexuality. God's purpose in creating sex is to bond the two halves of humanity together (the male and the female) in a way that naturally leads to the propagation and upbringing of a new generation of humanity within the context of a loving, covenantal union of a man and a wife, the ideal context for raising children. To try to 'erase' gender differences is wicked rebellion against God.

News Item7/14/13 4:30 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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"If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. and if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." (Matt. 5:27-30)
"Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders. . .will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you WERE. But you were washed. . ." (1 Cor. 6:11).
"Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." (Galatians 5:24)
"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." (2 Cor. 11:14-15)

I wander if any of these Fuller students advocating a 'liberal' sexual ethic that makes rooms for homosexuals to indulge the desires of their flesh have read these texts lately, and pondered their meaning? What do they think it means to be a "new creation" in Christ, with the "old things" passed away?

News Item7/12/13 1:35 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Excellent post, jpw. I especially like your closing works-- "She has judged those on the receiving end of evil... and her foundation is sand." So true!

News Item7/8/13 1:08 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Real tolerance of diversity means limiting the power of government to usurp the God-given authority that parents have over their own children to educate them. The only reason government would want to usurp that authority, by requiring that growing children spend seven to eight hours of every day in a government school is because of its fear of diversity. It wants to indoctrinate all future citizens by instilling in them the same mindset, the same state-approved set of values, the same way of thinking in all children, to more easily control them. That isn't respect for diversity, its cookie-cutter control over the next generation-- in other words, tyranny.

News Item7/5/13 9:02 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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People are shocked by this sort of thing, but what the public needs to understand is that, just as abortionists do not view cutting a newborn child's spine or twisting its head off as murder, because they do not view the child as a human being, I am convinced that many given over to a homosexual lifestyle do not view the "sexualizing" of children with horror in the way that the general public does. We forget how darkened and depraved is the mind of the sexual pervert who justifies his perversion-- many are not governed by societal values AT ALL in their views of the wrongness of 'sexualizing' children. I once knew a homosexual who was the divorced father of two boys. He was living with a homosexual lover at the time, and one day in a conversation with him, he said in passing that when his sons were visiting him, they would all walk around in the nude in the apartment-- the dad, his lover, and the boys. He considered this to be 'normal'-- what could more natural than men and young boys walking around nude together in an apartment?-- that was his attitude. Later, when the oldest son became an adolescent, he 'came out' and declared himself to be gay. Is it any wonder the boy turned out as he did, given his exposure to sexual perversion at such a young age?

News Item6/29/13 12:18 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Mr. Biden has got it wrong-- its not that the day is coming when there will no longer be a debate about whether same sex couples can marry. That day is here-- and has been here for a very, very long time. . .ever since God instituted marriage in the Garden of Eden. Since that day, there never has been a debate, for God pre-empted all debate on the matter by saying that "a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife." Mr. Biden, have you not read that? Do you not know that in the beginning God made man male and female, and for that reason, he ordained marriage? The only debate about what marriage is, therefore, is one going on in your own darkened mind and soul.

News Item6/29/13 12:08 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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The unleashing of the powers of hell at the present time to wipe out to wipe out every vestige of Christian influence from society, to squelch free speech, and to force perversion on the public is indeed jaw-dropping. Could we be entering into 'Satan's little season' spoken of in Revelation 20:3 and 7-9? Dark clouds seem to be gathering on the horizon; are we about to enter into an unprecedented era of religious persecution, as believers refuse to be used as 'pawns' in the social agenda of the Beast, and are subsequently penalized with loss of jobs, property, liberty?

News Item6/24/13 2:46 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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God bless Lord Dear for advocating on behalf of this woman, and bringing to the attention of his colleagues in the House of Lords this blatant example of religious intolerance toward Christians because of their beliefs.

News Item6/22/13 8:34 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Martin, The last time I was to my brother's Non Denominational Church I received Holy Communion. And I have also received Holy Communion in the Methodist Church and the Lutheran Church when I attended worship at a Methodist Church and a Lutheran Church to see what their respective worship services were like.

The question is whether there can be any real communion in the Supper between people who do not have a shared understanding of what the Supper is. If one person believes that the Lord's Supper commemorates the finished sacrifice of Christ, without being in any sense a re-presentation of that sacrifice, yet another views the Supper as an actual re-presentation of Christ's body and blood, a bloodless yet propitiatory sacrifice that takes away sin and automatically communicates sanctifying grace to men through the ministrations of an earthly priest-- can it be said that these two people are really celebrating the same thing?

News Item6/22/13 10:07 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Co-belligerency in matters of public policy is not the same thing as communion in matters of faith. It is important to keep in mind the distinction between the kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world. When Protestants and Catholics fight together in the culture war to preserve the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation's legal system and culture, that is an earthly battle that is an earthly battle that is being fought to preserve what is in the common interest of all citizens. That is not the same thing as fighting together in the spiritual battle against the powers of darkness through the preaching of the true, apostolic gospel. On a spiritual level, Catholics and Protestants remain divided on fundamental issues of the faith. That is why, though they do not "commune" together on a spiritual plane (for example, by taking the Lord's Supper together or worshiping together in the same church), they can be co-belligerents on an earthly plane, fighting together for earthly goals they have in common, such as resisting the efforts of the Obama administration to destroy religious liberty in this country.

News Item6/18/13 1:54 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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It is quite clear that Obama holds to Dr. Peter Singer's view of the value of human life. Dr. Singer denies that human life has any divinely given "sanctity." He wants to replace the idea of the intrinsic "sanctity" of life with a belief that the "quality" of life is what matters. Quality of life determines whether or not a particular human "animal" deserves to live. According to Singer,it is human society, not God, that determines which lives have sufficient quality, and therefore value, to be preserved. For that reason, Singer sees nothing wrong with the practice of infanticide in the case of infants who are born with physical handicaps or mental deficiencies that will greatly reduce their quality of life. He also believes that if a child is unwanted by its mother, its life is thereby denied sufficient value to merit being preserved, so it is perfectly legitimate to eliminate that life either in the womb, or sometime shortly after birth. Such a view is monstrous of course, but that is not surprising, since the denial of God leads to the denial of man as well-- the total obliteration of all divinely given dignity and value to human life. That is apparently the worldview that our president embraces, which explains his advocacy of late-term abortion.

News Item6/5/13 12:41 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Christians can and should celebrate God-ordained diversities that exist by God's design as a part of the created order-- but homosexuality does not fit into that category. As John Jefferson Davis says, "Homosexual behavior, unlike one's race and gender, is not a truly involuntary condition. Unless the homosexual insists on societal acceptance of the public declaration of his or her lifestyle, discrimination need not become an issue." Unfortunately, that is what homosexuals are now seeking, and what so-called "pride" events are designed to promote-- societal acceptance of homosexuality as an involuntary condition. As Christians, we need to "call out" such Satanic lies when we see them, by reminding people that sexual acts between two people of the same sex are no more "involuntary" than prostitution, drug abuse, or child abuse. All of these are sinful and self-destructive acts/lifestyles that a righteous society cannot and should not condone. At the same time, Christians need to love people who are entangled in all these lifestyles by praying for them and calling them to repentance and faith in Christ.

News Item6/3/13 10:04 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Talk about a nut cake! This so-called bishop is not only openly attacking the Word of God, but making a fool of herself with her ludicrous and flaky exegesis of the Bible. If what she were doing weren't so wicked, it would be laughable-- suitable fair for Monty Python's Flying Circus. Can anyone take this person seriously, who is so blinded by her "diversity" agenda, she sees it everywhere-- even in Paul's exorcism of a demon-possessed girl?

News Item6/1/13 9:57 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Were the government to make a law outlawing criticism of any ideology, the best thing all freedom loving Americans can do is simply ignore the law and keep on speaking the truth in love, as if the law didn't even exist. The temptation, when the government forbids free speech, is to flaunt our freedom by saying the most inflammatory things we can, just to spite the government. As Christians, our speech is to be governed by God alone, not by reaction to ridiculous government mandates. We speak what God commands, not because Obama forbids it, but because God commands it, and we do so in the spirit that God commands-- that is, a spirit of love. The only loving thing to tell Muslims is that their religion cannot save them, but will only delude them and send them to hell, because it leads them to reject Jesus Christ as the only Savior from sin. Only He can give them the free gift of righteousness through faith alone in His Person and work. In turning to Him, they must turn away from every false prophet who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Savior-- and that includes the false prophet Mohammed.

News Item6/1/13 9:21 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Watch now how the vultures tear apart the dead carcass of an organization that has self-destructed by choosing to thumb its nose at God.

News Item5/30/13 11:13 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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How blatant can you get! This latest attempt by the LGBT activists to 'mainstream' sexual deviancy utterly disgusts me. The producers of this show may claim they are just being 'funny' and do not have a social agenda, but in light of the aggressive campaign by LGBT activists make the morally unacceptable socially acceptable, I don't believe their lies. They must take parents for idiots if they claim not to have a social agenda. Imagine! Cross-dressing promoted on a kid's show-- how low can you get?

News Item5/29/13 8:58 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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It is good to see that more Americans are waking up to the lies of leftists that the first amendment was established to make the public square a "religion-free" zone. That was not the intention of the founding fathers when they prohibited Congress from making any law "establishing religion." They simply wanted to prevent the United States from having an officially sanctioned state church-- not to limit the free expression of religious faith in the public square. That's why they added that Congress shall make no law "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion. We need to take a strong and unyielding stand against all efforts by leftist, Marxist politicians and lawyers to turn the public square in America into a "religion-free zone." That is an intolerable assault on the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans by the Bill of Rights.

News Item5/15/13 7:01 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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I also hope their case will be taken all the way to the Supreme Court. This is a fundamental issue of human rights that needs to be settled. Do parents have a right to educate their own children without having to send them to government indoctrination centers, or do they not? This is an issue that needs to be settled once for all, or all future generations of Americans are in danger of losing parental rights regarding the education of their children.
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